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Chapter 491 The Weakness of Black Armor

"Please order Master Qing to send people to replace Changxin Army and Qingyuan Army, and have them report to Damang Slope as soon as possible!"

Compared with unfamiliar armies, he still felt that it was more reliable to transfer the Changxin Army and the Qingyuan Army.

He had led these two armies to suppress bandits for more than a month. He knew their combat effectiveness and had initially established their prestige, making them easier to command.

"In addition, send another 3,000 people to Laoyu Valley in the north of the city to pull out the Iron Tiger Camp and blockade the Mao'er Ridge in the north of the city to prevent Danzhu from escaping to the north and east!"

Tiehuying was originally the elite of Qing Xinyao's men. After this training, their combat effectiveness became stronger.

Taking advantage of Mao'er Ridge's terrain advantage, blocking the Danzhu is not a big problem.


Qing Xinyao nodded.

As Zhang Liang's orders were passed down one by one, the city of Xichuan became lively.

One after another, the armies gathered in the city left the city and rushed to various places.

At the same time, the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce in the city also received Jin Feng's order to open the granary and cloth warehouse. Under the escort of the army, carts carrying grain and cloth drove out of the city, with no end in sight.

In fact, now that Xichuan City has been relieved from siege, Jin Feng can completely blame Qing Xinyao on this matter.

However, according to the ethics of Dakang officials, even if Qing Xinyao personally presided over it, he would not be able to leave the city without food and cloth in two days.

By then, the people may have died of starvation and freezing.

The matters of pacifying the people and changing the horses were left to the people of the Chamber of Commerce. Jin Feng was injured in his legs and feet and stayed at Damang Slope.

The busiest place in Damangpo right now is not the front line, but the injured barracks.

There were too many wounded and not enough straw mats.

Zhou Jin had no choice but to have people find hay and spread it on the ground.

After sprinkling a little alcohol for disinfection, the wounded man was immediately allowed to lie down on it.

Many seriously injured people had their intestines exposed and could only lie here.

War is so cruel, and Jin Feng can't do anything about it.

Zhou Jin and dozens of female military doctors have been so busy from the beginning of the battle to now that they haven't even had time to take a sip of water.

Jin Feng originally wanted to come to Zhou Jin to get some alcohol to wipe his toes, but seeing this situation, how could he open his mouth?

He sighed, turned around and left.

When Zhou Jin raised his head to wipe his sweat, he saw Jin Feng jumping on one leg and quickly chased after him.

"Master, why are you injured?" Zhou Jin asked nervously.

"I'm fine, you go and do your work."

Jin Feng waved his hand and left without looking back.

But Zhou Jin caught up with him, grabbed Jin Feng without any explanation, and took off his shoes.

When he saw that half of Jin Feng's soles were swollen and his big toenails were all black and purple, he quickly asked: "Master, why did you hurt your feet like this?"

"Hurry back and save people!"

Jin Feng didn't even bother with his shoes and hopped away on one foot.

At this time, if Zhou Jin were delayed for one more minute, someone might be seriously injured and die.

He originally felt that his toes were quite painful, but when he came to the wounded barracks and saw it, he felt that it was hypocritical.

Compared with those soldiers whose arms were cut off by the enemy, having their toes stepped on was nothing!

Zhou Jin bit his lip and stared at Jin Feng's back, then turned around and rushed back to the wounded barracks.

After leaving the wounded barracks, Jin Feng did not rest. With the support of Da Liu, he walked around the Damangpo position again to see if there were any loopholes.

I noticed that the soldiers were all looking to the north, so I followed suit.

I saw a group of people walking from a distance, each person leading a horse, and immediately carrying a body wearing black armor.

"Sir, the third child brought back the bodies of the brothers."

Da Liu's tone became a little lower.

Jin Feng felt a little uncomfortable and jumped on one foot to meet him.

"Sir, what are the arrangements for the brothers?" the guard named Lu Sanjiang asked.

"Send it to Yizhuang No. 3." Jin Feng replied.

Yizhuang is the place where corpses were stored in ancient times.

There were too many soldiers killed in this battle, so Meng Tianhai organized people to temporarily build a row of sheds on the edge of the camp to store the bodies of the fallen soldiers.

Shed No. 3 is dedicated to storing the remains of the bodyguards.


Lu Sanjiang agreed and led the horse away.

Jin Feng stepped aside and put his right hand on his chest.

This is the military salute of Dakang.

The same is true for Da Liu and others.

It wasn't until the cavalry left that Jin Feng put down his hand and followed to Yizhuang.

Time was short and conditions were limited. There was only a thin layer of straw spread on the ground, and the bodyguards who died in the battle lay side by side on the straw.

When Lu Sanjiang brought back the bodies of the bodyguards, the male soldiers were all still wearing their armor. A group of people were preparing to remove their armor. Jin Feng stepped forward and said, "You go and have a rest. Da Liu and I will just come."

"Sir, we are not tired. You have an injury on your foot. You can go back and rest." Lu Sanjiang quickly waved his hand.

"I'll do it!" Jin Feng still insisted.

Lu Sanjiang glanced at Da Liu, saw Da Liu nodded, and then stepped aside.

Jin Feng insisted on removing the veterans' armor with his own hands. In addition to feeling uncomfortable, he also wanted to know the cause of death of the bodyguards.

Only in this way can black armor be improved and greater casualties avoided.

Therefore, Jin Feng took off his armor very seriously. Even with Liu's help, he was busy until dark.

After taking off the black armor of the last escort, Jin Feng sighed helplessly: "It would be nice if there was explosion-proof glass."

The male escort who died this time had three main causes of death.

The first is that the armor was violently broken by a sharp weapon.

The only way to solve the problem of armor piercing is to increase the hardness of black armor.

However, the materials currently used in black armor are already the most suitable materials for mass production.

He doesn't have a good solution for the time being.

The second reason is that there is a gap between the helmet and the breastplate, at the neck level.

Once the enemy attacks this place, it is equivalent to cutting the throat.

When Jin Feng designed the helmet and breastplate, he considered this problem and tried to minimize the gap. He also lined the collars of the bodyguards with a layer of iron sheet to prevent their throats from being cut. However, two bodyguards still fell victim to the attack.

The third reason is the visor.

There needs to be a gap in the visor, which should not be too small, otherwise it will affect the escort's sight.

This is the biggest weakness of black armor and the most common cause of death.

The best way to solve this weakness is to make explosion-proof glass and seal the gap.

This will not affect the line of sight, but also play a protective role.

Unfortunately, with the current industrial base of Xihewan, it still takes time to make large pieces of ordinary glass, let alone special glass.

After taking off his armor and finding out the cause of death of the bodyguard, Jin Feng left Yizhuang.

As soon as the results came out, the Ninth Princess was found waiting outside Yizhuang.

In fact, she had been here several times today, but she went back again when she saw Jin Feng removing the bodyguard's armor.

"Is there something wrong, Your Highness?" Jin Feng asked.

After working for most of the day, he didn't even eat in the middle, and Jin Feng was very tired.

"It's nothing, I just came to tell you that the people in Laoyugou have been settled."

The Ninth Princess said: "In addition, the Changxin Army and Tiehu Camp are already in place, and the Qingyuan Army will arrive in another hour."

"This war is coming to an end!"

[The author has something to say]

I'm not in a good state today. I'm going to bed. Let's go to bed early. I wish you all have a good dream and that your dreams will come true!

This chapter has been completed!
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