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494 It's our turn to play

"What do you mean by that expression?"

Jin Feng couldn't help but feel a little in his heart: "Don't you two believe his lies?"

"Sir, the Wu family's fortune-telling skills are passed down from ancestors and are very effective, and it is said that they rarely tell lies. He said that you have a black light. Sir, you should be careful lately."

Ninth Princess said: "Of course, it is also possible that Wu Zhe knew that he would definitely die and deliberately frightened Mr."

When the Ninth Princess said this, Jin Feng felt even more unsure.

Turning around to urge Da Liu, I found that Da Liu had already opened the tent curtain.

"Chen Ji, you must not die well!"

Wu Zhe shouted, suddenly accelerated and ran wildly, hitting a rock with his head.

Da Liu quickly ran over, reached out and touched Wu Zhe's neck, turned around and said, "Sir, he's dead!"


Jin Feng suddenly felt a little nervous.

But everyone was dead, so it was useless for him to think any more, so he had to calm down and listen to Zhang Liang's attack plan.

At the Tubo camp, Danzhu was still wiping his sword.

Once upon a time, wipe very carefully.

Even though the sword was very clean, he did not stop.

Until the bodyguard opened the curtain and walked in.

"General, Mr. Wu is dead!"

Danzhu's action of wiping the knife finally stopped, and a small cut was made on his finger by the sharp blade.

"I understand, let's inform the brothers to assemble!"

After the personal guards left, Danzhu's face showed sadness.

"Old guy, I told you that Chen Wen'er can't agree. Why do you have to humiliate yourself?"

It can be said that without Wu Zhe's assistance, Danzhu would not be where he is today.

The two have been working together for more than ten years and have become as close as father and son.

Wu Zhe discussed this plan with him last night, but Danzhu didn't agree, and the two had a big fight over this.

Wu Zhe sat in the big tent until dawn. Danzhu thought he had changed his mind, but Wu Zhe went anyway.

"Old brother, this is the last time we fight side by side!"

Danzhu picked up the soft cloth again, wiped off the blood on the blade, stood up and walked out of the tent with the sword in hand.

At the Tubo Camp Campus, the soldiers who had escaped were waiting here. There were probably more than 4,000 soldiers in total.

The formation was still neat, but at this time, the brave and capable soldiers all looked worried.

Not to mention battlefield veterans, even ordinary people can feel the oppression in the team.

"Brothers, I know you are afraid of the messy weapons of the Dakang people. To be honest, I am afraid too, but is fear useful? If we are afraid, the Dakang people will not kill you?"

Danzhu stood on the high platform and roared at the top of his lungs: "Just now, Mr. Wu went to Damanang Slope to negotiate and wanted to use war horses and cattle and sheep in exchange for us leaving, but the princess of Dakang killed him!

The people of Dakang are determined to kill us, the only thing we can do is to fight them!"

It is a rule that almost all forces abide by between the two countries.

Dakang can disagree with the conditions proposed by Wu Zhe, but he cannot kill Wu Zhe.

On the plateau, doing so is a humiliation to the other party.

Hearing what Danzhu said, many soldiers looked angry and clenched the hilts of their swords.

This is Wu Zhe's last gift to Danzhu.

"Tibet only has warriors who died in battle, not cowards who surrendered!"

Danzhu continued to shout: "To tell you the truth, I have many spies in Dakang. Whether you are brave warriors or cowards who are greedy for life and afraid of death, King Gada will know.

Everyone knows that the king will take good care of the children of warriors! He will also kill the children of cowards!

We definitely can’t go back, and I hope everyone will think more about their children!”

After saying these words, the expressions of almost all the soldiers changed.

It is everyone's instinct to protect children. They don't care about their own life or death, but they cannot care about their children.

"Killing one is enough to earn money, but killing two is enough to make a profit!"

Upon seeing this, Danzhu's personal guards quickly raised their arms and shouted: "Fight them!"

The atmosphere group arranged in advance immediately echoed: "Fight them!"

"Fight them!"

The emotions of other soldiers were gradually aroused.

Although morale has not returned to its peak, it still has the strength to fight.

Boom, boom, boom!

Zhang Liang gathered his troops and formed a phalanx to slowly approach the Tibetan camp.

The dull sound of footsteps was like a war drum, hitting the hearts of the Tibetan soldiers hard.

Buffaloes pulled catapults and followed one side of the phalanx.

Danzhu stood on the observation deck and arranged defense according to the distribution of Dakang's soldiers.

The two sides were enemies of life and death. There was no declaration of war and no unnecessary words. After the catapults and heavy crossbows were in place, Zhang Liang directly issued the order to attack.

The scene that happened at the foot of the Big Snake Slope yesterday happened again today.

It's just that this time the offensive and defensive sides swapped positions.

Jin Feng did not go out to fight, but stood on the top of the Big Snake Slope with the Ninth Princess, looking at the battlefield from a distance.

As they looked at each other, both of them frowned.

The Weisheng Army suffered heavy casualties, and the Tiehu Camp was guarding Mao'er Ridge, so the main forces participating in the offensive this time were the Qingyuan Army, Changxin Army, and the other two teams under Qing Xinyao.

In total, there are more than 10,000 people.

Danzhu's side only had more than 4,000 people at most, less than half of Dakang's soldiers.

In addition, they had just suffered a defeat yesterday and their morale was low. Both Jin Feng and Ninth Princess thought that this battle would end quickly.

Jin Feng even started planning when to return to Xihewan.

But when the fight started, Jin Feng realized that he was wrong.

The morale of the Tibetan soldiers was not as low as he imagined, and Qingyuan Army Commander Xinjun was not as brave as he expected.

The battle has lasted for half an hour, and the Dakang soldiers still have not broken through any of the Tibetan defense lines.

What made Jin Feng most unbelievable was that when his own side had such an advantage, deserters actually appeared.

And it was not one person, but a small team of about thirty people. Seeing the ferocity of the enemy on the opposite side, they actually abandoned their position and ran away.

Fortunately, Dakang was on the attacking side this time. If he was on the defensive side, the enemy could take advantage of this opportunity to break through the defense line!

"Are they pig brains?"

Jin Feng looked at the team in disbelief.

Knowing that the Ninth Princess is watching from behind, you still dare to desert. Isn't this looking for death?

If you really can't beat me, you can just be passive and lazy.

The Ninth Princess's face was so cold that water dripped from her face.

Qingxin Yao was considered to be the most strict military leader among the generals of Dakang, so this situation would still happen.

It is self-evident what kind of virtue the soldiers led by other dandy generals have.

Not to mention Qing Xinyao, Qing Mulan felt ashamed.

He immediately rushed down the hillside and led the supervising team to kill all the small team.

Perhaps wanting to save some face for her brother, Qing Mulan did not return to the camp after dealing with the deserters. Instead, she led her personal guards to fill the gap left by the deserters.

The soldiers of Dakang were frightened by Qing Mulan's ruthless tactics just now. When they found out that she was leading people to the front line, many of the soldiers who were passive and lazy in fighting were frightened and cheered up.

Unfortunately, he still couldn't break through Danzhu's defense.

Zhang Liang stood on a high place, stared at the battlefield and thought for a long time. Finally, he sighed in disappointment and fired a loud arrow.

At the Damangpo camp, Da Zhuang raised his head and looked into the distance, clenching his fists involuntarily.

"Brothers, it's finally our turn! Let's go and capture Danzhu alive!"

This chapter has been completed!
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