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Chapter 517

There are wages during normal times, bonuses for guarding escorts, the escorts are responsible for the treatment of injuries, the escorts are responsible for supporting the disabled for a lifetime, and there are pensions for those who die in battle...

One item after another, the clan elders' eyes turned red.

If they were not too old, they would wish to apply for the job themselves.

"Zhuangshi Han, I know this is true, but I still want to ask, old man," an elder asked with trembling hands: "Is this true? Do you really pay such a high salary?"


Everyone laughed when they heard the clan elder's question.

"In order to help us build the factory, Mr. Jin gave me ten thousand taels of silver at a time, and said he would add more if it was not enough. He would deceive you, an old man, for a few hundred coins?"

Zhou Youda said with a smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Feng. If Mr. Feng fails to fulfill his promise, I will admit it even if you come to demolish my Zhou family's old house!"

"Hahaha, Mr. Jin brought dozens of carts of copper coins a few days ago, and I was watching them all!"

The clan leader surnamed Feng said with a smile: "Old man, it's not that I don't believe Mr. Jin, it's just that I can't believe my ears. I can't believe that there is such a good job in the world!"

Han Feng looked at this and couldn't help but think of what Jin Feng once said, it all depends on the support of his peers.

In fact, only when you become an escort do you realize that wages are the most basic.

The real way to make money quickly is to go out as a escort and go to the capital and come back. The travel subsidy can cover a few months' salary.

If you are lucky and encounter a few more groups of bandits, it will be even better.

The equipment and fighting qualities of the escorts are overwhelming to the bandits. If the bandits come to rob them, they are basically giving away money.

If you have the right idea, if you kill a wave of bandits, all the bodyguards in the team can make a small fortune.

Some daring escorts now deliberately put away the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau's flags and changed their clothes into ordinary clothes, just to attract bandits to rob them.

"By the way, one more thing, we also recruit female soldiers. If you have daughters at home, you can also sign up."

Han Feng added another sentence.

"What, a girl can also be a soldier?" The clan leader named Feng was stunned.

"Old Feng, you are really out of your mind. Didn't you see the female escort from the escort agency in Laoyugou?"

The clan elder surnamed Cai said: "That girl was so accurate with her arrow. She shot the crow on the tree to death in one stroke from more than a hundred steps away!"

"Han Zhuangshi, my girl's face was also branded, and... she was also..."

When a clan elder said this, he couldn't go on.

Not only him, almost all the clan elders present lowered their heads.

They also all have daughters, and their daughters were basically abused in the prisoner camps.

Now there are more marks on the face, whether you are married or not, it has become a constant problem.

In the feudal era, the concept of chastity was still relatively strong. Although everyone knew that it was not the girl's fault, there were still many married girls who were rejected because of this incident and were driven back to their parents' families.

If she is rejected by her mother's family again, the girl will have no chance of survival.

It is even more difficult for unmarried girls.

Originally, there were more girls than boys in the well-off society. It was troublesome for girls to get married, and their faces were branded. Everyone knew that they had been abused. Who would marry them again?

So recently, girls around Xichuan often commit suicide.

Jin Feng had no choice but to ask Zhou Youda to send as many people as possible to enlighten him.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit depressing, Han Feng quickly said: "It doesn't matter if you are branded. My husband is recruiting soldiers, not a beauty pageant. My husband said that all the treatments for female soldiers are the same as male soldiers. It doesn't matter if you don't want to be a female soldier. Wait until the textile factory is built.

After that, priority will be given to recruiting girls with marks on their faces.

My husband said that a girl can hold up half the sky, and even if she never gets married, he can still give the girls a way to survive. When the clan elders went back, they all advised the girls not to think about it anymore."


The clan elders wiped away tears and nodded.

If possible, who would want the girl he finally raised to commit suicide?

Later, Han Feng explained some other issues and asked the clan elders to go back.

The clan elders did not hesitate, they regarded this matter as a top priority, and called a meeting with their own clansmen when they returned home.

Before, the people around Xichuan didn't know who Jin Feng was. At that time in Laoou Gou, Jin Feng couldn't get out so much cash at the time, so he said he could pay part of the money in advance with grain and cloth. Many people still didn't trust him.

Later, it was Zhou Youda who used his ancestral home and ancestral fields as a guarantee before the people were willing to give their war horses to Jin Feng.

A few days later, Jin Feng transferred money from the nearby Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce and his hometown in Xihewan, and asked Zhou Youda to notify the people to come and collect the money.

As a result, when the people saw that Jin Feng had money, they no longer worried and asked Jin Feng to pay the debt first.

Five taels of silver is not a small sum of money in Dakang. Whether it is exchanged for grain or cloth, it can be exchanged for a lot.

They don't even have a home, so they can't go out carrying grain bags and cloth every day, right?

It’s not possible to exchange it for silver. What if I lose it while I’m carrying it?

This made Jin Feng dumbfounded, but he agreed to the people's request and issued them an IOU similar to a bankbook.

With the IOU, they can go to the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce in Xichuan City to withdraw money at any time, or they can directly ask for food and cloth.

When some people heard the news, they sent the grain and cloth they had received back to the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce and asked to exchange them for IOUs.

In the end, most of the grain and cloth that Jin Feng used to exchange for horses returned to his hands.

When Jin Feng discovered this situation, he immediately had the idea of ​​opening a savings business.

However, by opening the savings business, the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce will have the nature of a bank and requires approval.

Jin Feng asked Princess Ninth for help, and Princess Ninth agreed, but she still hasn't given her a reply, and Jin Feng didn't have the nerve to rush her.

Through this incident, the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce was recognized by the people in the prison camp.

In addition, the reputation of the black-armored team has gradually spread recently, and many people quickly gave way when they saw the escort.

When the clan elders told the refugees that Jin Feng was recruiting soldiers and they would be treated the same as bodyguards, the whole Zhoujiazhuang was in a state of excitement.

Before the clan elder could finish what he said, many refugees turned around and ran towards the big snake slope.

The clan elder said that Jin Feng only recruited 5,000 men, male and female soldiers combined.

There are tens of thousands of refugees, and if they arrive too late, they might be full.

Although the kiln factory has started construction now, only a few people are using it, and the vast majority of people are idle at home.

If you miss this opportunity, you will have to wait several months before you can live again.

They don't know if they can survive until a few months later.

Other people came to their senses and followed suit.

On Damang Slope, the soldiers on duty at the watchtower saw the dark crowd rushing towards this direction. They thought the enemy was coming, so they immediately sounded the gong.

From the nearby watchtower, the bodyguard also fired two loud arrows.

Jin Feng was discussing matters with the Ninth Princess in the tent. When he heard the warning, he immediately asked Da Liu to escort the Ninth Princess to the carriage, while he rushed up to the watchtower with Zhang Liang.

[The author has something to say]

In the past few days, I have to do accounting, check the goods, find good words for the boss to settle the bill, and calculate wages for the brothers... I don't have any time to write fish and code. I'm late today. Sorry, I will continue to write.

This chapter has been completed!
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