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Chapter 530 Dakang's First Stage Play

Jin Feng said this, completely blocking Chen Wenyuan's mouth.

"Sir, how...how can I repay you, sir?"

Chen Wenyuan felt that money was a bit hot to handle.

"If you don't mind it, young master, come with me to Xihewan. I will build a stage, my husband will write a story, and Miss Qingyuan will perform. What do you two think?"

Jin Feng had this idea when he saw Qing Yuan rehearsing a dance with a girl.

But it's just vague.

Now that he met Chen Wenyuan, Jin Feng's thoughts immediately became clear.

Dakang doesn't have much entertainment. If it can rehearse a stage play, it will definitely attract a large audience.

It doesn't matter whether you make money or not, what's important is that it can be used to unite people's hearts.

At any time, people's hearts are the most important.

When everyone works together, Mount Tai can be overthrown.

If the people are not united, no matter how many people and horses, no matter how sophisticated the weapons are, it will be useless.

"Sir, this is a good suggestion. The little lady is very happy!"

Qingyuan quickly agreed.

Chen Wenyuan actually had no relatives in Xichuan. Hearing this, he was a little moved, but he did not make a decision immediately.

After hesitating for a moment, he said: "Yes...I'm sorry, sir, I...I want to discuss it with Xiaolian!"

"That's right." Jin Feng said with a smile: "You must be eager to redeem yourself for Miss Xiaolian, right? Then hurry up and I'll have someone drive a carriage to take you into the city!"

If it were normal times, Chen Wenyuan would definitely be embarrassed to trouble Jin Feng.

But at this time, all he could think about was redeeming Xiaolian, so he did not refuse, but bowed to Jin Feng and saluted: "Thank you, sir!"

Jin Feng smiled and called Da Liu and asked him to arrange the carriage.

Qingyuan also took the remaining manuscripts and went to reply to the scholars.

Chen Wenyuan knew that Qing Yuan was also going, so he didn't dare to sit in the carriage, but sat in the coachman's seat with the bodyguard.

Generally, when a brothel girl is redeemed, even if she brings enough money, she will be embarrassed by the madam.

Some exaggerated madams will even make a big announcement, telling their guests that a certain girl is going to be ransomed, and those who want this girl to serve them should seize the opportunity.

This marketing method is similar to Jin Feng's work on retreating from a certain country in his previous life. Although it is simple, it is very effective.

Many customers who were not interested in this girl may choose her because of this.

But the Madam of Hanxiang House knew that Chen Wenyuan had Jin Feng as his backer, and Xiao Lian was not a popular girl, so the Madam did not dare to face any embarrassment at all, and happily asked someone to take the deed of prostitution.

A customer had already ordered Xiao Lian, and after learning about this, he still wanted to cause trouble, but when he saw the escort following Qing Yuan and Chen Wenyuan, he immediately gave up.

That night, Xiaolian was taken out of Hanxiang Building by Chen Wenyuan.

Looking back at the place where she had been tortured for several years, Xiaolian couldn't help but squat on the ground and cry loudly.

She had always dreamed of jumping out of this fire pit, and now her dream finally came true.

Chen Wenyuan didn't rush her and just stayed by her side silently.

Xiaolian kept crying for several minutes before she stopped.

That night, Chen Wenyuan did not bother to be gentle with his lover, and revised the manuscript again overnight.

It was delivered to Damang Slope early the next morning.

Xiaolian also went along.

The first time he saw Jin Feng, he knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

Jin Feng tried to persuade him for a long time before he stopped.

"Mr. Jin, Xiaolian and I have discussed that we have no relatives in Xichuan, and we are willing to follow Mr. Jin back to Xihewan!"

Chen Wenyuan said with a smile: "I will rely on Mr. Jin from now on!"

"Hahaha, great, on behalf of Xihewan, I welcome Mr. Chen!"

Xihewan is currently short of talents. Scholars like Chen Wenyuan are willing to join, and Jin Feng is also very happy.

Shortly after Chen Wenyuan and Xiaolian came over, the cell leader also sent over the death row prisoners outlined by Jin Feng.

There were men and women, dozens of people in total.

Jin Feng naturally couldn't let them experiment with gunpowder here, so he asked Zhang Liang to find a place to temporarily arrange it.

In the next few days, Jin Feng either revised the script with Chen Wenyuan or went to watch Qingyuan's rehearsal program. His life was busy and fulfilling.

Knowing that Jin Feng was anxious, Qingyuan and the girls rehearsed very hard. It only took two days to memorize the lines by heart.

During these three days, the selection in the camp at the foot of the mountain continued.

With Jin Feng's reminder, Da Zhuang and Han Feng deliberately slowed down the progress of the selection and at the same time never announced the results. In addition, the entire camp was full of people with stigmas on their faces. No one was allowed to laugh at anyone, so the girls' mentality was still

Considered safe.

But if they delay, the selection will end in two days, and it won't work if they don't announce the results by then.

Jin Feng learned the news, discussed it with Qing Yuan, and finally decided not to wait until the dancers had become proficient in rehearsing. On the afternoon of the third day, he performed a story that had only been hastily rehearsed a few times on the makeshift stage at Daying Campus.

The girls are all worried about the selection results, so why bother to watch the show?

However, Da Zhuang and Han Feng required everyone to participate, so they had to line up, move small benches in batches, and sit down around the stage.

As the performance began, the girls' attention was gradually attracted and they watched it carefully.

The story compiled by Chen Wenyuan is half true and half false.

The background is this Danzhu invasion. There are three protagonists, two of the male protagonists are based on Han Feng and Zhou Youda, and the last heroine is made up by Chen Wenyuan.

In the story, the heroine was unfortunately captured by the cavalry and brought back to the prisoner camp, where she was humiliated and even had her face branded.

But in the end, under Han Feng's persuasion, the heroine mobilized a large number of women to cooperate with Han Feng and Zhou Youda to attack the military horse camp, and finally helped the Weisheng Army and the Escort Team win.

Not only did the heroine personally kill the cavalry captain who had insulted her, she also got to know Han Feng.

After coming out of the cavalry camp, the heroine wandered, got lost, and finally wanted to commit suicide, but she happened to be bumped into by Han Feng who was passing by and saved her.

Because he was worried that the heroine would be troubled again after he left, Han Feng took the heroine with him and took care of her at all times.

During this process, the two gradually developed feelings.

At the end of the story, with Han Feng's constant persuasion, the heroine finally gave up the idea of ​​committing suicide, followed Han Feng back to Xihewan, and joined the soap factory.

In the soap factory, they were all pitiful people with the same disease. The heroine finally solved the knot in her heart, and finally married Han Feng and lived a harmonious and beautiful life together.

This can be said to be Dakang's first stage play in history. The story is also very simple. There is nothing too bloody. The dancers' performances are not skilled, and there are even serious stage accidents such as stuttering and wrestling.

However, the background of this story is almost exactly the same as the girls’ experiences, and it is told in vernacular, so the girls all understand it, and many of them feel the same way.

When they saw the cavalry captain bullying the heroine, countless girls burst into tears. Some of them lost control of their emotions and even rushed to the stage and wanted to bite the escort who played the cavalry captain to death!

The performance was temporarily suspended until the girls calmed down before resuming.

This chapter has been completed!
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