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Chapter 539

Dakang is still a farming society, and it doesn't just ignore business.

But contempt.

From the emperor down to the lower-level officials, almost everyone looked down upon businessmen.

The status of businessmen is only a little better than that of domestic slaves, brothel girls, actors and other lowly people.

When the same dispute goes to court, if the plaintiff and defendant are both ordinary people, the officials may handle it fairly.

If one of the parties is a merchant, he will be severely blackmailed by the presiding judge.

Of course, those super businessmen with backers are not included in this list.

However, in the eyes of the big families in the capital, the status of big merchants is similar to that of domestic slaves. They can be beaten and scolded whenever they want.

In short, the status of businessmen is extremely low, and commerce is extremely backward.

Many places still retain the primitive trading method of barter.

Being behind means that there are a large number of blank markets waiting for Jin Feng to explore.

This is a mountain of gold. If you dig it, it will be enough for him to eat for a lifetime.

But without opening a bank, he would have enough money to squander for a lifetime.

Jin Feng wants to open a bank, and his purpose is not just to make money.

Everyone in modern times knows the importance of banks.

Whoever controls the bank controls the economic lifeline of the country.

This is Jin Feng's goal.

In fact, he is not very familiar with the financial industry, but no matter how unfamiliar he is, he still knows the basic operation methods and profit methods of banks.

He can start with the bank first and then explore slowly.

After the war, Xichuan City became lively again, with people on the streets constantly flowing.

But when they saw the black flag and the cavalry of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, the people automatically moved to the side of the road.

There was no fear on his face, only curiosity and admiration.

The cavalry stopped smoothly at the entrance of Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce.


The female shopkeeper led a large group of waiters and saluted Jin Feng.

Jin Feng waved his hand and asked: "Where is Mancang?"

Zhou Youda wanted to build a textile factory near Xichuan, which required a large number of spinning wheels and looms.

It was not cost-effective to transport it all the way from Xihewan. Jin Feng thought about it again and again and decided to ask Mancang to bring people over and make it here.

"Mr. Mancang is still unloading goods in the backyard warehouse." the female shopkeeper replied.

Mancang's status in Xihewan is getting higher and higher now, and everyone has begun to call him sir.

At first I was very embarrassed, and I blushed every time.

But more and more people shouted, and gradually they got used to it.

"Okay, take me to take a look. Others can continue their work." Jin Feng said.

Since coming to Xichuan, Jin Feng has been busy with various things, and Jin Feng doesn't even know where the backyard warehouse of the Chamber of Commerce is.

"Yes!" The female shopkeeper quickly led the way.

In the backyard, Mancang was directing the unloading of goods. When he saw Jin Feng, he trotted over and shouted excitedly: "Sir!"


A group of female disciples who filled the warehouse also saluted together.

Behind the female apprentice are the managers sent by Tang Dongdong.

In fact, Tang Dongdong originally planned to come here in person to persuade Jin Feng to give up opening a textile factory in Xichuan City.

But then he gave up.

Because she knew very well that Jin Feng was not the kind of person who made impulsive decisions immediately. Since he made this decision, there must be a reason.

And since the news has spread back to Xihewan, it means that Jin Feng has made a decision.

If she objected again, it would be tantamount to refuting Jin Feng's face.

The spinning wheels and looms were all made by Jin Feng. Tang Dongdong couldn't say anything about how to deal with them.

After thinking about this, Tang Dongdong didn't come in the end, but he sent a management team over, saying it was to help manage the place, but in fact it was to prevent the spinning wheels and looms from leaking.

Jin Feng also guessed Tang Dongdong's thoughts, but did not criticize it, let alone object.

In fact, for him, the spinning wheel and the loom were just the starting steps. Now even if the spinning wheel is spread out, it will not have a great impact on Jin Feng.

But he knew that the textile factory was everything to Tang Dongdong, so he was so cautious.

He wanted to build a textile factory in Xichuan and did not discuss it with Tang Dongdong. This was already disrespecting her. If he continued to object to her sending someone to manage it, it would be unjustifiable.

Moreover, to prevent leaks, the ultimate beneficiary is Jin Feng, and he has no reason to object.

Jin Feng motioned for the others to continue working, while he took Mancang with him and followed the female shopkeeper to the small courtyard next to him.

For the next period of time, Jin Feng will live in the Chamber of Commerce.

"Mancang, how is Xihewan doing recently?" Jin Feng asked as he walked.

"When the gentleman first took the people away, the village was a little panicked. Later, everyone heard that the gentleman and His Highness had won the battle, and they became more motivated than before."

Mancang said: "In recent times, four factories have been completed one after another, and two more should be completed in the next few days. Now the village is changing day by day. Mr. will definitely be shocked when he goes back next time."

"That's good." Jin Feng smiled and nodded.

He wants to see Xihewan getting better and better.

"There is nothing big happening in the village, but something happened in Guangyuan." Mancang said.

"What's going on?" Jin Feng stopped.

"Director Tang originally planned to attack the Zhou family at the end of the new year, but he heard that Mr. used the cloth in the Xichuan warehouse to exchange horses, so he took action in advance." Mancang replied.

The Tang family was ruined by the Zhou family. Both Tang Dongdong and Tang Xiaobei hated the Zhou family.

It's just that after these days of training, Tang Dongdong is more calm than before.

After gaining the ability, he did not immediately seek revenge, but kept silently accumulating strength.

If you don't take action, that's it. Once you do, the Zhou family will be plunged into the abyss of eternal destruction.

It's just Jin Feng's actions here that disrupted Tang Dongdong's plan.

"how is the progress?"

Jin Feng raised his feet and crossed the threshold and continued walking forward.

The Zhou family was a giant to him back then, but now that he even dared to kill Xue Henglu directly, the Zhou family could no longer attract much of his attention.

"We have Jacquard looms, and the output of our looms far exceeds that of the Zhou family. The Zhou family is naturally no match." Mancang replied with a smile.

In addition to materials, the biggest cost in traditional textile workshops is labor.

The Xihewan Textile Factory uses more advanced spinning wheels, looms, and assembly line operations, and its efficiency has increased countless times.

For the same piece of cloth, the labor cost is less than 10% of that of a traditional textile workshop.

This is the highest salary Jin Feng offers to female workers.

If he squeezes it hard, the textile factory's profits will definitely double.

In addition, Jin Feng also developed a jacquard machine.

The weaving method before Dakang was that women spun materials such as mulberry and linen into balls of thread, and then interspersed the linen threads to weave them into cloth.

The coarse cloth produced in this way has a single color and no pattern.

The loom produced by Jinfeng has the function of a jacquard machine, and the cloth produced is not only of better quality, but also has twill and some simple patterns.

This is definitely a pioneering work in Dakang.

At that time, Tang Dongdong jumped up excitedly.

However, she did not announce this coarse cloth immediately, and her external shipments were still traditional coarse cloth.

Everything is to deal with the Zhou family.

With so much preparation, Jin Feng didn't have to worry about Tang Dongdong suffering a loss.

He asked casually: "Did the Zhou family fall?"

I thought I would get a positive answer, but I saw Mancang shaking his head.


This chapter has been completed!
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