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Chapter 57 Weizhou City

The trackers also stood up and took out a large plate of hemp rope as thick as an egg from the basket. The leading tracker put the hemp rope on his back, grabbed the rope and started climbing.

The remaining trackers also took their own ropes from the original rope and followed the leader.

Sure enough, as Zheng Fang said, the man had rough hands and feet. During the rock climbing process, someone slipped and fell several times. Fortunately, he always held the rope with his right hand, otherwise he would have fallen into the fast water.

After more than twenty minutes, all the trackers finally climbed over the cliff.

The leading tracker took off the hemp rope from his back, ran forward a few dozen meters, found a big tree, wrapped the rope twice around the tree, and then threw the remaining part into the water.

There are knots on the thick hemp rope. When the rope flows along the river to the place where the trackers stay, the trackers will fish the rope up, tie their respective nooses to the bottom of the knot, and then throw the fiber rope into the water.


"What are they doing?"

Mancang scratched his head and asked.

"This section of the road is too dangerous. There is no place to set foot. They need to lengthen the rope."

Zheng Fang explained and reminded: "Sir, hold on tight, don't fall down."

Jin Feng quickly grabbed the railing in front of him.

The rope flowed along the river to the place where he rested before.

The woman waiting below fished the rope from the water and tied it to the original rope.

After making sure the rope is tight, untie the rope tied to the tree.

The wooden boat immediately drifted down the river.

But it didn't drift very far before it was caught by trackers.

"Three feet of white cloth, hey! Four ounces of hemp, hey! Pedaling on rocks, hey! Hands digging sand, hey! Naked, hey! Climb up, hey!..."

The trackers sang chants again and dragged the wooden boat forward with all their strength.

Although the road below is not like the cliff where there is no place to step, it is also very narrow and there are many places where you can only put one foot.

The trackers were almost crawling on the ground, using their hands and feet, with ferocious expressions on their faces as they moved forward holding the stones.

When the boat was pulled to the narrow mouth where the current was strongest, the two women also put their baskets on the ground, took off their clothes in a few haste, and joined the trackers.

The woman had worked for a long time, and her skin was as dark and rough as those of the trackers, but she had a good figure. The whole warehouse looked at it with gusto, but Jin Feng did not have any distracting thoughts in his heart. He inexplicably remembered a text he had learned, "Trackers on the Volga River".

Looking at the picture on the illustration, Jin Feng and his classmates also discussed whether there are really people in the world who can endure such suffering.

After seeing the tracker for real today, Jin Feng realized that there was more suffering in the world than he imagined.

Jin Feng only had respect and sympathy for the two women.

If there is any other way, which woman would be willing to be a tracker?

They must have been very shy at the beginning, right?

Jin Feng has always been a selfish person. After traveling through time, he didn't think about benefiting the world. He just wanted to live a luxurious life like a wealthy landlord.

Even if they open workshops and kilns in Xihewan Village, they don't really want to change the lives of the villagers, but they want to use them to make money.

But at this moment, Jin Feng felt a touch in his heart, and for the first time, he thought of helping others if he had the ability in the future.

The wooden boat moved forward little by little, slowly passing through the narrow valley.

The river widened again and the roads along the bank became easier to walk.

The women then let go of the ropes, went back to put on their clothes, and followed the team carrying baskets on their backs.

"Sir, the road ahead is good for dozens of miles. The boat can move steadily. It's time for you to learn to ride a horse."

Zhong Wu led two war horses onto the deck.

"no problem."

Jin Feng and Mancang's eyes lit up, eager to try.

What man doesn't like riding a horse?

Besides, horses are the most commonly used means of transportation in this era, so you have to learn them sooner or later.

Zhong Wu prepared a docile little mare for him. After Jin Feng climbed on the horse, he taught him some basic skills and then led the little mare back and forth on the deck.

With something interesting to do, time will pass quickly. By the eighth day, Jin Feng and Mancang were able to control their horses to trot on the deck.

The waterway also came to an end, and the wooden boat docked at the pier.

After another five days of riding on the Tianshan Mountain Road, the group finally arrived at their destination - Weizhou City.

Weizhou City is one of the main cities to defend against the Dangxiang people. The city wall is extremely tall, but the upper part of the city wall is normal cyan, while the lower part is black, which looks a bit weird.

"Weizhou was captured twice by the Dangxiang people and burned twice. The lower part was burned black."

Zhong Wu saw the confusion on Jin Feng's face and explained in a low voice.

"Whatever was shot down was an escape."

Zheng Fang said: "The Dangxiang people were still eighty miles away from Weizhou. The general who was guarding the city ran away with his people, leaving the people with the Dangxiang people. They later had the nerve to ask the court for military rations."

"Isn't it now General Fan?" Zhong Wu said: "General Fan is a well-known iron-blooded general. I heard that he could have been a high official in the court, but he took the initiative to come to Weizhou City."

"General Fan is here, and the Marquis finally has a place to use his talents. He no longer has to be like last time, where he clearly made meritorious deeds but was framed by sycophants."

"I hope General Fan can lead us to repel the party members, otherwise the taxes will definitely increase again next year."

"Didn't the Marquis promote your official position to centurion? Your family doesn't have to pay taxes, so what are you worried about?"

"My family doesn't pay taxes, but my relatives do. If they can't survive, don't they still need my family's help?"

Zheng Fang shook his head in distress.

The battle between Dakang, Dangxiang, and Khitan was directly related to the annual tribute that year.

And the annual tribute will eventually be distributed to the common people.

In recent years, Dangxiang and the Khitan have demanded more and more annual tribute, and the taxes borne by the people have become heavier and heavier. This has also made the people of Dakang hate Dangxiang and the Khitan more and more.

With Qinghuai's token to open the way, the group entered Weizhou City smoothly.

There wasn't even a single open shop on the street. Occasionally, people passed by and walked in a hurry.

Occasionally, one or two groups of soldiers would rush past to change defenses on the city wall.

Qinghuai once stationed at the border outside Weizhou City for more than a year, and also had a house in Weizhou City.

This house is said to have been built by a wealthy businessman. Before the Dangxiang people invaded Dakang, this wealthy businessman made a lot of money by doing business with the Dangxiang people. The house was not much smaller than the Qingfeng Villa.


When the party members captured Weizhou City for the first time, no one in the house escaped and they were all killed. The house was taken away by the government and later given to Qinghuai.

Although the house is large, it is more deserted than Qingfeng Villa. Apart from an old concierge, there is not even a single servant.

Qinghuai put down his luggage and took Zhong Wu to the City Lord's Mansion. He came back in the evening and looked very unhappy.

As soon as he came back, he asked Zhong Wu to call Jin Feng to the study.

This chapter has been completed!
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