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Chapter 585

In the feudal era, communication was really difficult.

Jin Feng was completely deaf at this time and didn't know what happened to Xichuan.

Especially in the current situation, he has been in a state of rushing forward with all his strength. Even if Yuan Caiwei receives the news from Xichuan, there is no way to pass it on to him.

Because Jin Feng himself doesn’t even know where he will be tomorrow.

This made Jin Feng miss the convenient communication in his previous life.

There is no need to think about making a mobile phone in the short term as there are too many aspects involved.

But the principle of telegraphy is not complicated. If Jin Feng really devotes himself to research, there is still hope that he can figure it out.

After all, there is still a lack of time.

There was nothing Jin Feng could do about it. He had worked very hard, but Rome was not built in a day, and fat men were not built in one bite.

The only thing Jin Feng can do now is to rush back as soon as possible.

Early the next morning, Liu released the pigeons and the team started to set off.

In the middle of the morning, snowflakes suddenly started to fall in the sky.

The cold wind is also more severe.

Jin Feng raised his head and glanced at the dark sky, feeling extremely heavy.

Although they were on the north bank of the Yangtze River at this time, they also belonged to the south.

It’s snowing here, and it’s definitely colder in Sichuan and Sichuan.

Jin Feng guessed right, it was indeed very cold in Sichuan and Shu at this time.

Although it didn't turn into ice, it snowed for the second time this year.

This makes the situation of the victims who are already suffering from hunger and cold even more difficult.

At the foot of the Big Snake Slope, scores of victims were squeezed together in the cold, relying on each other's body heat to stay warm.

Zhang Liang stood on the top of the Big Snake Slope, his brows furrowed into the character "Chuan".

He was born into a poor family and fully understood the feelings of the victims and sympathized with them very much.

However, the food in Damangpo was military ration, and Zhang Liang did not dare to use it for disaster relief without authorization.

In the next few days, Zhang Liang would go up the mountain every day to see what was going on down the mountain.

More and more victims were starving to death and freezing to death at the foot of the mountain. Some victims were so hungry that they couldn't bear the cold, so they thought of sneaking into the Big Snake Slope to steal some food and drink.

These days, the escorts on duty catch people like this every night.

They were all pitiful people, so Zhang Liang didn't have any embarrassment and just asked the escort to drive them away.

But this is not the answer. As the disaster worsens, there will definitely be more and more people like this.

There may even be a riot.

An escort ran to the mountain despite the wind and snow and reported in a low voice: "Captain, Master Qing is here and waiting for you at the Chinese army tent."

"Isn't Mr. Qing under house arrest?" Zhang Liang was stunned: "How did he get out?"

"I don't know either." The escort shook his head.

Zhang Liang nodded and walked down the mountain quickly.

In the big tent, Qing Xinyao and his entourage were all dressed in black robes with hats on their heads.

"Master Qing, why are you so thin?" Zhang Liang asked with a frown.

At this time, Qing Xinyao had completely lost his previous plumpness, he had lost a lot of weight, and his hair was almost half white.

Zhang Liang almost didn't recognize it just now.

Qing Xinyao did not answer, but smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Zhang Liang also realized that he had asked a stupid question.

Xichuan has been the headquarters of the Qing family for several generations. Nowadays, the people are suffering from the eunuchs. Qing Xinyao is under house arrest again. He would be damned if he lives comfortably.

So Zhang Liang changed the question: "Isn't it easy for Mr. Qing to come out?"

"It's indeed not easy. If my grandfather hadn't left a secret passage back then, I really wouldn't have come out." Qing Xinyao replied.

Qing Mulan's grandfather built a secret tunnel in Qing Mansion. When Qing Mulan's father was in power, he occasionally carried out some maintenance.

But Qing Xinyao never thought that one day he would be in such an embarrassing situation, so after his father passed away, he forgot about the secret passage and did not send anyone to maintain it.

He didn't think about it until he was under house arrest this time.

However, the secret passage has been in disrepair for a long time and collapsed in the middle.

If it were normal times, Qing Xinyao could randomly send a few hundred soldiers to clear out the landslide in a day or two.

However, he was under house arrest at this time. There were not many people in the mansion, and the eunuchs sent people to monitor him. He did not dare to make much noise, so he could only secretly send people to clean up the debris.

I have been working hard until yesterday when the debris was finally cleared away.

Qing Xinyao finally made contact with the outside world.

After all, it is the home base that has been run for generations. Even if Qing Xinyao is removed from his position, there are still many hidden connections in Xichuan.

After receiving the call, Qing Xinyao quickly learned about the situation around Xichuan.

Early this morning, I tried to find a way to sneak out of the city and find Zhang Liang.

"Brother Zhang Liang, have you contacted Mr. Jin?" Qing Xinyao asked.

"When Mr. Jiangnan and Donghai arrived, he received a few letters from flying pigeons, but there was no news after that."

Zhang Liang said: "My husband told me in his last message not to confront the eunuch head-on. He will come back as soon as possible after killing the water bandits. I don't know what the war is like there now."

"It's not easy to suppress bandits at sea. I'm afraid Mr. Jin won't be able to come back for a while."

Qing Xinyao sighed: "This is troublesome."

"Master Qing, what happened?" Zhang Liang asked.

"Didn't the eunuchs order the sealing of the granary of your Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce? I got news yesterday that they were stealing the grain from the granary and selling it out," Qing Xinyao said.

"What?!" Zhang Liang punched the table: "It's too much to bully others. How can they be so shameless?"

Because Jin Feng's letter reminded him not to confront the government head-on, when a grain merchant falsely accused the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce and the eunuch ordered the granary to be blocked, Zhang Liang did not resist and obediently removed the bodyguards and chamber of commerce personnel.

In fact, the news that there was going to be a famine in Sichuan and Sichuan this year had already spread in Jiangnan.

Therefore, the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce was not the only one who raised grain in the south of the Yangtze River and transported it to Sichuan and Sichuan.

Many grain merchants also shipped large quantities of grain into Sichuan.

It's just that they are not doing disaster relief, but want to take advantage of the disaster and make a fortune.

Jin Feng actually got the news a long time ago, but he didn't stop it.

First, there is no reasonable reason to stop it, but he hopes that the grain merchants will ship more grain.

Grain merchants have traveled thousands of miles to transport the grain here, but it is impossible to transport it back and can only be sold in Sichuan and Sichuan.

The more people are transported, the more people can survive.

At worst, we will have to start a price war with grain merchants to stabilize grain prices.

As a result, Jin Feng was lured away before the day of price war began.

In Zhang Liang's view, the eunuchs' blockade of the chamber of commerce's granaries was nothing more than colluding with the grain merchants. By closing their granaries, the grain merchants could take advantage of the opportunity to sell their grain at high prices.

But he didn't expect the eunuch to be so shameless and bold.

Even if they sealed the chamber of commerce's granary, they also smuggled the grain out of the granary and sold it at a high price.

Tang Xiaobei worked hard in Jiangnan for several months, which was equivalent to working for a grain merchant.

It would be strange if Jin Feng didn't go crazy when he came back and knew about this situation.

"Master Qing, what should I do now?" Zhang Liang asked with a frown.

Zhang Liang was very good at fighting, but faced with this kind of official conspiracy, he couldn't do it and could only ask Qing Xinyao for advice.

"I don't know either." Qing Xinyao shook his head helplessly.

[The author has something to say]

Keep writing and wish everyone a happy Lantern Festival!

This chapter has been completed!
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