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Chapter 604

"Where is Tiankui Peak and Longxugou?"

Guan Xiaorou and Tang Dongdong looked confused.

But Zheng Fang, Tie Zhui and Xiaoyu stood up at the same time with a roar.

Guan Xiaorou and Tang Dongdong didn't know where Tiankuifeng and Longxugou were, but the three of them knew it very well.

Tiankui Peak is close to Heishui Valley, and Longxugou is close to Heifeng Ridge. They are important places that cannot be missed.

"How many people are there?" Zheng Fang asked.

"Judging from the information sent back, there are hundreds of people on both sides!" Aju replied.

"Where did so many bandits come from?" Tang Dongdong gritted his teeth and said, "When Brother Feng comes back with his troops, I will definitely tell him to send Brother Liang to wipe out all the bandits in Xichuan!"

"The imperial court's taxes are getting heavier and heavier. Xichuan has suffered another disaster this year. The people can no longer survive. Naturally, many people will fall into trouble and become bandits."

Tie Chui said: "On my way back from the capital, the further I went to Xichuan, the more people there were in the tooth shops in various counties and cities, and the prices became cheaper and cheaper. Sometimes five or six kilograms of millet can be exchanged for two big girls.


When Tang Dongdong heard this, he sighed and asked, "What should we do over there at Tiankui Peak and Longxugou?"

"Tieniu will definitely not be able to come back in time now, so Lao Zheng and I have to go up." Tie Zhui said helplessly.

Although Jin Feng is trying his best to cultivate command talents, the establishment of Zhenyuan Escort Bureau is still too short, and there is a huge talent gap.

Especially high-level commanders.

The commander of the escort agency and the female shopkeeper of the chamber of commerce are different.

If the female shopkeeper makes a wrong decision, she will lose some money at most.

If the escort commander makes a wrong decision, the price will be human life.

Therefore, Jin Feng was very bold when appointing the female shopkeeper, but very careful when appointing the escort commander.

Thinking that with Zheng Fang and three people in charge, the village did not need too many commanders, so during this expedition to Xichuan, Jin Feng took away most of the middle-level commanders.

Tieniu went to Double Hump and took away another batch.

Now in Xihewan Village, apart from the two battalion commanders Zheng Fang and Tie Chui, there are only two company commanders and two platoon commanders left.

Both of these company commanders were seriously injured in the previous bandit suppression. One had his left calf amputated and the other lost his entire right leg. They could only stay to guard the village and were not suitable for going out to fight again.

So after much calculation, Zheng Fang and Iron Hammer are the only two people who can be sent out to meet the enemy.

"You two can't both go out, otherwise who will be in charge of the village?"

Tang Dongdong immediately expressed his opposition.

"Then what do you think we should do now?" Tie Zhui asked back: "We can't let Lao Tong and Lao Fan go, right? They can't even ride horses. Should they go to the war in a carriage?"

"This..." Tang Dongdong was choked.

"Dongdong, this is the only way now."

Guan Xiaorou, who had been silent for the whole time, now said: "Brother Zheng, Brother Iron Hammer, don't worry. There is Brother Tong, Brother Fan, and the three village chiefs in the village. Everything will be fine!"

People don't grow without experience.

Guan Xiaorou is introverted. When she was at her parents' home, her father and her brother made the final decision on everything.

After marrying Jin Feng, you don't have to worry about anything, just think about how to make Jin Feng happy.

This makes Guan Xiaorou extremely dependent on Jin Feng. When something happens, her first thought is to ask Jin Feng.

She would do whatever Jin Feng asked her to do.

But now Jin Feng is away, and so many things have happened one after another in the past few days, Guan Xiaorou seems to have matured a lot all of a sudden.

When encountering problems, you are no longer as helpless as before, but learn to use your own brain to think of countermeasures.

She also became much more decisive than before, and gradually became more like a hostess.

"As of now, this is the only way it can be."

Zheng Fang nodded: "Tie Hammer, you also go and prepare, let's leave as soon as possible!"

"How many people should we bring?" Tie Hammer asked.


Zheng Fang stopped and his face became very ugly.

He was just about to say that one person would lead a company, but then he thought that there were only three companies of escorts left in the entire Xihewan Village.

If he and Iron Hammer take away two more companies, the remaining people may not even be enough to defend the fortresses surrounding the village.

"Brother Zheng, Brother Iron Hammer, each of you can take a company."

Guan Xiaorou said: "I will go to the warehouse later to get fifty sets of black armor for each of you, and three boxes of grenades!"

"If each of us takes away a company, what will happen to the village?" Zheng Fang asked: "One company is not enough to guard the fortress, let alone take turns to rest."

"How about we go to Heishui Gou to recruit a group of bandits?" Tie Zhui asked: "In this way, we can use bandits to deal with bandits."

When Tang Dongdong heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

There are thousands of bandits imprisoned in Heishuigou, all of them young and strong.

If you can mobilize them, you no longer have to worry about insufficient manpower.

"No, you can't use bandits!"

Zheng Fang waved his hand and rejected Tie Hammer's proposal without hesitation: "Many of the bandits who were imprisoned had their relatives and friends killed by us. We cannot trust them."

"We can choose," Iron Hammer said, "Choose those with high points and good performance."

"Having high points and good performance doesn't mean you don't hate us."

Zheng Fang said: "Moreover, most bandits have no bottom line in their actions. If they rebel at the last minute, the consequences will be disastrous. None of us can afford this responsibility!"

Even if we have to recruit people from Heishui Gou, we have to wait until Mr. comes back with his troops, so that we have the ability to suppress the Heishui Gou riots at any time!"

"Brother Zheng is right," Xiaoyu nodded and said, "The bandits cannot use it unless it is absolutely necessary."

"Then what should we do now that we don't have enough manpower?" Iron Hammer asked.

"I do have an idea, please let me know if it works."

Guan Xiaorou said: "The sisters in the textile factory have been training these days. They may not be able to fight head-on, but they can still control the heavy crossbows and catapults on the fortress.

We can recruit a group of sisters from the textile factory to cooperate with Company Commander Fan, Company Commander Tong, what do you think?"

"Yes, why did we forget about the textile factory?" Iron Hammer slapped his thigh suddenly: "Sir, isn't the purpose of holding the sports meeting just to prevent a situation like today?"

The rewards set by Jin Feng for the sports games are too generous and too tempting for ordinary female workers.

After the sports meeting, without Tang Dongdong's urging, the female workers were actively training to prepare for the spring sports meeting next spring.

Every morning, you can see a long line of female workers behind the escort team.

You can always see female workers in the escort's heavy crossbow and catapult training ground.

In particular, the teams that performed well in the sports games were more proficient in controlling heavy crossbows and catapults, as well as having a tacit understanding of cooperation, which was higher than that of most female escorts.

If they hadn't all had families and were unwilling to become escorts, Ape would have poached them long ago.

Although they have not received systematic military training and cannot fight head-on, they have no problem standing guard for the bodyguards or operating heavy crossbows and catapults on the fortress.

This chapter has been completed!
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