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Chapter 652

When it came to business, the three of them, Zhu and Chen, also became serious.

"Sir, I am also going to tell you about disaster relief."

Zhu Chen hesitated for a moment and then said: "I know you are kind-hearted and don't want to see the people suffering, but disaster relief is not that simple. In the past, there were also large and well-meaning households who gave out porridge and relief in disaster years, but it was often thankless and the money was spent.

It’s gone, but it won’t end well.”

"Why?" Jin Feng asked.

"The reasons are very complicated. First of all, giving porridge will affect the business of grain merchants, and grain merchants are backed by wealthy gentry. Giving porridge is tantamount to offending them."

Zhu Chen said: "Secondly, this hole is too big and cannot be blocked!

Sir, if you give porridge today, people from dozens of miles around will come here tomorrow. That's tens of thousands of people, and they can eat a whole house's worth of food in one meal!

Moreover, many people queue up here to receive the porridge, and then queue up again to receive it again. If we send people to check their dental licenses one by one, it will require too many manpower and it will be difficult to do it.

I know that your husband has brought a lot of food from Jiangnan, but no matter how much food you have, you can't feed everyone in Sichuan and Shu, right?

And it’s easy to start but hard to end!

During the great disaster more than ten years ago, a wealthy family named Liu outside Xichuan City lost all his wealth by giving out porridge. Later, when he really had no money, he announced that he would stop giving out porridge, and something happened.

Many people heard that porridge was being given here and came with their families from far away. As they rushed over, Liu Dahu suddenly stopped giving porridge. The hungry people rushed into Liu's house and emptied it out.

Well, Liu Dahu’s family also suffered a tragic disaster.”

"Sir, you are not Liu Dahu. If anyone dares to attack the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce, the bodyguard will teach them how to behave!" Ruan Tongjie said.

"Shopkeeper Ruan, you don't know how scary people are when they are extremely hungry!" Zhu Chen said: "At that time, they only had food in mind, and they were not even afraid of death!"

"Tongjie, please stop talking now and let me finish."

Jin Feng raised his hand to stop Ruan Tongjie who still wanted to speak, and motioned for Zhu Chen to continue.

"I know that you have the Zhenyuan Escort Agency and the Zhenyuan Army in your hands, but I feel that you don't want to see the Zhenyuan Army go to suppress the victims, right?"

"Yes!" Jin Feng nodded.

Regardless of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau or the Zhenyuan Army, once they conflict with the victims, they will completely deviate from Jin Feng's original intention.

Most of the victims are weak. If the bodyguard accidentally kills the victims again, the nature will change.

"So disaster relief is a thankless job. If you are really serious, you can just hand over the food to the government and let the government do it."

Zhu Chen said sincerely: "There is really no need for you to interfere."

"If possible, why wouldn't I want to hand over the grain directly to the government?"

Jin Feng sighed: "But you know what the officials in Dakang are like. I give them food, and in the end 30% of it falls into the hands of the people, so they have to burn incense!"

In fact, Jin Feng had considered doing this before.

But after coming out of Green Water Villa, he completely gave up on this idea.

The official atmosphere of Dakang was too dark, and Qing Xinyao could not change this.

Almost all the officials captured in Green Water Villa were his men.

Xichuan City has Qing Xinyao as its commander, and even if it is like this, you can imagine those remote county towns, county offices, and towns.

Many village chiefs covered the sky with their hands.

Jin Feng finally got the grain back from Jiangnan, but he didn't want to give it to these moths cheaply and let them line their pockets.

"Disaster relief is like a quagmire. It's easy to get down but hard to get up. Sir, you should think twice!"

When Zhu Chen saw that Jin Feng still wanted to provide disaster relief, she almost burst into tears.

"Ma'am, thank you!"

Jin Feng gave a scholarly salute to Zhu Chen.

No matter what Zhu Chen's thoughts were, Jin Feng could see that she was really thinking about herself.

"Sir, you still want to insist on disaster relief, right?"

Mrs. Zhu Chen stretched out her hand to hold up Jin Feng and asked helplessly.

"Yes," Jin Feng nodded, then shook his head: "But I'm not going to give you porridge directly."

"Don't give porridge?" Mrs. Zhu Chen was stunned: "Then how to provide disaster relief?"

Since ancient times, whether it is official disaster relief or private disaster relief, most of them have been carried out by donating porridge.

"Teaching people how to fish is worse than teaching them how to fish. I am ready to give the victims a job," Jin Feng said.

"Sir, you have to be careful!"

Hearing what Jin Feng said, Ruan Tongjie also became anxious.

Jin Feng had read some news in his previous life. In some backward places, the locals had become accustomed to assistance from others, and had formed the idea that they would starve to death if they didn't work. They did nothing every day, just waiting for the government to distribute relief grains.

Jin Feng did not want to see this scene in Sichuan and Shu.

Therefore, Jin Feng has always insisted not to take the initiative to give charity, but to open factories and give people a job to support themselves and their families.

However, the scope of the disaster this time was too wide, not just one county by one, but the entire Sichuan-Sichuan region.

The total number of people is simply countless.

No matter how many factories we open, we can’t feed so many people!

"Sir, shopkeeper Ruan is right, this is no small matter, you have to think about it carefully!"

Mrs. Zhu Chen quickly echoed: "The number of people affected by the disaster this time is not a minority. How can you give them so much work?"

"If there are no jobs, create jobs."

Jin Feng said: "I will open factories and mines in various places in Sichuan and Sichuan next..."

"That doesn't require so many people!" Ruan Tongjie said anxiously.

"Listen to me first," Jin Feng continued: "In addition to opening the factory, I have also discussed with His Highness, Lord Qing, to hire disaster victims to build roads, bridges, and water conservancy projects, so that more people will be needed!


"Sir, building roads, bridges, and water conservancy projects are all matters of the government. What are you trying to do?"

Zhu Chen couldn't understand Jin Feng's thoughts at all.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to find a way to survive for the victims who are willing to contribute."

Jin Feng said.

Being poor cares themselves, being wealthy cares the world.

Jin Feng has now completely established himself in Dakang and no longer has to worry about his livelihood or safety. If he is willing, he can now live a luxurious life as a loving wife and concubine.

But he was unwilling to do so.

Especially after seeing the ugly behavior of those wealthy businessmen and gentry in Green Water Villa.

He didn't want to be like those wealthy businessmen and gentry, becoming fat and a slave to desire.


That’s why I became more determined in my previous thoughts.

"Sir, I am ignorant. I don't know why you insist on doing this. I just want to ask you a question."

Seeing that Jin Feng had made up his mind, Zhu Chen asked helplessly: "Building roads, building bridges, and constructing water conservancy projects are all major projects. Do you have enough money?"

"That's why I asked Miss Linglong to come here."

Jin Feng turned to look at Zhu Linglong: "How are the preparations at the bank? How many manpower can be mobilized?"

Before he left Xichuan, he was deliberately cultivating Zhu Linglong and preparing for her to go to the capital to establish a bank.

Later, Jin Feng went to Jiangnan and then to the East China Sea, and the situation was unclear, so the matter was dropped.

However, Zhu Linglong has been cultivating relevant talents in accordance with Jin Feng's requirements.

This chapter has been completed!
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