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Chapter 678 This is fate, right?

"Sir, what is cross talk?"

Princess Ninth asked curiously.

She is now used to the strange words popping out of Jin Feng's mouth from time to time.

"What you two did just now, singing and telling jokes in harmony, is cross talk." Jin Feng replied.

"Sir, His Highness and I are not joking!"

Wei Datong said with a serious face: "I really admire you sir..."

"Hurry up and get down to business, or I'll really leave!"

Jin Feng glanced at Wei Datong: "I'm running to the top of the mountain to listen to your nonsense in the cold wind?"

Everyone is willing to listen to good things, and Jin Feng is not a masochist who likes to be pointed at and scolded, so he is naturally not immune to this.

The key is that Wei Datong and Ninth Princess' performance was too exaggerated.

Wei Datong was clearly trying to flatter him, while the Ninth Princess was making fun of him.

"Okay, Mr. Wei, let's get down to business, otherwise sir will really leave."

The Ninth Princess stopped the topic and asked: "Where is the location of the mouth of the treasure bottle that the gentleman mentioned?"

When it came to business, Wei Datong stopped joking and pointed at a place in Yulei Mountain and said: "Your Highness, please look over there!"

"Sir, don't you want to dig mountains to divert water? Why doesn't anyone start construction over there?" Ninth Princess asked.

"The canal on the east side has not been repaired yet. If we dig through the mountain now, there will be no place to drain the water. My husband said that we should wait until the canal is almost dug before we start digging the mountain." Wei Datong explained.

"It should take a long time to dig the mountain. Can't we start the work at the same time?" Ninth Princess asked: "After digging the canal, we can start digging the mountain. Will it be in time before next summer?"

In summer, the temperature is high and heavy rains and torrential rains are likely to occur. Floods every year are basically concentrated in summer.

The Ninth Princess was worried that Sichuan and Sichuan would be hit by another disaster if they could not catch up with the rainy season next summer.

"I originally had the same plan as His Highness, but my husband said that he had a way to open up the mountain and asked me to concentrate on building canals first," Wei Datong said.

"What method are you going to use to open up the mountain, sir?" Princess Ninth turned to look at Jin Feng.

"Use dynamite! I have arranged for the dynamite workshop to work overtime and have the warehouse full to make drill bits that can break stones. Once they are ready, they can drill holes in the big rocks, and then insert the dynamite into them, so that the stones can be blown apart.


Jin Feng did not hide anything and replied: "In this way, the people don't have to use hammers to carve out the mountain bit by bit. They only need to clean away the broken stones. Isn't it much faster?"

"This is a good idea!" Ninth Princess nodded slightly.

The prisoners on death row who were originally released from Xichuan Prison were brought back to Jinchuan by Jin Feng and arranged to a secret place to make explosives.

Jin Feng promised them that they would be paid for their work, and they could ask the escort to give it to the designated person, and they could make a sufficient amount of explosives honestly and honestly, and they could also bring their family to see them.

The death row inmates have narrowly escaped death and are very satisfied with the result. They are currently working diligently and no escape has been discovered.

In fact, they couldn't run away even if they wanted to.

The terrain where explosives are made is even more steep than a new workshop full of warehouses. It is surrounded by steep cliffs on three sides and is adjacent to the Jialing River on one side. All access is by boat, and there is a full platoon of bodyguards guarding it.

The escorts in this platoon are almost all veterans from the first two batches, and they are also the people Jin Feng trusts the most besides the personal guards.

There was such a shortage of manpower some time ago that Jin Feng didn't even move that platoon.

"What is explosives?" Wei Datong asked.

"Grenade is made of explosives." Jin Feng explained.

"I see!"

Wei Datong was stunned.

He had seen the power of a grenade explosion at Damanang Slope, but he had never had close contact with it, and he had no idea what the grenade was made of.

"Sir, I admit that grenades are very powerful, but can they blow up Yulei Mountain?" Wei Datong asked again.

"Of course one grenade can't explode, but what about a hundred or a thousand?"

Jin Feng said: "And I don't want to blow up Yulei Mountain in one go. Instead, I blow up a part at a time and wait for the people to clear the rubble before blowing up another part. This is the safest way."

"Sir, what you said makes sense." Wei Datong nodded.

"Does the explosive in the gentleman's hand have enough to blow up Yulei Mountain?" Ninth Princess asked.

Explosives are dangerous beasts. If released, the consequences would be disastrous.

In addition to appeasing the prisoners on death row with wages and family visits, Jin Feng also issued death orders to the bodyguards guarding the explosives workshop. If anyone tried to escape, he would be killed on the spot.

Apart from Jin Feng and the escorts who guard and transport the explosives workshop, only Guan Xiaorou and Zhang Liang know where it is. Even Tang Xiaobei and Ninth Princess don't know where it is.

Not only that, Jin Feng still formulated strict procedures specifically for transporting explosives.

According to the procedure, the escort must park the ship far away from the shore when transporting raw materials and taking away finished products, and only sends small boats ashore.

There are also strict requirements during the transportation process.

"It's not enough," Jin Feng shook his head: "Not only are there not enough explosives, but the diamond-headed drill bits haven't been made yet, so I asked Mr. Wei to gather the people to build the canal first, and then gather together after enough explosives are saved and the drill bits are made.

Special personnel came to Yulei Mountain to clean up the rubble."

Jin Feng is not the kind of powerful man who has no regard for human life.

Even if they were on death row, Jin Feng did not let them take risks for the sake of production, but conducted experiments and production in the safest way.

The explosives workshop has been established for so long that there has not been a single casualty incident.

It may also be because of this reason that the death row inmates felt Jin Feng's kindness, so they have always been honest.

By this time, the death row inmates were quite familiar with explosives and had basically reached the standards of assembly line operations. Only then did Jin Feng send a letter back asking them to increase production.

"Okay, I'm waiting for the good news sir."

The Ninth Princess nodded slightly: "Master Wei, where are the Feisha Weir and Water Dividing Fish Mouth that the gentleman mentioned?"

"over there……"

Wei Datong began to explain to the Ninth Princess the location and principles of Feishayan and the water-dividing fish mouth.

The group stayed at the top of Yulei Mountain until evening before starting to descend.

Field investigation is more intuitive than watching on the sand table. Under Wei Datong's explanation, the Ninth Princess gained a deeper understanding of the Dujiangyan Irrigation Project.

I also admire Jin Feng even more for coming up with this method.

On the way down the mountain, Princess Ninth looked at the construction site where casual work had begun, and deliberately stayed a few steps behind to walk side by side with Jin Feng.

Wei Datong immediately realized that the two of them had something to say, so he quickly slowed down and distanced himself from the two of them.

Although Da Liu also wanted to hear what Jin Feng and Ninth Princess had to say, but seeing Qin'er's threatening gaze, he had no choice but to lead his escort a few steps behind.

Soon, only Qin'er and Bei Qianxun were left with Princess Ninth and Jin Feng.

The Ninth Princess said softly: "Sir, do you know, I feel that the greatest luck in my life is to meet you. If it weren't for sir, I really can't imagine what Sichuan and Shu will be like this year, and what Dakang will be like."

What has it become?"

"Your Highness, you are serious," Jin Feng said with a smile: "Actually, I am very lucky to have met Your Highness. If it weren't for Your Highness, I might have become a bandit now, and I wouldn't be able to do what I am doing now."

"Maybe this is the fate that Mr. said."

The Ninth Princess tugged her hair around her ears, turned her head and smiled at Jin Feng.

This chapter has been completed!
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