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Chapter 697

Now that the whereabouts of the Ninth Princess are unknown, Jin Feng would be lying if he said he was not worried.

But he didn't panic.

The capital was thousands of miles away, so he knew it was useless to be anxious, so he forced himself to calm down.

After making arrangements for Zhong Ling'er to deliver the message, he asked Da Liu to find Wei Datong.

"Master Wei, there is a sudden emergency at home. I must go back as soon as possible."

Jin Feng said, "What's going on here? Tell me quickly."

Sending thousands of people close to the capital, and carrying weapons, would cause big trouble. Jin Feng needed to go back and take charge personally, coordinating his forces to cooperate with Zhang Liang.

"When are you going to go back, sir?" Wei Datong asked.

"The sooner the better," Jin Feng said: "Of course, if there are important things here in Dujiangyan, I can push it back two days."

The Dujiangyan Irrigation Project concerns the entire land of Sichuan and Sichuan, and Jin Feng does not dare to be careless.

"Then let me tell you the current situation..."

Wei Datong did not ask what happened, but found that Jin Feng was really anxious, so he walked to the sand table and began to explain the current progress of the project.

"Canals No. 3 and No. 6 are about to be completed. Now we need to build a new canal to connect them so that the fields in Maoling Town and Qilang Town can be irrigated."

Wei Datong pointed to the sand table and asked: "I am a little unsure now whether this canal should go from Maoling Town or Qilang Town. I would like to ask sir for advice."

"What are the advantages and disadvantages of both sides?" Jin Feng asked.

"If you build it from Maoling Town, the canal will be longer, but there will be flat land along the way, so it will be easier to dig. It is the opposite in Qilang Town. If you go from Qilang Town, the canal will be half shorter, but there are two hills here, so it will be easier to build.

Trouble." Wei Datong explained.

"Are these two places far away?" Jin Feng asked: "How about we go and have a look? It is best to make an on-site inspection before making a decision on this kind of thing."

"It's not that far, only thirty miles," Wei Datong said, "but it's definitely too late to go there today. The road there is not good. There are some very narrow paths where war horses can't run, even in the dark.


"I can't go today..."

Jin Feng groaned and picked up another map.

Finding that Maoling Town and Qilang Town were not far from the official road back to Jinchuan, he said, "Then let's go there tomorrow morning. After seeing these two places, I will go back to Jinchuan directly."

"Okay then." Wei Datong asked: "It's still early, why don't you go to Yulei Mountain to have a look?"

"Okay, let's go take a look." Jin Feng nodded in agreement.

This time, I originally planned to stay in Dujiangyan for a while and wait for Yulei Mountain to be blown up before going back. However, something like this happened, so Jin Feng had no choice but to speed up his trip.

The two led the team to the top of Yulei Mountain, and Jin Feng raised his telescope.

When Li Bing and his son built Dujiangyan, it took eight years from the establishment of the project, visiting local people to the completion of the main project.

And after the main project is completed, it still needs to be renovated.

For example, a small canal should be opened in this place, or the canal needs to be widened and deepened.

Taken together, the entire Dujiangyan project took the father and son two decades in total.

Jin Feng visited Dujiangyan in his previous life and had a hot air balloon and a telescope. It only took him a few days to complete the visit and design.

At that time, Li Bing and his son mobilized a smaller number of people, but Jin Feng and Ninth Princess adopted the work-for-relief method, and the number of people they mobilized was many times greater than that of Li Bing and his son.

In this case, the construction speed is much faster than that of Li Bing and his sons, and it is also more scientific.

So the Ninth Princess hopes that Jin Feng can blow up Yulei Mountain before the rainy season comes this summer.

"Generally speaking, there is no problem. Just continue the construction at the current pace. When the Baopingkou is excavated, I should have finished taking care of my family affairs. I will come back then."

Jin Feng put down the telescope and nodded with satisfaction.

After coming down from Yulei Mountain, it was already dark.

After agreeing with Wei Datong on a departure time the next morning, Jin Feng went to bed after dinner.

But because he was worried about the Ninth Princess, Jin Feng didn't sleep very well and kept dreaming.

Sometimes I dreamed that the Ninth Princess was coming back, and sometimes I dreamed that she was in danger in the capital.

After finally sleeping soundly, I heard Da Liu calling me again.

"Is it time to set off?" Jin Feng asked.

"It's only three o'clock in the morning, and it's still early at dawn." Da Liu replied, "It's Lord Qing who's here."

"Lord Qing?" Jin Feng had just woken up and was still a little confused: "Which Lord Qing?"

It seems that Qing Xinyao is the only person he knows.

But Qing Xinyao was in Xichuan City, so it was impossible for him to come to Dujiangyan to look for him in the middle of the night.

As a result, as soon as this thought passed through his mind, he heard Da Liu say: "Lord Qingxin Yaoqing."

"Is it really him?"

Jin Feng couldn't help but frown slightly.

Qing Xinyao is here now. The only explanation is that Qing Mulan sent him a message yesterday, and Qing Xinyao knows that he knows about the Ninth Princess.

"Invite him in."

Jin Feng rubbed his face and started to get dressed.

When he came out of the bedroom, Qing Xinyao was already waiting in front of the sand table.

Just as Jin Feng guessed, Qing Xinyao looked very tired and had obviously traveled all night.

When he saw Jin Feng, he raised his hands and said, "My late night visit has disturbed my husband's sweet dreams. I hope you won't blame me."

"Master Qing, do you have any news about Wuyang?" Jin Feng asked.

Apart from this, Jin Feng couldn't think of what else Qing Xinyao could do for coming here overnight.

"As expected, I can't hide it from you, sir."

Qing Xinyao said: "There was indeed news about Wuyang in the capital a few years ago. I was afraid that Mu Lan would be worried, so I didn't tell her.

Yesterday afternoon, Mu Lan sent a message saying that the husband knew about Wuyang. After thinking about it, I thought I should tell the husband."

"How is Wuyang doing now?" Jin Feng asked quickly.

"I don't know either," Qing Xinyao said: "I received a letter from my uncle years ago, saying that his secret agent had met the Ninth Princess once outside the capital. She should have just arrived in the capital at that time and had not had time to enter the city.

, the secret agent saw her with the Red-armored Forest Army."

"Red-armored Forest Army?" Jin Feng frowned: "The emperor knows that Wuyang is going back?"

The Yulin Army is the army that guards the capital. It is directly dispatched by the emperor and can be regarded as the emperor's trusted army.

There are two battalions of the Royal Guards whose armor is red, and they are called the Red-armored Guardsmen. Their mission is to guard the imperial city. They can be said to be the emperor's confidants.

"Your Majesty is the only one who can dispatch the Red Armor Guards, so my uncle and I both guessed that Wuyang should have been taken away by Your Majesty."

Qing Xinyao nodded and agreed with Jin Feng's speculation.

"Where did the emperor take her?" Jin Feng asked.

"I don't know," Qing Xinyao shook his head: "There were many red-armored forest troops there at that time, and the secret agent was just a lame veteran. He didn't dare to get too close, and he didn't dare to follow and inquire. Later, the uncle sent experts out of the city, and both Wuyang and the imperial guards were


The uncle later mobilized all the spies in the capital to look for her, but could not find him. But what can be confirmed is that Wuyang did not return to the palace, nor to the other courtyard in the capital."

This chapter has been completed!
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