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Chapter 707 The Eastern Barbarians Are Coming

As the eldest son, Qin Zhen has always been the most outstanding one among the three brothers of the Qin family.

Perhaps in order to gain people's support and win over the Qin family, when he was six years old, the emperor assigned a master from within the family to take Qin Zhen as his disciple, personally teach him martial arts, and allowed him to study with the prince and princess in the palace.

Qin Zhen was also very impressive. At the age of sixteen, he won the first place in a competition between the imperial guards and was appointed by the emperor as one of his personal guards.

Over the years, he has been promoted many times and has become one of the emperor's most trusted people.

Qin Zhen's father Qin Peng is already old, and everyone in the court can see that the emperor is cultivating Qin Zhen as Qin Peng's successor.

Therefore, Qin Zhen has always been proud.

It's a pity that Jin Feng doesn't tolerate him.

Qin Ming's second brother Qin Zhong, although his treatment was not as good as his elder brother, he was also arranged by the emperor to be under the prince's sect and lead the Sixth Army of the East Palace.

In the future, when the prince succeeds to the throne, Qin Zhong will be the minister of Conglong, so his status goes without saying.

Therefore, among the three brothers, Qin Ming, who is responsible for protecting the Ninth Princess, is the one with the least sense of existence and the least future.

Jin Feng deliberately said that for Qin Ming's sake, he would let Qin Zhen off, just to tell Qin Zhen, don't show off to me, I won't do this.

As the third leader of the Secret Service, Qin Zhen would naturally not be angered by Jin Feng's words.

What he was worried about was that Jin Feng was really causing trouble in the capital.

This is a lunatic who dares to kill Xue Henglu and dares to persuade the Ninth Princess to kill so many powerful people.

Others might not dare to cause trouble in the capital, but Jin Feng might really dare.

What's more, he also brought more than two thousand bodyguards with him.

Now that the Eastern Barbarians have arrived at the city, if Jin Feng leads his men to cause trouble in the capital, the consequences will be disastrous.

After thinking about this, the fierce light in Qin Zhen's eyes flashed away, as if nothing had happened, and he answered with a smile:

"His Majesty was worried that the Eastern Barbarians would plunder the surrounding areas after crossing the river. For His Highness's safety, he took her back to the capital and arranged her in the yard behind Liu's shop on Zhonglong Street."

"Then after I enter Beijing, can I visit Wuyang?" Jin Feng asked again.

"I will inform His Highness. If Your Highness is willing, of course you can."

Qin Zhen answered with a smile.

He has decided to go back to the emperor and ask him to take back the Fish and Dragon Talisman.

It's not certain whether Jin Feng can enter the city by then. If he wants to see the princess, let's dream.

"Thank you very much for the Qin capital."

Jin Feng smiled and cupped his hands.

"Sir, you're welcome." Qin Zhen also bowed his hand: "Sir, if there is nothing else, Qin will leave first."

"Qin Dutong, please do it yourself!"


Qin Zhen turned around and left.

Not long after the three people left, a group of escorts also got on their horses and left quickly.

"Sir, the news has spread."

Luo Lan came over and whispered.

"Okay," Jin Feng asked, "By the way, Luo Lan, do you know Zhonglong Street?"

Jin Feng has never been to the capital, so he really doesn't know where Zhonglong Street is.

"I know, it's just two streets away from our chamber of commerce's shop." Luo Lan asked: "Liu's shop makes rouge. Do you want to make rouge?"

She knew that Guan Xiaorou and Wanniang were studying fragrance, and she thought that Jin Feng was eyeing Liu's shop and wanted to do the rouge business.

"No, His Highness is in the yard behind Liu's shop."

Jin Feng explained, and then asked: "Luo Lan, where is the nearest warehouse?"

Beijing is the most prosperous city in Dakang and is also the key development goal of the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce.

It was too expensive to rent a warehouse in the city, so Luo Lan rented some idle yards outside the city as warehouses.

Now that even the emperor knew that he was coming, and also knew the specific location of the Ninth Princess, Jin Feng was too lazy to pretend anymore, and had the cloth sent to the warehouse. He took the bodyguard and traveled lightly. It was the fastest way to go.

"I choose the warehouse not far from the city gate, so it is more convenient to pick up the goods back and forth. However, there is a tea stall three miles in front. The bodyguards and the waiters often rest and stay there. It is a good relationship."

Luo Lan guessed Jin Feng's plan and suggested: "Sir, you can put the Shu cloth at the tea stall first, and I will arrange for someone to transport it away later."

Seeing Jin Feng nod, Luo Lan immediately started making arrangements.

The tea stall is run by a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law. Their husbands have died. Now the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, together with a little girl, make a living by selling tea on the roadside.

The tea stall is about twenty miles away from the capital. Whether it is an escort coming from Sichuan or Sichuan, or someone leaving the capital to return to Sichuan, they have to rest when they come here.

As time went by, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, the chamber of commerce clerk, and the escort gradually became familiar with each other.

The escorts also helped the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law teach the naughties who came to make trouble.

So when Jin Feng and the others were still more than a mile away from the tea stall, her mother-in-law shouted into the house: "Guifang, boil some water quickly, the brothers from the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce are coming, and it looks like there are quite a lot of people there."


The daughter-in-law stuck her head out to look at the road, then quickly fetched a bucket of water from the well and entered the house.

The little girl also carried a small bundle of firewood and went in to help her mother light the fire.

"Auntie, we have something to do and we have to rush on our way. I'll leave the goods with you for a day or two and leave you two feet of cloth. This is considered renting your house. Do you think that's okay?"

Luo Lan's assistant ran over to negotiate with her mother-in-law.

"Oh, girl, what are you talking about? Your chamber of commerce and bodyguards have taken care of the old lady's business. Let alone a day or two, even if I let it go for a year, I can't ask you for cloth!"

The mother-in-law quickly waved her hand.

Finding that Jin Feng and the others had not dismounted, her mother-in-law took her assistant and said, "Girl, let everyone come down and have a rest. Guifang went to boil water. It will be ready soon."

"No, we have other things to do in the capital." The assistant said, "We will leave as soon as we put our things down."

The mother-in-law was just about to speak when she saw the sound of horse hooves coming from the distance.

Two war horses came running from the direction of the capital, each carrying a government servant.

Seeing Jin Feng and the others, the government officials began to slow down from afar and put their hands on the handles of their knives.

Recognizing that he was from the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, the government officials were relieved and drove their horses forward and shouted: "Who is the boss?"

"I am!" My mother-in-law ran out quickly and asked, "What are your orders from the two officials?"

"The Eastern Barbarians are coming. If you don't want to die, just take your things and run away." The officer shouted.

"What, the Eastern Barbarians are coming?" When the mother-in-law heard this, a look of fear suddenly appeared on her face.

More than ten years ago, the Eastern Barbarians once besieged the capital, and her husband was killed by the Eastern Barbarians at that time.

She and her son escaped by hiding in a well.

Now when I think of the Eastern Barbarians, my mother-in-law feels like the sky is about to collapse.

After reminding the mother-in-law, the yamen officer looked at Jin Feng and the others again: "Brothers from the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, please go back with your things. Don't go any further. You won't be able to enter the capital when you get there. The city gates are closed."

"Is the city gate closed?" Jin Feng frowned and asked, "When was it closed? Have the Eastern Barbarians crossed the river?"

It is understandable that the government officials came in advance to inform the people to leave.

This will not only prevent innocent people from dying, but also save the Eastern Barbarians from plundering the surrounding areas to obtain supplies.

But closing the city gate was something Jin Feng didn't expect.

Did the Eastern Barbarians cross the river so quickly?

This chapter has been completed!
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