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Chapter 726 The backbone

"Why do you want to be emperor?"

Jin Feng looked at Bei Qianxun and asked: "To be a wise king, you will be exhausted every day; to be a faint king, you will be poked in the spine and scolded every day. How can I be as comfortable as I am now, a free-spirited rich man?"

And I don’t know how to govern the world. The people are already having a hard time. Instead of rebelling and making the world ablaze, why not let them live in peace for a few days, and we can also make money while the world is peaceful."

This is also the reason why Jin Feng is willing to help Chen Ji.

In fact, he had also thought about overthrowing Dakang and establishing a new era before.

But in the end he gave up the idea.

It's hard for the people to prosper, and it's hard for the people to die.

No matter who rebels, it will always be the people who suffer.

Even if he succeeds in establishing a new era in the end, the world will definitely be in chaos.

He is not yet twenty years old this year, and he still has a long life left in him. There is no need to use such an extreme method to change the world.

The best way is to assist Chen Ji to stabilize the current situation first, so that the harm to the people will be minimal.

Kita Chihiro nodded in understanding, and was about to continue speaking when he heard a sharp whistle coming from the direction of Hongde Hall.

"Sounding arrow?"

Jin Feng's expression suddenly changed, he stood up and ran towards Hongde Hall.

What happened yesterday proves that there are people from various major families in the Forbidden Army. Qin Zhen just took over the Forbidden Army and did not have time to clear it up, so he did not dare to send them to defend the palace.

The Red Armor Army suffered heavy casualties again last night, so the bodyguard is currently guarding the palace on behalf of the Red Armor Army.

Not long after Chen Jicai went to court, Hongde Hall released a loud arrow...

He finally saved Chen Ji. If something happened again, yesterday's work would be in vain.

The Ninth Princess also heard the sound of the arrow, ran out of the imperial study, and went straight to Hongde Hall with her skirt in hand.

Before Jin Feng could reach Hongde Hall, two teams of escorts ran over from behind.

The escorts have been trained for a long time and are much faster than Jin Feng.

But seeing that there were only two people in Jin Feng and Bei Qianxun, the two escort teams slowed down.

In their hearts, Jin Feng is more important than the emperor.

Even though the emperor is dead, Jin Feng can still lead them to live a good life. If Jin Feng has any shortcomings, their good days may come to an end.

"Old Zhang, just stay here. Old Wei, please take the people to Hongde Hall first. You must protect His Majesty's safety no matter what!"

Jin Feng made arrangements while running.


One of the escort squad leaders immediately led people to speed up.

When Jin Feng entered the Hongde Hall, he found that the hall was as chaotic as the vegetable market. Civil and military officials were shouting something in a hurry, and they looked very excited.

The emperor was okay, he was still sitting high on the dragon throne, his face ashen.

The great eunuch, together with several great masters and the remaining Red Armored Army, stood on the steps, ready for battle.

Under the steps, the bodyguards were maintaining order.

Jin Feng looked around and couldn't see the Ninth Princess.

He clearly saw the Ninth Princess running towards Hongde Hall, why was she missing?

He grabbed a passing escort platoon leader and asked, "Where is Her Royal Highness the Princess?"


The escort pointed to the center of the hall and said.

A group of people gathered in the center of the hall, including civil and military officials, as well as bodyguards to maintain order. Jin Feng didn't pay attention just now.

Now take a closer look, isn't it the Ninth Princess who is surrounded by hundreds of civil and military officials?

"What's going on?" Jin Feng asked someone to clear the way for the Ninth Princess, and asked the escort platoon leader: "Your Majesty has only been here a short time, why is it such a mess?"

The platoon leader of the escort replied: "Your Majesty said that what happened last night must have been secretly instigated by powerful officials, and all civil and military officials were required not to leave the palace until the matter was investigated clearly.

The officials knelt on the ground at that time, shouting that they had been wronged, saying that His Majesty did not believe them, some were begging His Majesty to allow them to retire and return to their hometowns, and some were looking for death. Anyway, everything was in chaos at that time.

The father-in-law next to His Majesty cracked the whip several times without calming down, so he asked us to maintain order. Then these officials began to kick and beat us. The battalion commander found that there were not enough manpower, so he asked Kuizi to go to the door and fire arrows.

Then the Ninth Princess Palace came, and the officials became even more excited. They surrounded Her Highness, saying that she was a murderer and asking Her Highness to kill someone to pay with her life. Some even scolded her... and then it ended like this!"

"You say Wuyang is a murderer and you still scold her?"

Jin Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and his tone became colder: "Then what are you doing? Get His Highness out quickly!"

"But... what should these officials do?"

The escort platoon leader asked with a troubled expression.

At this time, the Ninth Princess has been surrounded by hundreds of civil and military officials. If you want to take her out, you must drag away the surrounding officials.

Many of the officials who discussed the affairs of the court were very old, and they were quite excited at this time. If the bodyguard really wanted to take action, he would probably hurt them.

Even if they are not injured, given the character of these old guys, it is possible for them to blackmail the Zhenyuan Escort Agency.

"No matter what they do, bring Wuyang out first!"

Jin Feng was close to the encirclement at this time and was about to shout when he saw an old guy spitting at the Ninth Princess.

Although he didn't vomit, it still made Jin Feng furious.

He reached out and took out the musket from his sleeve, raised his hand and fired a shot above his head!


The huge sound instantly drowned out the voices of the civil and military officials.

A hole was made in the beams of the main hall, and sawdust fell down.

The main hall, which had been in chaos just now like a vegetable market, suddenly became quiet.

Jin Feng walked up to the old guy who was spitting at Princess Jiu and looked at him coldly.

The old guy was stared at by Jin Feng and felt a little guilty. However, seeing all the civil and military officials around him, he felt hardened again and glared at Jin Feng fiercely: "Who are you? Why are you looking at me like this?"

"Did you spit this saliva?" Jin Feng asked, pointing to the saliva on the ground.

"So what if I vomited it?" the old guy asked with eyes wide open.

"Just admit it," Jin Feng said coldly: "Qianxun, slap your mouth!"

Kita Chihiro stepped forward with the scabbard in hand and slapped the old guy in the face without saying a word.

Although he didn't use all his strength, he still slapped the old guy until his eyes were filled with stars and he sat down on the ground.

There were not many teeth in his mouth, but several more were removed.

The old man covered his mouth and wanted to curse again, but when he saw Kitakihiro's scabbard lifted up again, he lowered his head knowingly.

Jin Feng glanced at the old guy and shouted coldly: "Cao Dong, I asked you to bring people to guard Hongde Hall, and you just watch them act recklessly in front of His Majesty and His Highness?

The people who lead you will maintain order immediately. Anyone who dares to explode will be beaten to death by me. If anything happens, Your Majesty will be responsible for it!"


Cao Dong was kicked several times by the officials just now, and he was suffocating in his heart. Now that Jin Feng is here, he immediately has a backbone.

"Now stand back for me, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

This chapter has been completed!
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