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Chapter 734: Bluffing

Not long after the fireworks on the north city wall took off, two identical fireworks also took off six or seven miles outside the city.

A dozen miles to the west on the north bank of the Yellow River, there is a reed marsh.

Zhang Liang and his bodyguards are hiding here.

Seeing the fireworks coming from the other side of the Yellow River in the capital, Zhang Liang's eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Everyone, prepare for battle!"

Following Zhang Liang's order, the bodyguards who were sitting in the reed swamp immediately took action.

Just ten minutes later, dozens of war horses rushed out of the reed swamp and ran to the official road not far away.

Behind each war horse is a branch with leaves tied to it.

The official roads in Dakang are all dirt roads, and branches dragging on the ground bring up a lot of dust.

In the reed swamp, the bodyguards also took out coils of string and tied them to the reeds.

Bianliang, the capital of Dakang, is closer to the Yellow River than Kaifeng in Jin Feng's previous life. The north bank of the Yellow River can be seen from the north city wall.

Zhang Liang and others saw the fireworks, as did the Eastern Barbarians stationed on the north bank of the Yellow River.

"What are you doing, Nanman, smoking?" Yelvshu asked.

"The king is atoning for his sins, and his subordinates don't know about it...but they have sent people out to find out."

After the deputy general finished speaking, he was afraid that Yelu Shu would be angry, so he quickly pointed to the west and said, "There are some over there too."

"The results have been found, come and tell me quickly!"

Yelvshu hummed and went into the tent again.

The spies sent out by the deputy general were all riding fast horses. They quickly discovered something strange around the reed marsh and hurried back to report.

"Report to your Majesty that the enemy has been spotted in the reed swamp twelve miles away!"

"Emperor Dakang is so courageous that he dares to send troops close to us twelve miles away!"

Yelvshu sneered and asked, "How many enemies are there?"

"There are enemy scouts and patrols outside the reed marsh. We dare not approach them. We don't know the exact number!"

The spy replied: "But the dust on the official road outside the reed marsh is flying, and the reeds in the reed marsh are all swaying. I think there are many people here.

The captain asked me to come back and report to the king, and he and his people will continue to investigate."

"Oh?" Yeluqi frowned slightly: "Did you see the opponent's flag? Which army is it from Dakang?"

"The opponent is flying a black flag. It's the first time I've seen it. The soldiers patrolling outside the reed swamp are all wearing black armor."

"Black flag and black armor? Could it be Jinchuan's Zhenyuan Escort Agency?"

Yeluqi took out a piece of paper from the desk, pointed at it and asked, "Is it a flag like this?"

"Yes, yes, that's it!"

The spy nodded quickly.

"It's really Zhenyuan Escort Agency!"

Yeluqi raised his eyebrows: "I asked why Emperor Dakang suddenly became brave. It turns out that Jin Feng is here."

"Your Majesty, Feng once said that Jin Feng's Zhenyuan Escort Agency is not easy to deal with!"

The lieutenant's expression became cautious.

"Feng is just an alarmist, you are really frightened!"

Yelu Shu snorted coldly: "The main reason why Jin Feng was able to defeat the Dangxiang people in Qingshui Valley was because they took advantage of the terrain. The reason why Jin Feng was able to defeat Danzhu in Damang Slope was because he defeated Danzhu's army and horse camp.

The terrain here is flat and there are no prisoners in our camp. What can Jin Feng do to me even if he has all kinds of strategies?"

After Gada pacified many tribes on the plateau, he was always thirsty for talents.

Mr. Feng spent a lot of effort to successfully get into Gada's field of vision, and then quickly gained Gada's trust with his sharp tongue.

After the battle at Damangpo, Gada was furious when he learned that Danzhu's entire army had been wiped out. He immediately decided to lead his troops eastward to avenge Danzhu and teach Dakang a lesson.

However, he was dissuaded by Mr. Feng and suggested that Gada unite Dangxiang and Dongman to fight against Dakang.

Tubo had just gone through decades of melee, and its people's livelihood was in decline. It was indeed unable to fight against Dakang alone. After careful consideration, Gada agreed to Mr. Feng's suggestion and sent him as an envoy to unite Dangxiang and the Eastern Barbarians.

Qinghuai's Tielin Army was now equipped with a large number of heavy crossbows and catapults, taking advantage of the terrain to keep the party members at bay.

The party members were having a headache because of this, and Mr. Feng went.

The two sides hit it off immediately, and the Dangxiang people also sent envoys to go to the Eastern Barbarians with Mr. Feng.

But when he arrived in the Eastern Barbarians, things didn't go so smoothly for Mr. Feng.

The power of the Eastern Barbarians is much stronger than that of Dangxiang, and they have never suffered losses from Jin Feng. Most of the senior officials simply do not believe what Mr. Feng said.

In the minds of the Eastern Barbarians, Dakang is just a piece of fat meat. When they are hungry and greedy, they go and cut off a piece of it.

When the Dangxiang people followed them and threatened Dakang, the Eastern Barbarians were already somewhat dissatisfied.

Now Mr. Feng wants to unite the three countries to attack Dakang, and it is clear that he wants to carve up Dakang.

If Dakang is gone, how will the Eastern Barbarians cut their flesh in the future?

Therefore, the Khan of the Eastern Barbarian Royal Court directly rejected Mr. Feng’s proposal.

In addition, there was a cold disaster last winter, so as soon as the snow melted, the Khan immediately sent Yelu Shu, the Xian King of Zuo, to Dakang.

One is extortion, and the other is showing off force to the Dangxiang and Tubo.

Dangxiang and Tubo could not even penetrate the border of Dakang, but the Eastern Barbarians directly attacked the capital of Dakang.

In this way, the Eastern Barbarians can naturally overpower Dangxiang and Tubo.

From the beginning to the end, Yelu Shu never considered that he would fail.

With the vast plains along the Yellow River, he really couldn't imagine why Jin Feng could stop his 30,000 cavalry.

However, as a veteran who has been on the battlefield for many years, Yelu Shu did not dare to underestimate the enemy.

After teaching the deputy general a lesson, he ordered an increase in the number of patrol teams.

Not long after the order was issued, the sound of a gong was heard outside.

"What happened outside?"

Yelu frowned and shouted outside.

The personal guard came in and reported: "Report to your Majesty, the spies are back, and people from the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau are chasing them!"

"How dare you chase my people?" Yelvshu asked angrily: "How many people came from the other side?"

"Not many, only seven of them!" the guard replied: "Captain Tuoyan has already sent people to hunt them down!"

"Hmph, after you catch them, peel off their skins and carry them outside the camp!"

"Yes!" The guard quickly agreed.

"By the way, are the spies back?" Yelvshu asked.

"came back!"

As soon as the bodyguard finished answering, the spy with arrows on his thighs and shoulders was helped over.

"What did you discover? The Zhenyuan Escort Bureau is going to chase you here and kill you?" Yelu Shu asked.

"Reporting to your Majesty, I asked people to divert the enemy's patrols and get closer to the reed marsh to check. I found that they were swaying around the reeds with ropes tied to them. In fact, there are not many people hiding inside."

The spy captain replied: "The smoke on the road looks like it's blocking the sky, but it's actually caused by them dragging branches with their war horses. The total number of them is definitely not more than 3,000!"

"I was just wondering how a bodyguard agency could have so many people. It turned out to be a bluff!"

Yelu Shu looked astonished: "No wonder they are chasing you so far. It turns out you discovered their secret!"

After saying that, he looked at the spy captain: "How many of your people have returned?"

This chapter has been completed!
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