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Chapter 739

Chen Ji tilted his head and thought for a while, and finally understood what Jin Feng meant.

Yes, he was sitting on a tower dozens of meters high and had a telescope in his hand, so he knew that there weren't many people in Zhang Liang.

However, the Dongman camp was several miles in radius, and most of the Dongman soldiers could only see a dozen meters around them. Any further away would be blocked by tents, people, and horses.

The entire Dongman camp was in chaos. How did they know how many people Zhang Liang had?

Seeing the smoke and dust rising in the sky from the north, coupled with the sound of explosions and the neighing of war horses everywhere, many Eastern Barbarian soldiers couldn't help but begin to wonder, could they really be surrounded?

This move was used by Zhang Liang for the second time today, and it was also seen through by Yelu Shu, but ordinary Eastern Barbarian soldiers didn't know it!

What made the Eastern Barbarian soldiers most desperate was that their king Yelu Shu and his handsome flag had been hoisted by the bodyguards.

The king has been arrested, and the handsome flag has been chopped off. How can I still get rid of it?

Of course, there were some Eastern Man soldiers who did not know Yelu Shu and suspected that the escort was deceiving them, so they turned to look at the Chinese army's tent.

There was no radio in the war at this time, so a high platform would be built next to the Chinese army's tent. After the commander issued an order, the flag bearer would stand on the high platform and wave the flag to convey the order.

At this time, the Chinese army's tent in Yelu Shu had already been burned by Dazhuang and the others, so naturally the high platform could not escape as it had long been blown apart.

Therefore, when those Eastern Barbarian soldiers who had doubts looked over, they were also in despair.

Not to mention that Shuai Qi is really gone, even the high platform is gone.

"Yelushu has been killed! You are surrounded! Surrender without killing!"

The escorts continued to roar and glanced around coldly.

Anyone who does not throw away their weapons or kneel on the ground will be shot without mercy!

When the coach is arrested, the blow to morale is fatal.

Coupled with the thinning out of all members, the command system of the Eastern Barbarians completely collapsed.

When the bodyguards came to kill them, more and more Eastern Barbarians chose to throw away their weapons and kneel on the ground to surrender.

There's nothing you can do if you don't surrender. You can't straighten your waist, and your horse has run away. How can you fight this battle?

In a battle, surrender is contagious.

Jin Feng, Ninth Princess, Chen Ji and others who were far away on the city wall watched helplessly as more and more Eastern Barbarian soldiers knelt on the ground.

In just ten minutes, the entire Dongman camp knelt on the ground.

"Heizi, fire the arrows and let Da Zhuang and the others control the army and horse camp as quickly as possible!"

Despite Zhang Liang's calmness, he never expected that this battle would go so smoothly, and he was trembling slightly with excitement.


Heizi quickly released the sounding arrow.

Zhang Liang knew that it was not the time to relax yet, so he forced himself to calm down, and while observing the battlefield, he ordered the flag bearer to issue one order after another.

At this time, the total number of cavalry and infantry in Zhang Liang's hands was only about a thousand, but in order to create the illusion that there were more people, he actually divided the more than a thousand bodyguards into dozens of teams and dispersed them throughout the camp.

This will give the Eastern Barbarians the illusion that many escorts have arrived.

But doing so is also very dangerous.

If the Eastern Barbarians notice, they can surround them and defeat them one by one.

Therefore, what Zhang Liang did at this time was a gamble that was even more thrilling than the empty city plan.

If the bet wins, they will win an unprecedented war.

If you lose the bet, your life will be lost.

In the north of the battlefield, Da Zhuang did not ride wildly on horseback, but kept staring south.

When they saw Heizi's snapping arrow, they immediately asked the cavalry to throw away the branches and return to the south.

At this time, the escorts who came on foot also arrived near the military horse camp and were repairing the roadside.

"What's happening here?"

Da Zhuang looked through the telescope and saw the Dongman camp kneeling on the ground, his face full of confusion.

According to the plan, he would first build momentum for Zhang Liang in the north, and then wait for Zhang Liang to attract the attention of the Eastern Barbarians to the south, then he would lead the black-armored cavalry and escort infantry to storm the military horse camp.

Even if they cannot capture the military horse camp, they must try their best to release all the horses in the military horse camp.

The medicine that the monkey put in the river was specially prepared by Wei Wuya. It will occur two quarters of an hour after taking it, and then it will disappear for three to four days.

Although war horses are huge and have stronger drug resistance than humans, they drink a lot and will never get better if they don't take a day or two.

Even if it is good, a good horse can be turned into a weak shrimp after running thin for a day.

Now that Yelu Shu has been captured, as long as Da Zhuang successfully breaks through the military horse camp, most of the battle will be won.

After all, without a coach and without war horses, the Eastern Barbarian army is almost like a toothless tiger.

Da Zhuang had long known that Yelv Shu had deployed heavy troops to guard the army and horse camp, so before he came, he was ready to fight to the death.

But who knew that he just took people to sweep the ground in the north, and when he came back to the military horse camp, all the Eastern barbarian soldiers surrendered...

Although Da Zhuang was confused and couldn't figure out what was going on, he didn't hesitate too much and immediately ordered the infantry escorts to be divided into two teams.

One team tied up the surrendered guards, and the other team began to move the horses.

On the city wall, Jin Feng clenched his fists excitedly.

He didn't expect Zhang Liang to really win!

The Ninth Princess was even more excited than Jin Feng. She hit the city wall hard and turned around and shouted: "Qin Zhen! Quick, you personally lead the imperial army and Zuo Xiaowei across the river to help the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau take care of the prisoners of war!"

When Jin Feng heard this, he immediately realized it.

Zhang Liang and the others used too many tricks to get the Eastern Barbarians to surrender.

If no one goes to tie up and take custody of the prisoners, the Eastern Barbarians will definitely react quickly.

If there is a mutiny then, it will be troublesome.

Therefore, people must be sent to receive the prisoners as soon as possible.

As for the surrounding area of ​​the capital, in addition to the Imperial Guards within the city, there were only the Prince's Sixth Commander of the East Palace and the Zuo Xiaowei outside the city.

Although the Sixth Army of the East Palace was previously led by Qin Zhong, Qin Zhong was dead at this time, and Qin Zhen did not spare a hand to clean it up, so naturally it could not be used.

The only ones that can be used are the Forbidden Army and Zuo Xiaowei.

Qin Zhen turned to look at the emperor, saw Chen Ji nodding, and then looked at the Ninth Princess: "Your Highness, how many imperial troops will you bring across the river?"

"Do you still need to ask? You can bring as much as you want!" said the Ninth Princess.

"There may be remnants of the prince in the city at this time. I took the imperial guards away. What if they break out and cause trouble again?" Qin Zhen asked.

"There are bodyguards and red armor battalions in the palace, and there are hot air balloons in the sky. The prince's remnants can't even think of breaking in." The ninth princess glanced at the civil and military officials and said coldly: "As for outside the imperial city, they can make trouble as they please.

They don’t have the guts!”

The remnants of the prince refer to the dead soldiers and thugs secretly cultivated by the powerful.

As long as the imperial city is defended, no matter how much trouble they make, it will not matter to the overall situation, but will be exposed.

When the war on the north bank ends, it is self-evident what awaits them.

"Listen to Wuyang and go quickly!"

Seeing that Qin Zhen was still a little hesitant, Chen Ji spoke.

The emperor personally gave the order, and Qin Zhen no longer hesitated. While running down the tower, he called his deputy and asked him to pass the order to Zuo Xiaowei and the Secret Service.

This chapter has been completed!
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