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Chapter 741 What do you want, just say

"Recover the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun?!"

Before the Ninth Princess could speak, Chen Ji, who was sitting next to him, jumped up from his chair.

His grandfather ceded the Sixteenth State of Yanyun to the Eastern Barbarians, which was the beginning of Dakang's humiliation.

From that time on, the large fertile plains north of the Yellow River became the racing ground for the Eastern Barbarians.

Over the years, many generals from the main war faction have proposed to recover the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun, including his younger brother King Jin, and General Fan Wenyuan of Zhenbei, who have proposed the Northern Expedition many times.

They were all rejected by Chen Ji.

In order to regain the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun, his father launched two Northern Expeditions, emptying the national treasury and then died in depression.

So Chen Ji was desperate and resigned to his fate.

Dakang's treasury is empty. If the Northern Expedition fails, the Eastern Barbarians will definitely become angry and launch an even more violent attack on Dakang.

Chen Ji couldn't imagine how it would end.

So he has already laid down and has long given up the idea of ​​regaining Yanyun Sixteen Provinces.

But when Jin Feng mentioned it, Chen Ji's light of hope was rekindled.

He has witnessed with his own eyes the combat effectiveness of the escort, not to mention that Jin Feng also has many weapons such as hot air balloons, grenades, and heavy crossbows.

What Jin Feng and General Fan couldn't do, Jin Feng might not be able to do.

"Jin Feng, are you really willing to recapture the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun?"

Chen Ji stared at Jin Feng and asked word by word.

Jin Feng wanted to answer "I do", but he felt uncomfortable saying these three words to an old man, so he changed his mind and said, "I can go and recover the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun, but Your Majesty needs to agree to me on one condition!"

"If you can really regain the sixteen states of Yanyun, I will directly make you the Marquis of Qingshui. All counties and cities in the world, except the capital, you can choose any county as your fiefdom, and the treatment will be the same as that of the county king!"

Chen Ji immediately promised: "Are you satisfied?"


Before Jin Feng could answer, all the civil and military officials around him took a deep breath.

Chen Ji really spent a lot of money this time!

Jin Feng is just a baron now, but Chen Ji actually promised him to be directly promoted to a marquis.

That's all, Jin Feng was allowed to choose a fiefdom at will, and his treatment was the same as that of a county king.

Except for the group of nobles who followed the founding emperor to conquer the world during the founding of Dakang, there has never been such a precedent since then.

The civil and military officials were still excited, but they saw Jin Feng shaking his head.

"I don't want these!"

"Don't want these?"

Many officials almost choked at Jin Feng's words.

With such honor, Jin Feng is still not satisfied?

But when they thought about what Jin Feng was going to do, all the civil and military officials felt relieved.

The area of ​​the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun is too large, and its strategic location is too important. If it can be recovered, it will definitely change the national destiny of Dakang.

Compared with these, what is a mere county and a marquis?

If they had Jin Feng's ability, they wouldn't be satisfied with just these, they would definitely ask for more.

"Then what do you want?" Chen Ji looked at Jin Feng.

"Xiaosheng has nothing else to ask for. I just want Xiaosheng to stop the Eastern Barbarians. After Dangxiang, no matter what you hear from anyone, your Majesty will never reward the two countries with even one tael of silver or one foot of cloth!"

Jin Feng stared at the emperor and deliberately added an accent to the word "reward".

After saying that, he turned around and glanced coldly at the civil and military officials standing aside.

Especially when he saw several of the main peace factions, the warning in Jin Feng's eyes was ready to come out.

The emperor couldn't help but touched his nose in embarrassment.

Everyone present knows that the so-called "reward" is tribute.

Under normal circumstances, if one's own army wins the battle, it is naturally impossible to pay tribute.

But Chen Ji was too opinionated. Jin Feng had won the battle in Qingshui Valley before, but as soon as Dangxiang sent troops to pretend to attack Lanzhou, Chen Ji gave up.

Coupled with the intimidation and inducement from the peace ministers in the DPRK, didn't he still promise the party members to increase their "rewards" this year?

Why is Jin Feng willing to resist the Eastern Barbarians?

Is it because of the emperor? Is it because of the powerful officials of the Manchu Dynasty?

of course not.

He is for the prosperity of the people!

Jin Feng was really worried that he was fighting a war with the Eastern Barbarians in the north. If the emperor promised to give "rewards" to the Eastern Barbarians, he would be really worried that he would not be able to bear it and send people to blow up the Hongde Palace.

Therefore, he must speak first.

Many dignitaries had unnatural expressions on their faces, but no one dared to refute Jin Feng.

Just kidding, the fighting on the north bank has just subsided, and there are still a group of bodyguards standing nearby. If they continue to talk at this time, with Jin Feng's lunatic acting style, I am afraid they will dare to kill people with knives now.

In fact, Jin Feng did plan to kill the chicken to scare the monkey.

It's a pity that all the civil and military officials are smarter than monkeys and don't give him a chance at all.

All the civil and military officials understood what Jin Feng meant, and Chen Ji naturally understood it too, and said, "Whoever dares to mention rewards in the future, I will kill him immediately!"

Jin Feng did not answer, but bowed and saluted the emperor.

This was his first serious salute after seeing the emperor.

Not for himself, but for the people.

"If you have any other requests, please tell me!"

Chen Ji is a perceptual person, so when he saw Jin Feng acting like this, he was a little moved.

"If that's the case, then I'll say it."

Jin Feng spoke again: "Xiaosheng hopes that your Majesty will ban Hua Shi Gang starting from this year!"

When the Ninth Princess heard what Jin Feng said, her heart beat faster and she quickly glanced at Chen Ji secretly.

Since Chen Ji ascended the throne, he has been quite obsessed with breaking things. Every year, he collects various cultural treasures from all over Dakang and transports them to the capital to build a royal garden.

The so-called Huashi Gang is the fleet that escorts these cultural treasures.

Jin Feng asked Chen Ji to ban Hua Shi Gang, in order to persuade him to stop the royal extravagance and waste.

Saying this in front of all the civil and military officials is no different from directly blaming the emperor.

Many civil and military officials looked like they were watching a show.

Especially those from the Lord Peace Party, who wished the emperor would be angry.

The main fighting faction was stamping its feet anxiously, fearing that Jin Feng would anger Chen Ji.

But Jin Feng's expression remained very calm, as if the person he was admonishing was not the emperor, but an ordinary elder.

In fact, Jin Feng did not have any respect for Chen Ji.

If it weren't for the fear of chaos in the world, if it weren't for the relationship between the Ninth Princess and an emperor like Chen Ji, Jin Feng would never come to save him.

Chen Ji was a little embarrassed by what Jin Feng said, but he finally nodded and said: "I promise you that from now on, I will ban Hua Shi Gang and reduce the royal family's expenses at the same time!"

After saying that, he added: "I didn't know that the people's life was so difficult before. Now that I know it, I will definitely listen to you and Wuyang and reduce taxes so that my well-off people can live a good life!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Jin Feng saluted Chen Ji again.

Chen Ji raised his hand slightly, signaling Jin Feng to stand up, and then asked, "What else do you want?"

"No, as long as Your Majesty can do what you just said, Xiaosheng will be satisfied!"

"Don't you have any requirements for yourself?" Chen Ji asked: "Title, gold and silver, land, whatever you want, just say it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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