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Chapter 758 Amnesty

The content of the imperial notice is very simple, with only a few main contents.

Article 1: Starting from this year, all tax items except agricultural tax will be canceled for all farmers in Dakang. The agricultural tax will also be reduced by 50%, and will only be charged 50% of last year.

Except for the imperial court, local governments are not allowed to collect taxes from farmers for any reason. Once discovered, local officials will be removed from their posts and held accountable.

Article 2: Starting from this year, all localities will no longer be allowed to collect taxes from the people on the grounds of suppressing bandits. The work of suppressing bandits will be implemented by the county captains. If there are bandits again asking for "year-old grain" from the people, the local county captains and county captains will

Those who have been dismissed from positions of captain or above in the imperial army will be investigated and dealt with.

Article 3: Encourage the people to open up wasteland. All fields that have been cleared can be reported to the government and will be owned by the people who opened up wasteland.

Article 4: A general amnesty for criminals from all over the world, except for those who have committed the most heinous crimes such as the Miemen Sect, and all their crimes will be reduced to one level.

Bandits and refugees who have not committed any murders can go to the government to get their dental cards again and return home to farm.

Although the content of the imperial notice is not much, each one is closely related to the people, and each one is good news that benefits the people.

As soon as this announcement came out, the whole Dakang was in a state of excitement.

"Taxes have been reduced, taxes have been reduced! And they have been reduced by so much all at once!"

"Yes, except for the agricultural tax, all other miscellaneous taxes have been banned, and the agricultural tax is only 50% of what it was last year. It's really great!"

“Not only have miscellaneous taxes been abolished, but also rates have been abolished!”

"What if the bandits come after we cancel the pay levy?"

"Didn't you hear it just now? The emperor's notice said that in the future, whenever bandits come to our people to collect new year's grain, the local county captain will be dismissed and investigated!"

"I only pay 50% of the agricultural tax, and no longer have to pay wages and annual grain. My life is finally moving forward!"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

"Village chief, organize it and let us all go to the capital to kowtow to the emperor!"

"Not only do I have to kowtow to the Emperor, but I also kowtow to the Imperial Master and the Ninth Princess! I heard someone said that the tax reduction this time is all because of the Imperial Master and the Ninth Princess!"

"Does our Dakang have a national master?"

"What did you hear just now? The notice said at the beginning that in order to congratulate the Imperial Master for leading the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau to defeat the foreign enemies, the Emperor has granted amnesty to the whole world and reduced taxes to celebrate with the people."

"Zhenyuan Escort Agency? Why do you seem to have heard of it somewhere?"

"Your memory is really worth it. We went to the capital last month. The storyteller said so."

"Yeah, I remembered that the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau is under Mr. Jin. In that case, the national master is Mr. Jin?"

"Apart from Mr. Jin, who else in the current dynasty can be worthy of the title of National Preceptor?"

"Mr. Jin has become the national counselor. We, Da Kang, no longer have to fear the Eastern Barbarians, Dangxiang, and Tubo people!"

"Yes, I heard that some time ago on the north bank of the Yellow River, the Eastern Barbarians dispatched tens of thousands of elite cavalry. They were so numerous that one could not see the end of them. As a result, the national army only dispatched more than 2,000 bodyguards and beat the crap out of them!


"Yes, I've also heard that the Imperial Preceptor has used great magical powers, and all two thousand bodyguards have become flying heavenly soldiers and generals. They can also release divine thunder and lightning to blow up the Eastern Barbarians until they can't find the north!"

"With the Imperial Preceptor, we no longer have to pay tribute to the Eastern Barbarians and Tubo. We, the common people, can finally have a better life! We have to thank the Imperial Preceptor!"

"Yes, I heard that the Imperial Master and the Ninth Princess want to reduce taxes for us people. They have been opposed by many high-ranking officials and have offended many people. Every day, people want to assassinate the Imperial Master and the Ninth Princess!"

"Those powerful people deserve to be damned. Even if they don't want to do things for the people, they won't let the national master do it!"

"Of all the dignitaries in the dynasty, the only one who truly has the same heart as us people is the Imperial Preceptor!"

"Yes, I heard that there was a disaster in Sichuan and Sichuan last year, and the Imperial Master gave away all his family property in order to relieve the disaster!"

"Village chief, let's go to the capital together tomorrow to thank the emperor and the imperial master!"

The Battle of the Yellow River has ended for more than a month. With the help of the storyteller, most of the people around the capital have heard about the battle.

This battle was already exciting, but after the storyteller's "artistic processing", it became a myth.

Jin Feng's abilities have also become more powerful.

People in other places originally didn't know much about Jin Feng, but under the deliberate arrangement of the Ninth Princess, the government officials would also mention the Battle of the Yellow River and Jin Feng when posting notices.

In this way, Jin Feng's reputation spread throughout Dakang along with the imperial decree.

In addition to this notice, the emperor also issued a second imperial order notice for the counties surrounding the capital.

The second imperial decree contains only one content: From the date of issuance of the notice, so-called inferior origins such as "slave origin" and "low origin" will be banned.

All common people have only one identity, and that is the common people of Dakang, the descendants of Yan and Huang.

Brothel madams and wealthy families can no longer restrict the personal freedom of girls and domestic slaves. If girls and domestic slaves have relatives or have the means to make a living, they can leave on their own. Brothels and wealthy families are not allowed to stop them for any reason, otherwise it is a violation of the law.

All brothel girls and domestic slaves can find ways to report to the officials if they encounter obstruction. Once verified, the obstructionist will be severely punished.

If the brothel girls and domestic slaves have no means of livelihood for the time being and need to continue to stay in the brothel or the wealthy family, the madam and the wealthy family also need to sign a labor agreement with the girl and the domestic slaves and pay wages.

And from now on, the madam and the wealthy family are not allowed to corporally punish girls or domestic slaves, otherwise the government will impose triple punishment on the corporal punisher and the instigator.

That is to say, if a powerful master asks a housekeeper or the like to whip a slave in the future, both the housekeeper and the master will be whipped three times.

This is what Jin Feng thought of during this time to deal with the brothel girls and domestic slaves.

If brothels and domestic slaves were roughly disbanded, many people would starve to death.

So Jin Feng left the choice to themselves.

Those who have the means to make a living, or have relatives to seek refuge with, can escape the sea of ​​misery on their own.

If you have no means of livelihood and nowhere to go, you can still continue to work at your previous job to make money.

Brothel girls and domestic slaves were the lowest "lower class" in the feudal era. The madam and her boss could scold and beat them whenever they wanted. No one asked if they were beaten to death, and they could just throw them in a mass grave at the door.

You can imagine how excited they were after hearing the content of this notice.

On this day, countless brothel girls and domestic slaves cried loudly.

On the second day after the two imperial orders were announced to the world, countless people rushed to the capital spontaneously.

No matter how tight Jin Feng and Ninth Princess were on guard, there were still some powerful family members who pretended to be common people or businessmen and escaped from the capital. The Secret Service was recently hunting down these fleeing powerful people around the capital, and they discovered this situation immediately.

It was a big deal for so many people to enter the capital at the same time. The Secret Service did not dare to ignore it and reported it to the capital as soon as possible.

"Why do people suddenly come to the capital?"

Chen Ji said with some worry: "Isn't it because the mob wants to attack the capital?"

"Reply to Your Majesty, no."

Qin Zhen replied: "According to the secret agent's investigation, the people are grateful for your benevolent and righteous policies, and they spontaneously came to the capital to express their gratitude."

"Thank you?"

Chen Ji said in surprise: "Quick, order people to prepare horses, I want to go up to the city wall and have a look!"

This chapter has been completed!
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