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Chapter 772

"This madman!"

Jin Feng stamped his feet, rushed to the edge of the pavilion, held on to the guardrail and looked down.

Many people call Jin Feng crazy, but compared with Zuo Zhiyuan, Jin Feng feels inferior.

Several things he had done before seemed crazy, but he was absolutely sure every time.

For example, when he beat Xue Henglu to death, Jin Feng knew before the attack that the Ninth Princess would stand up for him, and he also thought of an excuse to pass the blame.

But what Zuo Zhiyuan did was really risking his life.

For example, this time, Zuo Zhiyuan flew very smoothly at first, but after flying more than ten meters, his left wing suddenly tilted and he fell down quickly.

"Hurry up!"

Dozens of escorts underground were holding sheets and running over there.

Zuo Zhiyuan fell onto one of the sheets, and the four escorts responsible for pulling the sheet were all pulled to the ground.

Zuo Zhiyuan also hit the ground with a thud.

Fortunately, there was a sheet as a buffer, so Zuo Zhiyuan did not fall to death, but his right wing hit an escort's arm, directly breaking his arm.

Jin Feng rushed down from the Bell and Drum Tower, and Da Liu had just helped Zuo Zhiyuan stand up.

"Is he okay?" Jin Feng asked with a dark face.

"It's okay, just abrasions in two places." Da Liu replied, "But Lao Lin's arm was broken by a wing."

"National Preceptor, I..."

As soon as Zuo Zhiyuan opened his mouth to speak, Jin Feng kicked him in the stomach.

Jin Feng was really angry this time and kicked with all his strength. Zuo Zhiyuan was kicked back a few steps and sat down on the ground.

"Next time you want to die, find a quieter place!"

Jin Feng pointed at Zuo Zhiyuan and cursed: "There are so many people under the Bell and Drum Tower. What if you crush others to death?"

The Bell and Drum Tower is considered a landmark building in the capital. If Jin Feng hadn't asked the Imperial Army to disperse the people, Zuo Zhiyuan would have probably killed someone if he jumped down like this.

Zuo Zhiyuan also knew that he was in the wrong, and said with a red face: "The lesson taught by the Imperial Master is that I should not test in the Bell and Drum Tower. Next time I will find a place with fewer people..."

"Do you really want to have a next time?"

Jin Feng was so angry that he wanted to hit someone: "I have told you eight hundred times that your idea will not work at all. There is no other motivation. It will be the same if you try it eight hundred times. Just relying on your arms to flap your wings to fly is just a dream."


Jin Feng is also a man in science and engineering, so he understands Zuo Zhiyuan better, and sometimes even feels that his spirit is worthy of admiration.

Although in his opinion Zuo Zhiyuan's ideas are naive and his actions are risky, doesn't science grow up step by step in this kind of innocence and risk-taking?

Therefore, when talking to Zuo Zhiyuan before, Jin Feng would consider his feelings and speak in a calm tone, focusing on explaining principles and persuading him. If Zuo Zhiyuan didn't listen, Jin Feng wouldn't say anything more.

But this time he was really angry and worried that Zuo Zhiyuan would find a deserted mountain and jump off, so he spoke a little more harshly.

Who would have thought that Zuo Zhiyuan was still not convinced anymore and said sternly, "Master, it's my fault this time. You can scold me and hit me. You can fly with a piece of cloth bag. Why do you call me a dreamer?"

Pigeons and eagles can fly with their wings, why can’t humans?”

"As I told you last time, the human body is destined to be unable to fly. The respiratory system cannot meet the large amount of oxygen required for flight, and the muscles in the arms do not have enough strength to flap the wings!"

Jin Feng explained helplessly.

In fact, he had told Zuo Zhiyuan these things last time, but unfortunately Zuo Zhiyuan couldn't understand it and didn't listen.

"I clearly flew more than ten meters before!"

Zuo Zhiyuan still insisted.

"You were gliding, not flying. You were lucky that time and found the right angle for gliding. But your luck will not always be so good. If you fail once, you will fall to death!"

Jin Feng said: "If this is what you understand about flying, I can fulfill your wish!"

"What do you mean?" Zuo Zhiyuan suddenly became more energetic: "Master, have you made better wings?"

"It's not wings, it's something else!"

"Isn't it another cloth bag?" Zuo Zhiyuan asked with a frown.

A few days ago, Jin Feng got impatient with him and took him on a hot air balloon ride.

Zuo Zhiyuan is also a senior craftsman. He took a close ride and quickly understood the principle of a hot air balloon.

I was very disappointed to find that the hot air balloon did not have the ability to fly autonomously and could only be dragged by the wind or horses.

In his mind, the ideal aircraft can fly at least as freely as a bird.

"You're right to say it's a Budouzi," Jin Feng thought for a moment and said, "But it can fly very far, and it's countless times safer than your pair of broken wings."

"Can Budouzi really fly?" Zuo Zhiyuan immediately became interested and asked, "How far can it fly?"

"Actually, the cloth bag I made is not for flying, but if you want to fly, it's not a big problem to fly a hundred or two hundred feet." Jin Feng replied.

In fact, before the hot air balloon was built, he made a parachute to prevent accidents when testing the hot air balloon.

Although Eagle and the others have not had any accidents, they have already practiced parachuting.

Later, Zhang Liang learned about this and became aware of cultivating airborne troops.

In fact, not long after the establishment of the Escort Division, Jin Feng came up with the idea of ​​organizing a special force, and the Black Armor Escort Division was the prototype.

The original members of the Black Armored Escort Division were all carefully selected veterans. In the Battle of Damanang Slope, the power of the Black Armored Escort Division was also proven.

After Zhang Liang proposed the idea of ​​airborne troops, Jin Feng agreed.

In special operations, airborne troops can sneak behind enemy lines quietly and perform tasks such as beheadings or sneak attacks on the enemy's grain depots.

So a few months ago, Zhang Liang selected a group of veterans for parachuting training.

It's just that the airborne troops are one of Jin Feng's new trump cards, and they were not exposed this time.

During parachute practice, the closer you get to the landing target, the better your score will be. If you glide too far, you will fail.

If you encounter windy weather, it is too common to miss the target by several hundred meters.

"Budouzi can fly one or two hundred feet? I don't believe it!" Zuo Zhiyuan shook his head.

Jin Feng's mind moved and he said: "How about we make a bet. If the cloth bag I make can fly two hundred feet, you will stop studying these broken wings and stop being an official in the court. Come with me."

Go back to Jinchuan and I’ll teach you how to make other things, what do you think?”

Although Jin Feng was angry about this incident, he still admired Zuo Zhiyuan's persistence in science.

Such people are naturally suitable for scientific research, but not suitable for court.

Although he is honest, pragmatic, hard-working and able to endure hardships, he is really not the material to be an official.

It's okay to let him work, but it's crazy to let him direct others to work.

The Ministry of Works has been in a state of chaos recently, and Princess Ninth is preparing to replace Zuo Zhiyuan these days.

So Jin Feng came up with the idea of ​​poaching people.

This chapter has been completed!
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