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Chapter 78 Night Attack

After sending Zhang Qiwei away, Jin Feng asked Zhong Wu to call his deputy Xu Xiao over.

The two of them discussed the map and sand table in the big tent for more than half an hour, and Xu Xiao didn't leave until it was time to light the lamp.

After coming out of Jin Feng's tent, Xu Xiao didn't even have time to eat, so he led several hundred soldiers up the hill on the left and replaced the group of soldiers who had gone up the mountain to cut wood and make catapults.

That night, the prisoner of war camp was extremely lively.

Each of the Han slaves was given a piece of linen cloth and a coarse grain wotou.

Although the linen cloth is not large, it can be used to cover shame.

The wowotou was also hard, but it was the most delicious food they had eaten in the past year.

The most important thing is that the military master has recorded their household registrations and will let them go home after verification.

There were so many Han slaves at once that it was too late to make prison cells. The Dening army simply cut down some trees, formed a circle in the open space, and locked all the Han slaves in.

Before the verification results are sent back, they must stay here, under the supervision of the Denin Army, and have their hands and feet tied with ropes.

Fortunately, the Dening Army did not tie the rope to death, but tied it like shackles. He can walk and eat, but he cannot run and walk inconveniently. If he is not careful, he will trip over the rope.

When tying the rope, the Dening Army told them that anyone who dared to untie the rope without permission would be executed.

The Han slaves had no objection to this.

Compared to being rescued, a mere inconvenience is nothing.

Outside the prisoner of war camp, Zhang Qiwei asked: "Have all the details been found out?"

"General, don't worry, Dangxiang speaks in a different tone from us Central Plains people. It's easy to find them."

The deputy general said: "We found a total of twenty-six craftsmen, and two of them tried to pretend to be dumb and get through, but I killed them both."

In fact, the lieutenant is not sure whether these two people are craftsmen or really dumb.

Don't care either.

Anyway, there are so many Han slaves, so two deaths are nothing.

"You still have to be careful. The number of people on duty will be doubled at night."

The prisoners and Han slaves ate, drank, and defecated in the prison camp, so the smell nearby was very bad. Zhang Qiwei explained it and left with his nose covered.

Behind the scenes, the Han slaves had long been accustomed to the stench, and the prison camp was still very lively.

Some people laughed loudly because they were about to return to their hometown, while others cried softly because their relatives died in the party.

It was not until late at night that the prisoner of war camp finally became quiet.

The Han slaves were tired of crying and laughing. They lay on the ground in groups and fell asleep.

The Denin soldiers who were on guard were all yawning, and some were already leaning against pillars and taking a nap.

Four or five in the morning is the darkest time of the day, and it is also the time when people are most likely to feel sleepy.

The Dening Army was not an iron-blooded force with strict military discipline. Most of the soldiers guarding them were asleep leaning on the pillars. Only two people were awake, playing wolf and baby under the torch.

Even the torches were mostly extinguished, and no one was there to refuel them.

In the fence, in a corner without firelight, the young Han slave who was missing one ear opened his eyes slightly.

He carefully looked around and stood up slowly.

The Han slaves slept so tightly that One Ear inevitably bumped into the people next to him.

A child of twelve or thirteen years old rubbed his eyes and asked: "Brother Black Dog, do you want to go to the latrine?"


The black dog could only nod.

"Then I'll go with you."

The child got up and the two of them walked into the makeshift dry toilet in the corner.

After urinating, the child was about to go out when the black dog suddenly grabbed his neck and pushed him to the ground.

The child struggled violently and kept kicking and hitting the black dog.

Unfortunately, he was still a child after all and had been malnourished. He was no match for the black dog and was pinned to the ground unable to move.

Gradually, the child stopped struggling, his face turned red, his eyes bulged, and he stared at the black dog.

"Ni Dan'er, don't blame Brother Dog. Brother Dog can't help it... The party members have detained my wife and daughter. If I don't do something tonight... they won't be able to survive tomorrow..."

The black dog sat down on the ground, whimpered softly and closed the child's eyes.

But when he took his hand away, the child's eyes opened again, still staring at him.

Black Dog tried a few more times, but the result was the same every time, so he simply gave up.

"Nidan'er, if you really hate Brother Dog, and Brother Dog will admit it, Brother Dog will come over tomorrow to keep you company. If you want to kill or chop him into pieces, Brother Dog will do whatever you want!"

The black dog hid the child's body in the deepest corner of the dry toilet, and then walked out.

He did not return to the place where he slept before, but stood in the middle of the open space, coughed twice, then raised his head and yawned.

This was the secret code for communication told to him by the party members.

Sure enough, as soon as the black dog closed his mouth, more than a dozen people in the camp quietly sat up.

Like Black Dog, they all have relatives who are detained in the party.

For the sake of their loved ones, they can only take risks and betray their companions.

A group of people bypassed the two soldiers playing chess, hid in a relatively loose and dark place, untied the ropes from each other's hands and feet, and got out of the fence.

Ten minutes later, based on the memory of the day, Black Dog led people to the tent where the Dening Army kept their weapons.

After getting rid of the guarding soldiers who were sleeping like dead pigs, each man carried a bundle of sabers on his back and quietly walked towards the place where the party prisoners were being held.

Although Zhang Qiwei was a dandy, he was not stupid enough to look down on party prisoners.

There are rows of pillars tied to this open space, with a beam running horizontally between every two pillars, about two meters above the ground.

The party prisoners had their hands tied and hung from the beams.

The taller ones can barely touch the ground with their feet, while the shorter ones can only be hung in the air.

In the past few days, dozens of party prisoners have been hanged to death.

As for going to the toilet, I'm sorry, just drop it in your pants.

The guards here are obviously much stricter than those where Han slaves were imprisoned.

Less than half of the guarding soldiers were still awake, and there were even two teams of new recruits who kept patrolling.

Black Dog and his group hid in the dark and waited for another ten minutes. A tent close to where the party prisoners were held suddenly caught fire.

The wind was strong that night, and soon, two tents surrounding this tent were also set on fire.

"No, it's gone!"

Several soldiers on patrol were the first to notice the fire. They yelled and ran quickly in the direction of the fire.

The fire became more and more fierce, and all the soldiers' attention was attracted by the fire. No one noticed that the black dog had led people into the fence where the party prisoners were.

"Everyone, please move quickly. If you are lucky, you will still have time to return to the Han slave camp."

Black Dog gave an explanation, rushed to the nearest beam, and cut the rope of the party prisoner with a knife.

Then he threw a saber on the ground and rushed towards the next party prisoner.

The released party prisoners also immediately picked up their sabers and released their companions.

By the time the soldiers of the Denin Army discovered what was happening here, most of the party prisoners had been released...

This chapter has been completed!
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