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Chapter 793 The wind stopped

In fact, a few months ago, Jin Feng originally planned to mass-produce muskets, but due to the conditions in the smelting workshop at the time, Jin Feng could only barely mass-produce matchlock guns.

A matchlock gun needs to be filled with gunpowder from the muzzle, then use a stick to stab the gunpowder firmly, and then insert bullets such as iron sand from the muzzle position. Finally, ignite the matchlock at the end of the gun, ignite the gunpowder in the barrel, and use the gunpowder explosion to produce

Strength, push the bullet out of the gun.

The refill speed of this firearm is too slow, the aim is ridiculously low, and the range is short.

The most important thing is that given the conditions of the smelting workshop at that time, the barrels produced in batches had a high chamber explosion rate.

Jin Feng thought about it again and again, and finally decided to postpone the development of firearms and put most of his energy into improving heavy crossbows and arrows.

So far, Jin Feng has once again made the right decision.

If the Shen Gong battalion used matchlocks instead of heavy crossbows this time, this battle would be difficult to fight.

Heavy rain will render the matchlock completely useless, and the Northern Expeditionary Army will have no choice but to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the Eastern Barbarian cavalry.

Although the Northern Expeditionary Army may not be able to withstand hand-to-hand combat, it will definitely suffer heavy casualties. How could it be so easy now?

It took such a long time for the battle to begin, and the Eastern Barbarians were killed and bleeding like rivers, but they could not even get close to the Northern Expedition's defense line.

A stick of incense passed quickly. Da Hechen looked up at the dark clouds in the sky and found that Shen Gong Battalion still maintained the previous shooting rhythm, and reluctantly announced his retreat.

"Your Majesty, should you retreat directly back to the camp, or continue to surround them?"

asked a small tribe leader.

His tribe was placed in the first echelon and was one of the first tribes to launch the charge.

After this battle, he doesn't know how many people in his tribe will survive.

"Surround them?" Dahe gave the little leader a stern look: "The summer rain comes and goes quickly. The wind and rain will stop when the rain comes, and their black balloons can fly into the sky again. How can we surround them?"

"Could it be...should we just retreat in such despair?"

The little leader stared and asked unwillingly: "Did my people die in vain?"

The rules on the grassland are cruel. Without the leader of the tribe, what is the leader?

He couldn't survive alone on the grassland, and his former enemies would not hesitate to add insult to injury, so the little leader also took the risk.

"Tu Shu, I know you are sad and I know you are angry, but anger is useless on the battlefield."

Da He Chen was not as cruel as Ye Lu Shu. He reached out and patted the young leader on the shoulder: "Your people are all heroes. For their sake, I will forgive you for the crime of disrespect. When you go back, you can go find Hei Lang.

He will protect you!"

"Yes!" The little leader finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

Hei Lang is Da He Chen's most trusted tribal leader. With his protection, his life can be saved.

Da Hechen waved his hands and walked down the observation deck with a sad face.

For the Eastern Barbarian cavalry who were charging at the front, this time of burning incense was too difficult. After receiving the order, they immediately stopped charging and began to retreat.

"Brother Liang, do you want to go over and chase me?"

Da Zhuang said eagerly.

When two armies are fighting, the retreat of one side is the best opportunity for the other side to attack.

"We can't go," Zhang Liang stood on the high platform, looked around, shook his head and said, "They are not bandits. If you chase them, you will fall into a trap!"

Zhang Liang intended to train Da Zhuang, and originally planned to keep him in the capital to temporarily take his place with the monkey.

Later, Jin Feng was worried about an accident during the Northern Expedition, so he specially sent Da Zhuang to follow Zhang Liang, leaving the monkey who liked to tell lies by his side.

Finding that Da Zhuang still had doubts on his face, Zhang Liang pointed to the northern position and explained:

"If they were bandits, if they were ordered to retreat at this time, they would probably break up immediately. However, when the Eastern Barbarian cavalry retreated, some people were responsible for the rear and others were responsible for covering. It was in good order.

If you rashly lead people to chase and kill, it is likely to lead to a stalemate, and then the Shengong Battalion's advantage will be gone!"

"Understood!" Da Zhuang suddenly nodded, and then asked: "Then what should we do next? Continue to set up camp here?"

"Before we camped on the spot, I couldn't figure out what kind of medicine the other party was selling in the gourd. Now that I know, why are we still here? Our mission is to recover Yuguan City!"

Zhang Liang said: "Order the reconnaissance company to confirm. If the Dongman people have really left, ask everyone from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Infantry Battalions and the Logistics Department to recover the arrows. We will set off as soon as the rain stops!"

Arrows can still be used after being recycled, so every time the battlefield is cleaned after a battle, the arrows must be recycled.

As the messenger passed on Zhang Liang's order, the reconnaissance company galloped out of the position on war horses to confirm the whereabouts of the Eastern Barbarians to avoid falling into their trap.

But this time it was Zhang Liang who thought too much. Although the Eastern Barbarians admired force and had tough folk customs, they were not reckless people.

When Dahe Chen discovered that the Northern Expeditionary Army had a fully-organized heavy crossbow unit, he knew that the battle was completely lost.

So after retreating, Dahe Shen immediately ordered the team to stay away from the Northern Expeditionary Army as soon as possible.

After running five or six miles eastward, Da Hechen reined in his horse and called his most trusted men over.

"Qinglang, take your people to stay and harass the Central Plains people, and keep them on the grassland for at least another half month!"

"Insulting the Central Plains people?"

The subordinate named Qing Lang couldn't help but look bitter.

They had just witnessed the combat effectiveness of the Northern Expeditionary Army. Dahe Shen asked him to stay and harass, but didn't he let him and his tribe die?

"Is there a problem?" Da Hechen asked with a cold face.

"No... no problem!" Qing Lang agreed with a grimace.

“It’s no problem!”

Da Hechen turned to look at the other person again: "Hei Lang, take your people and follow me. Gray Wolf, take the rest of the people and run eastward for twenty miles first, then turn around and go south to Dayu

The river is waiting for us!”

"Your Majesty, where are you and Black Wolf going?"

Gray Wolf frowned and asked.

"We have our own affairs. You can just take the people to Dayu River. Don't ask about anything else!"

Dahe said coldly: "When I finish my work, I will naturally go to Dayu River to meet you!"

"Yes!" Gray Wolf quickly lowered his head when he heard this, not daring to ask any more questions.

When Hei Lang brought his people over, Dahe Chen immediately left with Hei Lang and others.

"The king and the black wolf are heading north. They won't abandon us and run away, right?"

Green Wolf whispered to Gray Wolf.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Gray Wolf scolded: "Go quickly, don't delay the king's mission!"

"Hey, your Majesty asked me to harass the people of the Central Plains. Doesn't this mean we are going to die?"

Qinglang sighed, but still led his men to leave the large army.

Gray Wolf looked back and followed Dahe Chen's instructions, leading the remaining cavalry troops all the way east.

At the Northern Expeditionary Army camp, the soldiers were still cleaning the battlefield in the rain.

But no one complained because it was a fat job.

They could keep some of the jade pendants, gold and silver jewelry and other things found on the corpses of the Eastern Barbarians, but Zhang Liang turned a blind eye to this.

Before the cleaning of the battlefield was over, the storm stopped.

Zhang Liang had just ordered the hot air balloon to take off, when the sound of horse hooves suddenly came from the east.

This chapter has been completed!
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