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Chapter 824: Dead Mountain and Sea of ??Blood

When Liu detonated the grenade box, many pirates had just climbed onto the deck. Some of the lucky ones were just knocked into the sea by the shock wave of the explosion and survived.

The people sent by Mr. Guo soon returned with a survivor.

"Did you get on the boat just now?"

Mr. Guo asked, staring at the survivor.

"Going up." The survivor replied.

"What's going on on the ship?" Mr. Guo said, "What did you see? Tell me everything. There must be no hiding anything!"

"I saw people lying everywhere on the deck. I don't know if they were dead or what happened to them. Anyway, they were all motionless. There was only one person standing."

The survivor said: "The man threw a black thing on the ground, and then I felt like I was gored by a buffalo and flew into the sea."

"What kind of clothes is that man wearing? Is there a knife on his waist?" Mr. Guo asked.

"Wearing the Zhenyuan Escort's armor and saber..." The survivor tried to recall: "There was a saber, I saw it."

When the survivor told the story, Mr. Guo kept staring at him to judge whether he was lying.

After asking the first one, the second one was also brought over.

The second survivor's answer was similar to the first one. The biggest difference was that he saw a cabin and found that there were several sleeping escorts in the cabin.

While Mr. Guo and Mr. Xue were asking, the manpower they brought and the Central Plains pirates they had attracted had already launched a surprise attack on the Western pirates.

The two counselors kept questioning the seven or eight survivors, and then gathered together again.

"Mr. Guo, what do you think?" Mr. Xue looked at Mr. Guo.

"Judging from their answers, I think Jialiu should have succeeded, but one person was missed. Then this person killed Jialiu, and felt that if he fell into our hands, his life would be worse than death, so he chose to die together!


Mr. Guo expressed his guess and then asked: "Mr. Xue, what do you think?"

"I think so too." Mr. Xue looked around and whispered: "Send someone to search the surrounding sea to see if there are any survivors washed away by the sea."

"Agree!" Mr. Guo nodded quickly.

In fact, they all suspected that the handyman had missed more than one person, and that someone had escaped with Jin Feng.

But none of them said it directly, but tacitly agreed to search for survivors as an excuse. In fact, the real purpose was to search for Jin Feng.

It was already dark at this time, and Da Liu bought enough time. Bei Qianxun had already taken Jin Feng and Tang Xiaobei away.

Ever since she could remember, Kita Qianhiro had almost never cried, because she learned in the death warrior training camp that crying cannot solve problems, but will make people think you are weak and bully you even more.

The young lady was tortured to death by Xue Henglu, and the sworn sisters in Jiangnan were killed by water bandits. Kita Chihiro did not shed a tear, but tried his best to avenge the young lady and her sisters.

But at this time, Kita Chihiro's tears couldn't stop flowing down, making the clothes on her chest wet.

I also recalled every moment of getting along with Da Liu and others in my mind.

She is regarded as Jin Feng's personal bodyguard, and she gets along with the personal guards led by Da Liu day and night. Although Bei Qianxun likes to teach Da Liu and others a lesson when nothing happens, she has long regarded them as comrades who will live and die together in her heart.

Hearing the explosion behind him just now, Bei Qianxun was as heartbroken as Da Liu.

If she hadn't brought Jin Feng and Tang Xiaobei with her, she would have turned around and gone back just now.

Now that Da Liu has been freed, she still has to carry the pain and continue to move forward.

After looking back to the south to make sure that the pirates could no longer see this place, Kita Chihiro pulled up the sail on the boat.

I don't know when the wind picked up. After the sails were raised, the boat drifted northward under the influence of the sails.

Kita Chihiro was also poisoned. She just relied on the strong stimulation of the antidote to stay awake. Now she was temporarily out of danger. She also felt that her eyelids were getting heavier and heavier.

After holding on for about another stick of incense, Bei Qianxun finally couldn't hold on any longer, so she leaned on Jin Feng's shoulder and fell asleep.

At this time, Jin Feng was dreaming.

He dreamed that he fell into a sea of ​​blood, with blood-red waves surging on the sea, and countless corpses rolling up and down in the waves.

Jin Feng felt that these corpses were somewhat familiar, but he couldn't see their faces clearly.

So he swam desperately to catch up with the body, but he got further and further away.

He didn't know how long he swam, but he finally landed ashore. Just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he saw corpses everywhere again.

The corpses were all wearing the clothes of bodyguards. Jin Feng turned over one corpse and revealed the face of Da Liu.

Jin Feng was startled and slapped Da Liu on the cheek, but Da Liu ignored him at all.

Letting go of Da Liu, Jin Feng turned over the corpse next to him.

"Xiao Bei!"

Jin Feng's breathing became heavier and tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

After holding Tang Xiaobei's body and crying for a long time, he opened the body next to Tang Xiaobei again, this time it was Bei Qianxun.

So Jin Feng kept turning over the corpse.

But there were too many corpses. At first he could still call out the escort's name, but later the corpses seemed familiar to him but he couldn't remember the name.

The further back you go, the more blurry the corpse's face becomes.

After searching for an unknown amount of time, Jin Feng arrived outside a city.

Looking up, the city was filled with flames, and screams were heard one after another.

Outside the city, corpses piled up like mountains, and blood gathered into rivers, rushing into the Yangtze River.

The broad Yangtze River has completely turned red.

"No wonder the sea turned into a sea of ​​blood. How many people died!"

Jin Feng knelt on the ground and cried loudly.

He didn't know where this city was, why so many people died, or what he should do.

The only thing I could do was sit on the ground and cry.

As I was crying, I found someone coming next to me.

Looking up, it was Guan Xiaorou with a bloody face.

"Xiaorou, why are you here?"

Jin Feng quickly stood up and reached for Guan Xiaorou's arm.

But who knew that as soon as he exerted force, Guan Xiaorou's arm fell off.

Then the whole person fell apart in front of Jin Feng.

Jin Feng was so frightened that he almost suffocated and hurriedly tried to piece Guan Xiaorou together.

After struggling, he finally realized something was wrong.

This city is obviously adjacent to the East China Sea. Guan Xiaorou is far away in Sichuan, so how could she appear here?

After thinking about this, Jin Feng faintly realized that he was dreaming.

"Wake up! Wake up!"

Jin Feng waved his fist and roared madly.

Then he felt someone tapping his face.

Jin Feng opened his eyes suddenly, and the first thing he saw was Kita Chihiro with a worried look on his face.

At this time, the sun had risen very high. Jin Feng looked around and found that he was on a small boat, with Tang Xiaobei sleeping soundly against him.

My mind was still a little confused because of the dream just now.

But after a while, Jin Feng gradually remembered what happened last night.

"Where are Da Liu and the others?" Jin Feng turned to look at Bei Qianxun.

This chapter has been completed!
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