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Chapter 842 Changes in the capital (4)

The fourth prince kowtowed to Chen Ji solemnly, stood up and said, "Xu Shuang, let's send our father on his way!"

"It seems that I am destined to die at the hands of my own son!"

Chen Ji smiled sadly, and then his tone suddenly became decisive: "Yinque, kill this traitor for me!"

Taking advantage of the prince's past experience, the fourth prince was more prepared before taking action.

Where are the masters in the palace, when will the hot air balloon pilots get together, and who is on duty and who is resting among the Imperial Guards and Red Armor Army in the palace, all are clearly investigated.

In order to ensure a smooth operation, those Imperial Guards and Red Armored Forces who had not been bribed were either placed on rotation or assigned to other places.

The masters in Ouchi also have special men in black to intercept them.

After Qin Zhen died, the only one Chen Ji could fight was Yinque.

After receiving Chen Ji's order, Yinque ducked towards Xu Shuang who was walking towards him without saying a word.

As the emperor's personal eunuch, Yinque is not only absolutely loyal, but also one of the best in the world.

In a flash, he flew several feet away and rushed in front of Xu Shuang in an instant.

Xu Shuangneng was promoted to the emperor's personal guard by Qin Zhen, and he was also a master, but when faced with Yinque, he didn't even make a move.

Yinque's movements were so fast that as soon as Xu Shuang's dagger was raised, the whisk in Yinque's hand was already wrapped around his neck.

Yinque swung his arm hard and heard a click, and Xu Shuang's neck was twisted directly.

Xu Shuang was still dreaming of being the commander of the imperial army, and he just fell into hell.

After dealing with Xu Shuang, Yin Que kept walking and dodged towards the fourth prince.

Since the fourth prince dared to take action, how could he not consider Yinque?

Five tall and thin men in black attire rushed out from behind the fourth prince. One of them pulled the fourth prince behind him, and the other four quickly surrounded Yinque.

They are all dead men trained by the powerful. If placed in the arena, each of them can be called a master.

The fourth prince brought them here, firstly to protect their safety, and secondly to deal with the powerful masters in the palace.

At this time, the fourth prince had broken up with Chen Ji. The two sides were in a life-and-death situation, and there was no possibility of reconciliation.

If the master is like this, his subordinates will naturally be like this.

The man in black and Yinque didn't say a word, and they didn't have the cumbersome etiquette of a duel between martial arts masters. When they met, they were fighting for their lives!

Yinque is indeed a super master. The whisk in his hand turned into an afterimage, and when he drew it onto the rockery stone next to him, he actually pulled out a crack in the stone!

While tossing and turning, the speed was so fast that afterimages appeared.

A man in black moved a moment too slowly, and was whipped by the whisk until he vomited blood and flew out. He fell on the ground and did not get up for a long time. He had obviously suffered severe internal injuries.

The four men in black were still no match for Yinque. Now there were only three people left, and the situation became more difficult. The three of them were beaten back by Yinque alone.

The fourth prince couldn't help but love talents and shouted loudly: "Yinque, if you bow your head now and be loyal to me, after I ascend the throne, I will allow you to continue to be the general manager of the palace, how about it?"

Yinque snorted coldly and did not answer the fourth prince, but the attack became more and more fierce and domineering, and kept approaching the fourth prince!

"What a pity!"

The fourth prince sighed and waved behind him.

Dozens more men in black emerged from behind.

Although their skills are not as good as the three fighting in the field, they are better because of their numbers.

Dozens of people surrounded Yinque. When Yinque turned around, one of them threw out a large net made of iron chains.

Yinque heard the sound of wind behind her and tried to hide, but the men in black were blocking her left, right and front, making it impossible to dodge.

The iron net fell right on the silver sparrow's head.

Even if Yinque has great skills, he can't use them even if his hands and feet are bound by the iron net.

A man in black looked at the fourth prince, saw him nodding, and stabbed Yinque's face with a sword.

A generation of super masters has fallen!

Only Zhong Wuji and a few other civil servants were left around Chen Ji.

Except for Zhong Wuji, several other civil servants saw that Chen Ji was defeated, and they knelt down directly towards the fourth prince and tried their best to flatter him.

"Why don't you kneel to the new master?"

Chen Ji turned to look at Zhong Wuji.

"Your Majesty, even if I knock my head off today, Your Highness the Fourth Highness will not let me go."

Zhong Wuji shook his head and said: "Since death is inevitable, it would be better to gain a good reputation as someone who would rather die than surrender."

He was the staunchest supporter of Jin Feng and the Ninth Princess. When the Ninth Princess ransacked their homes in the capital, Zhong Wuji always took the lead and rushed to the forefront. He was also impartial and impartial during the trial.

In recent months, countless powerful people have been sentenced to death by him.

The powerful people hated Jin Feng and Ninth Princess the most, followed by Zhong Wuji.

"You can see clearly." Chen Ji asked with a smile, "Aren't you afraid?"

"Mr. Guoshi once said that since ancient times, no one has ever died, and his loyalty will be remembered by history. Who can avoid death while alive?"

Zhong Wuji laughed and said: "I should just pretend that I lost my family when I was two years old and died!"

"Well said!" Chen Ji patted Zhong Wuji on the shoulder: "With you by my side, I have a companion on my journey to Huangquan."

Zhong Wuji still wanted to speak, but he heard the fourth prince say impatiently: "Father, are you deliberately delaying time? It's useless, Jin Feng has died in the East China Sea, and no one will come to save you this time!

Father, are you going to go on your own, or will my son give you a ride?"

"I'm really impatient!"

Perhaps with the experience of the prince forcing his way into the palace, Chen Ji became much calmer this time.

Putting his hands in his sleeves, he turned around and looked around, as if he was saying his final farewell to the palace where he had been living.

Seeing that the fourth prince's expression was getting more and more impatient, he smiled and said, "Go get a bottle of wine!"

After speaking, he looked at Zhong Wuji: "Zhong Aiqing, would you like to have this last drink with me?"

"This is Wei Chen's honor." Zhong Wuji answered with his hands raised.

"Go get a pot of wine!"

The fourth prince endured the impatience in his heart and waved behind him.

A man in black immediately ran into the palace next to him and came over with a jug of wine.

The fourth prince winked at the man in black, who opened the lid of the wine bottle and poured a packet of white powder into it.

After shaking the wine pot to ensure that all the medicine was dissolved, he brought the wine pot in front of Chen Ji.

Zhong Wuji filled two glasses of poisonous wine, handed one to Chen Ji, and took one for himself.

Chen Ji took one last look at the fourth prince, then raised his glass to Zhong Wuji, tilted his neck and drank the poisonous wine in one gulp.

This kind of powder was prepared by a master. Within half a minute of drinking it, Chen Ji fell to the ground in convulsions.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty!"

Zhong Wuji burst into tears and poured the poisoned wine into his mouth!

The monarch and his minister closed their eyes one after another.

A man in black stepped forward, touched Chen Ji's neck, and nodded to the fourth prince.

The fourth prince breathed a long sigh of relief, and then shouted at the top of his lungs: "Here comes someone, the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau has rebelled!"

This chapter has been completed!
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