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Chapter 848 Murderous

Guan Xiaorou didn't understand court fighting, and she had always thought that Jin Feng's death was caused by pirates.

As the situation becomes clearer and clearer, Guan Xiaorou gradually realizes that things in the East China Sea are not that simple.

However, due to lack of knowledge, she could not figure out the relationship at all, so after lunch, she went to find the Ninth Princess.

Concubine Qing has been in a very low mood in recent days. When Guan Xiaorou arrived, Princess Ninth had just coaxed Concubine Qing back to health.

"How is Concubine Qing?" Guan Xiaorou asked.

"Fortunately, I'm just worried that my uncle in the capital won't be able to eat," said Ninth Princess.

Duke Qing Guo is a staunch supporter of Jin Feng and the Ninth Princess. After the fourth prince comes to power, he will definitely not let him go.

"What should we do?" Guan Xiaorou asked.

"Now that the capital has been controlled by the fourth child, we have no choice but to hope that uncle will find a way to save himself."

The Ninth Princess shook her head helplessly: "Sister, do you have anything to do with me?"

"There's something wrong," Guan Xiaorou said: "So many things have happened recently, and I feel more and more that my boss was attacked by pirates in the East China Sea. This matter is not that simple, but I don't understand it, and I want to come to you for advice."

"Sister said she asked for advice and went away."

Wuyang waved his hand and said: "My husband was attacked in the East China Sea. It is indeed not that simple. It is probably related to the fourth child and the powerful people in the capital."

"How to say?" Guan Xiaorou asked.

"My husband and I have underestimated the fourth child, and we have also underestimated the wealthy families in the world."

The Ninth Princess sighed and said: "My husband and I used to believe that as long as we make powerful enough weapons, we can suppress everything, and then slowly implement the New Deal."

Having said this, the Ninth Princess smiled bitterly: "Now it seems that my husband and I have made the mistake of underestimating the enemy. We have also underestimated the determination of the wealthy family and their methods. They are more ruthless than I imagined."

Too much!"

In fact, when the Ninth Princess learned that Jin Feng had been attacked by pirates, her first thought was revenge from the powerful.

So in addition to sending Iron Hammer to the East China Sea for search and rescue, he also sent some spies to investigate the mastermind behind this incident.

But before she could get the results of her investigation, the fourth prince rebelled in the capital and seized the throne.

This was something that Ninth Princess and Jin Feng had not expected at all.

"Wuyang, have you found out which wealthy family did it?" Guan Xiaorou asked with a frown.

"No, the other party's hands and feet are very clean. My people haven't found any clues yet." The Ninth Princess shook her head: "And I think it was not just one wealthy family that took action, but many families."


"In the past few days, I have gone through what happened after I met my husband several times in my mind, trying to find out who hates us the most. After thinking about it, I realized that there are really too many people who hate me and my husband.


Ninth Princess said: "Since we killed Fatty Xu in Xichuan, I'm afraid those powerful people have hated us.

The Shiwen salt made by my husband also cut off the wealth of many families who made money by selling salt.

My husband once said that cutting off someone's wealth is like killing one's parents.

And if our new policy is successfully implemented, it will be a disaster for other wealthy families in the world, except for a few families such as the uncle, Zhong family, and Qin family.

Thinking about it now, if I were from a wealthy family, I would probably try my best to kill my husband and myself.

To be honest, sister, when I came to Jinchuan this time, in addition to worrying about the Dujiangyan Irrigation Project, I just wanted to see what other wealthy families would jump out and take the opportunity to cause trouble, and then kill them all.

Judging from the intelligence collected by Xiaoyu in the past few days, this time from the capital, Jiangnan to the East China Sea, there were people blocking the retreat of the escorts. This shows that many wealthy families have joined forces. A single family or a few wealthy families cannot cause such a big disturbance.


Only when counselors from many families come together can they formulate such a seamless plan in such a short period of time, and only when many wealthy families join forces can they act together in so many places from the capital, Jiangnan to the East China Sea."

The Ninth Princess sneered and said: "Normally, these wealthy families would like to fight each other to the death. This time, in order to deal with my father and husband, they have abandoned their old grudges and joined forces. It is really difficult for them!"

"I couldn't understand before that how such a smart leader could fall into the hands of a group of pirates. Now that you say this, I realize that there is an expert behind the pirates!"

Guan Xiaorou said murderously: "No matter how many families there are, I will make them pay with blood!"

"Sister, what do you want to do?" Ninth Princess asked.

"When all the bodyguards are withdrawn, I want to go to the capital to ask who killed the master!" Guan Xiaorou gritted her teeth and said.

The ninth princess panicked when she heard this.

Guan Xiaorou is going to the capital, and she will definitely not go alone.

The fourth prince and the powerful would not just watch her enter the capital.

There will definitely be a bloody battle between the two sides.

Although the Ninth Princess hated the Fourth Prince, she was more worried about Dakang being beaten to pieces.

"Sister, don't be impulsive. What I just said is just speculation and there is no evidence. And I don't know who did it?"

"It doesn't matter, you don't know, I'll ask the new emperor, he will definitely know." Guan Xiaorou said.

"Sister, I know you are very angry, and I also want to kill the fourth child, but we can't do that!"

The Ninth Princess pulled Guan Xiaorou's sleeve and said: "Sister, think about my husband. In fact, he has always hated the wealthy people. He said that they are bedbugs that lie on the people and suck blood. They must be plucked out before the people can live a good life. But why has he never done anything?

?Because he knows that if this happens, the world will definitely be in chaos..."

"What does the chaos in the world have to do with me?" Guan Xiaorou interrupted the Ninth Princess: "I am a woman and don't understand so many principles, but I know that killing someone requires a life. They killed my boss, and I will avenge him!"

Seeing that the Ninth Princess wanted to speak, Guan Xiaorou didn't give her a chance at all: "Wuyang, you and the head of the family worry too much, which is why you have reached this point today. Don't worry about the next thing. Just stay here and raise the baby in peace."

Got it!"

After saying that, he turned around and left with his guards.

In the next two days, Guan Xiaorou, who had always been gentle and gentle, seemed to be a completely different person. She ordered Zheng Fang to organize the withdrawn escorts into teams and conduct actual combat drills all day long.

He also ordered Mancang to lead the iron smelting workshop to make weapons!

When the four princes rebelled, the ones they feared the most were Jin Feng and the Zhenyuan Escort Agency under Jin Feng.

That's why he would wait until the powerful men dealt with Jin Feng before he dared to take action.

The fourth prince is the most scheming of all the princes. Before the rebellion, the preparation work was much more complete than that of the original prince.

In addition to the East China Sea, he also placed spies in Jinchuan, Xichuan, Dujiangyan and other places.

As Jin Feng's base camp, Xihewan is also a key target for spies.

Guan Xiaorou made such a big fuss, so naturally she couldn't escape the spy's eyes.

Soon, the fourth prince far away in the capital received the intelligence from the spy.

This chapter has been completed!
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