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Chapter 859

"Wuyang, don't worry about these things, I'm here with you."

Guan Xiaorou scooped up a spoonful of chicken soup and brought it to the Ninth Princess's mouth: "Drink it."

The Ninth Princess had no choice but to drink the chicken soup, and then said: "Those wealthy families paid very generously in order to win people's hearts. If Wei Laosan doesn't die, the village will never have peace in the future, and there will be more and more traitors!"

"I understand!" Guan Xiaorou scooped up another spoonful of chicken soup: "I have sent Xiaoyu to investigate with all my strength. As long as I find traces of Wei Laosan, I will kill him no matter where in the world he is!"

"Not only him, but his nephew must die too!"

The Ninth Princess drank the chicken soup and said coldly.

"But the head of the house said that no harm will come to the family..."

Guan Xiaorou hesitated after hearing this.

Wei Laosan is from the village, and Guan Xiaorou and his family also know each other. Wei Laosan's wife and two concubines will greet her warmly every time they see her.

"Sister, this moment is another moment."

The Ninth Princess said: "Sister, Wei Laosan was not only involved in the hot air balloon, he also killed so many villagers. His crimes were heinous. Killing his nephew was not to eradicate the roots, but to let other villagers understand that they must pay enough to betray Xihewan.

The price!”

Wei Laosan has no sons. If he kills his nephew, the Wei family will be extinct.

In the feudal era, people attached great importance to the inheritance of their heirs. A few days ago, the baby in the Ninth Princess's belly was dead, and Guan Xiaorou vomited blood at that time.

Killing the only male member of the Wei family is indeed a deterrent to the villagers.

"Yes, Xiaorou, you can't be lenient at this time. Back in the capital, Wuyang, if you hadn't been merciful and killed all those wealthy families, how could His Majesty have created the poisonous hand of the fourth child!"

Concubine Qing wiped her eyes and said.

"Mother, you don't understand. Even if my daughter kills all the wealthy families in the capital, other wealthy families in the world will do the same."

The Ninth Princess shook her head and said: "My husband and I made the mistake of underestimating them, so sister, you must not underestimate any enemy now, nor can you be soft-hearted."

"I know!" Guan Xiaorou nodded slightly: "Wuyang, I've been feeling very uneasy recently. I always feel that a large group of evil people are targeting the village, but I'm too stupid and can't understand many things. You have to get better quickly and help me.

, we must defend Xihewan!"


Princess Ninth picked up the soup bowl, raised her head and drank the chicken soup inside.

Concubine Qing's face lit up with joy, she quickly took the soup bowl and ran out.

"Sister, after I woke up last night, I thought about a lot of things. Let's discuss it..."

The Ninth Princess took Guan Xiaorou's hand and asked her to sit beside the bed.

Xihewan's previous work has been on the right track. Don't make too many big decisions. The heads of each department should work according to the regulations left by Jin Feng and Tang Xiaobei.

Therefore, in order to avoid suspicion, the Ninth Princess rarely interfered in the affairs of Xihewan before, and rarely even raised opinions.

But now that something big happened in the village, Princess Ninth really couldn't sit still.

They said they were discussing with Guan Xiaorou, but they were actually helping Guan Xiaorou analyze the current situation and teaching her what to do next.

Guan Xiaorou was also very modest and took out a small book to write down the explanations of the Ninth Princess one by one.

Too many things have happened recently, and Guan Xiaorou cannot understand many things. The Ninth Princess has been tempered in the court and has a very good understanding of the working style of the powerful. Under her analysis, Guan Xiaorou feels like she can see the moonlight through the clouds.

Many things that I was confused about before were suddenly understood after the Ninth Princess pointed me out, and I also had a clear idea of ​​what to do next.

Guan Xiaorou stayed in the Ninth Princess's room until mid-afternoon before coming out.

He lowered his head, put the small notebook in his arms, and walked into the side room.

Qin'er was lying on the bed, wrapped like a mummy.

In order to win the favor of the villagers, Princess Ninth has always kept a low profile in the village. She usually only takes Qin'er and two guards with her when she goes out.

The assassins who assassinated the Ninth Princess were all masters. The incident happened so suddenly that neither Qin Ming nor the escort had time to help, and Zhu'er was not there either. Qin'er tried her best to block the opponent.

By the time Qin Ming led his men to kill the assassin, Qin'er's inner armor had been slashed to the back, and she had been stabbed several times in the leg, as well as twice in the head.

One of the cuts was from the left forehead to the right corner of the mouth. Even if it was cured, it would probably disfigure the face.

Zhu'er squatted beside the bed and carefully wiped Qin'er's lips with a wet cloth to replenish some water for her.

Niu Ben stood aside, as helpless as a child, with worry and anxiety on his face.

Seeing Qin'er's miserable look, and then thinking about the pale face of the ninth princess and the aborted child, Guan Xiaorou felt even more angry.

If Wei Laosan were here, Guan Xiaorou would probably beat him to death on the spot.

Unfortunately, Zhong Ming's team searched the surrounding counties for several days and still found no trace of Wei Laosan.

There was no progress on Guan Xiaorou's side, but the powerful counselor who was secretly looking for it got clues.

The aristocratic family has been passed down for too long. Although they are not as powerful as Jin Feng on the surface, they have a deep foundation and have hidden stakes in many places.

The Zhongming Group was established too short ago, and the focus of its previous development was in places such as Jinchuan, Beijing, and Jiangnan. There were almost no manpower in the northwest, southwest and other places.

The clues that the counselors got came from the northwest.

A hidden stake from a powerful family discovered Wei Laosan in Xizhou in the northwest.

Xizhou is located in the northwest, at the junction of the three kingdoms of Dakang, Tubo and Dangxiang. Not only is the terrain complex, but the surrounding situation is also complicated. It can basically be called a "three no matter" zone.

"Is the information accurate?"

The counselor looked at the spy who came to report the news.

The powerful man far away in the capital attached great importance to the hot air balloon. He not only sent advisers, but also his eldest son to supervise.

A few days ago, the counselor met the eldest son, who was very angry and gave him a death order. No matter whether the guards rebelled or other powerful people intercepted him, Wei Laosan must be found.

"Should be accurate."

The spy said: "The hidden stake opened an inn in Xizhou. A few days ago, a group of Jianghu travelers went to stay in his inn, bringing a large wooden box with them. The hidden stake heard something moving in the wooden box and received our notice, so he

Secretly keep an eye on the group of charlatans through the small hole reserved in the wall of the inn.

In the middle of the night, the Jianghu guest opened the box and released a man from it, letting him eat and drink water. Only then did the hidden stakeholder recognize him as Wei Laosan."

"Hidden Zhuang has never seen Wei Laosan, how did he recognize him?" the counselor said.

"He received the portrait," the spy replied: "The secret stake said that Wei Laosan had no clothes on his body and there was a scar on his left buttock."

"Did he see the scar?" The counselor's eyes suddenly widened.

Some time ago, Xiaoyu did a large search in Jinchuan and found someone to copy many of Wei Laosan's portraits and distribute them, so it was easy to get Wei Laosan's portraits.

But the portrait only shows the face, and there is no mention of the scar at all.

The scar on Wei Laosan's butt was caused by sitting on the knife while chopping firewood when he was a child. Very few people know about this.

The counselor knew because the secret agent had reported that Wei Laosan went to the county brothel with him and was seen by the secret agent.

Now that Xizhou's hidden stake has seen this scar, it can basically be confirmed that the person in the box is indeed Wei Laosan!

This chapter has been completed!
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