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Chapter 898

The power of the masses is always the greatest.

The Zhongming team does not have the time and energy to screen refugees one by one, but the people of Jinchuan County can.

Under the propaganda of the Zhongming Group, in just a few days, all villages and towns in Jinchuan knew that there were spies among the refugees, and they would be rewarded for reporting the spies to the Zhongming Group.

The rapid development of Xihewan has also boosted the economy of the entire Jinchuan. Now, all the industries under Jin Feng's command combined have already employed more than 10,000 workers.

These people have family members and relatives, and some are engaged in upstream and downstream industries in related industries.

In short, at least more than half of the people in the county are inextricably related to the Xihewan Industrial Group.

There are people who secretly hate Jin Feng, but they are in the minority after all. More Jinchuan people are grateful to him and support him.

After learning that there was a spy attack on Xihewan, which caused a large-scale shutdown of factories, whether it was for bounties or for work, the people of the county spontaneously launched a self-examination campaign.

In the feudal era, the flow of people was very low. Many people lived within a radius of more than ten miles centered on their beds. Not to mention the number of people in the village, even if there was an extra tall thatch on the roadside, they all knew about it.

In just a few days, the Zhongming Group received hundreds of reports.

Most of them are false reports, but many are true.

Among them were some small landowners who were frightened and took the initiative to surrender.

So in the next few days, escorts can be seen everywhere in Jinchuan County.

The spies were picked out one by one and escorted to the county government together with their protectors.

Those who were not discovered were too frightened to show their heads.

The hot air balloon that had been harassing the village also disappeared because Xihewan offered a high reward for reporting an enemy hot air balloon. The reward was a full five taels of silver.

In recent days, many people have stopped working and are heading into the mountains and forests day and night, hoping to be lucky enough to find a hot air balloon.

In this case, no matter where the enemy launches the hot air balloon in Jinchuan, there is a high chance that it will be discovered.

"It's finally quiet now!" Guan Xiaorou and the ninth princess walked into the courtyard side by side: "How is the empress?"

"It's good, especially knowing that my husband is coming back soon. I'm so happy that I ate two bowls of rice for lunch."

The Ninth Princess was also in a good mood. She held Guan Xiaorou's hand and asked, "Has there been any news from your husband? How many days will it take for him to arrive?"

"If everything goes well, it will probably take about ten days." Guan Xiaorou said.

"Sister, didn't you say that Brother Feng got a new ship and it will take a few days to arrive? How come it takes so many days and it still takes ten days to arrive?"

Runniang came out of the kitchen carrying a vegetable basket. She heard the two talking and asked in confusion.

"Someone stumbled on the road," Guan Xiaorou sighed.

After King Wu was threatened, he was so frightened that he even thought about actually coming to Sichuan and Sichuan to find the Ninth Princess to plead guilty.

But he was afraid that the Ninth Princess would kill him.

Finally, with the encouragement of his cronies, he finally decided to give it a try.

He asked his relatives such as "concubines" and "princes" to leave Wu Wangcheng and hide in various places, and he also hid.

An "Emperor" sincerely wants to hide. Not to mention that the Zhongming Group has not yet developed into King Wu's territory. Even if it has developed, the possibility of finding him is very low.

The King of Wu who was hiding ordered the navy to kill Jin Feng no matter what.

The first thought that came to the navy's people was to continue setting off kerosene, but Dakang's economy was lagging behind. They had already plundered all the kerosene they could. Recently, the people of Wudi didn't even have the oil to light their lamps.


At night, I could walk several villages without seeing any light, and it was impossible to scrape out kerosene.

Then a counselor came up with another idea.

They collected small boats from various places, piled thatch on the boats, lit them and floated them down the river.

Even if the escort destroyed the boat, the planks and thatch floating on the water were still burning.

Steamboats are also made of wood, so you can't let these things get close, you can only avoid them.

People who rely on mountains to eat rely on water to eat. There are many waters along the Yangtze River. Many people make a living by fishing. Almost every household on the waterside has a boat.

Although most of them are small fishing boats, or even just bamboo rafts, they are enough for King Wu.

So along the way, the escorts on the steamboat lost count of how many small fishing boats they smashed.

Jin Feng wanted to send a hot air balloon to find the enemy's gathering place, and then set fire to all the enemy's fishing boats.

Unfortunately, the counselors had thought of this in advance. They did not gather the fishing boats together at all, but lined up in a long row on the shore.

Although many grenades were made in the East China Sea, you can't blow up a bamboo raft with just one grenade, right?

If this is the case, they may have used up all their grenades before they even left Wu.

In desperation, they could only use catapult bombardment.

When he encountered a large number of ships drifting down, Jin Feng directed the helmsman to steer the steamboat to avoid them.

If he couldn't avoid it, he used grenades to blow up the fire balls floating on the river.

Fortunately, the number of ships captured by the enemy is not unlimited, and they are afraid that if they gather together, they will be bombed by Jin Feng, so most of the time, two ships are put down one by one, and there are not many cases where several ships are put down at the same time.

Most of the time, a catapult alone can solve the problem.

Therefore, the steamship had to stop every dozens of miles to find a safe place to replenish the stones.

As a result, the speed advantage of steam ships cannot be fully utilized.

After finally breaking out of the Wudi waters, the situation has not improved, but has become more serious.

When the kings of Chu and Xiang saw that this trick was effective, they also followed suit.

Because King Wu delayed the steamship for a lot of time, they were better prepared and plundered more fishing boats.

In the waters of Wu District, there was only one row of fishing boats on the river, but when it reached the Chu King's territory, it became two rows. It was even more difficult for the steamboats to dodge, and the speed could only be reduced again.

The plan was to go back in a few days, but now we are still in King Chu's territory, not even a third of the way there.

"Damn King Chu, Brother Feng has no enmity with him. Why is he stopping Brother Feng?"

Runniang didn't understand the grudges between Jin Feng and the powerful people. After hearing Guan Xiaorou's explanation, she angrily cursed King Chu: "When Brother Feng and Brother Liang come back, beat him to death!"

"Yes, beat him to death!"

Guan Xiaorou was amused by Runniang.

"Madam, Your Highness, it's not good!"

Xiaoyu hurriedly ran from the door: "The Tubo army landed from Liangshuikou, one group surrounded Shuanghump, and two groups of troops were rushing towards the village!"

"Isn't the Tubo army in Xichuan? Why are they here?"

Guan Xiaorou was shocked.

Gada led the Tibetan army to besiege Xichuan City for some time.

However, because Meng Tianhai had taken precautions and moved the people within thirty miles outside the city in advance, and then adhered to the policy of fortifying the wall and clearing out the wild, and defended Xichuan City, Gada never captured the opponent.

However, Liangshui Kou is not far from Double Camelback, and there are hundreds of miles between the two sides. Guan Xiaorou cannot figure out how the Tubo people came here.

"I'm afraid Xichuan City is gone."

The Ninth Princess raised her head slightly, and tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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