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Chapter 940 Fight the local tyrants and divide the fields

After Jin Feng established the Jinchuan Song and Dance Troupe, he often went to the Escort Bureau to perform condolences.

The song and dance troupe were all poor people who were rescued by Jin Feng, and they all expressed their gratitude to Jin Feng from the bottom of their hearts.

The same goes for screenwriter Chen Wenyuan.

Therefore, the stories he wrote have been constantly beautifying and even deifying Jin Feng.

Jin Feng was a little nervous at first, but he didn't stop him.

Because he knows that through Chen Wenyuan's story, he can increase the cohesion of the forces under his command.

In fact, the song and dance troupe does play a great role in building morale.

The escorts have seen a lot and gradually learned a little bit.

That night, the company commander of the escort gathered the slaves around the bonfire and held a party. He roughly told the origin of Jin Feng and his concern for the slaves who had been caught in Dangxiang.

The people in the feudal era were very simple. Although the company commander was not as good at sensationalism as Chen Wenyuan, he still left a deep mark on the hearts of most slaves.

They all remembered who was the person who pulled them out of the fire pit.

After hearing the company commander describe the beauty of Xihewan, many slaves had the same idea as Li Di - I want to go to Sichuan and Shu to follow the master of the country!

The party lasted until midnight, and the slaves lay down on the grass around the campfire and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Eagle divided the airship into three parts. The first part accompanied the company commander to escort the slaves back to the Central Plains.

The second part carried him, Tieniu, and Li Jishan, the previous emperor of Dangxiang, back to Sichuan and Shu as quickly as possible to report the news to Jin Feng.

The third part continued to stay outside Dangxiangwang City to maintain deterrence.

Tieniu also divided the death squad into three parts to coordinate with the airship.

That morning, the slaves drove nearly 10,000 cattle and sheep and began their return journey.

Many cattle carry various supplies on their backs.

These materials, cattle and sheep, are the first batch of compensation for the party.

Along the way, the cities and tribes along the way will continue to add slaves, cattle and sheep from the Central Plains.

Of course, it will probably be several months before these slaves, cattle and sheep arrive in Sichuan.

In Xihewan, Xiaoyu has received the letter from Tieniu.

When she learned that Tieniu had won a great victory, Princess Ninth's eyes turned red with excitement.

Since her grandfather, Dakang has been blackmailed by the party in various ways. This is the first time that Dakang has been compensated.

Jin Feng achieved this feat with only 500 bodyguards!

Without using any strategy, the five hundred bodyguards just entered the party in an open and honest manner!

Fight all the way from the border to King Dangxiang City, blow up the palace of Dangxiang, and force Emperor Dangxiang to leave the city and surrender!

Each of these achievements was something the Ninth Princess had never dared to imagine before!

That night, Princess Ninth used the secret palace skills taught to her by Concubine Qing on Jin Feng.

In fact, Jin Feng was not surprised by Tieniu's victory.

Although Tieniu and the others only have 500 people, they are all equipped with black armor, and there are airships in the sky with grenades to help. It will be damned if they can't win again.

However, it was rare for the Ninth Princess to be so attentive, so Jin Feng would not be stupid enough to stop her.

Being tormented by the Ninth Princess until midnight, Jin Feng inevitably got up late the next morning and slept until almost noon before getting up.

Coming out of the bedroom, I saw Xiaoyu standing in the yard, talking to the Ninth Princess and Guan Xiaorou.

Several people's faces were very ugly.

"what happened?"

Jin Feng asked while yawning.

"The head of the family, King Jin, King Chu, King Wu and others have replied!"

Guan Xiaorou said angrily: "They said they firmly disagreed with Wuyang's ascension to the throne, and they also said that you are a traitor and traitor who has brought harm to the country and the people!"

"Are they all so hard-headed?" Jin Feng couldn't help but be stunned: "What do these people think?"

Maybe the King of Jin and the King of Chu don't know Tieniu's record in Dangxiang yet, but based on the previous record of Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, it is more than enough to destroy these feudal kings.

"What else can you think about? You are just playing hide and seek with us!"

The Ninth Princess snorted coldly: "If I guess correctly, they should all be hiding at this time!"

"So you plan to fight guerrilla warfare with me!" Jin Feng suddenly smiled.

"Husband, you can still laugh!" Ninth Princess said: "Dakang has a vast territory and many places are deserted. If a vassal king deliberately avoids us, it will be very troublesome!"

"What's the trouble?" Jin Feng said nonchalantly: "If they hide, just hide. We will do whatever we have to do. As long as we can mobilize the masses and get the people to stand on our side, there will be no harm in the world."

Their place!"

From the beginning to the end, Jin Feng never took these so-called vassal kings seriously.

Previously, it took time to mobilize manpower and build equipment before giving the feudal kings a last chance.

Now that the main force of the Zhenyuan Army has withdrawn from Xizhou, the grenade workshop and the iron smelting workshop are continuously producing airships and grenades every day.

Whether these vassal kings agreed or not, in Jin Feng's view, was not important at all.

Of course, it would be better if they were willing to surrender, and the people would suffer less from the war.

Unfortunately, the vassal kings did not feel Jin Feng's kindness.

"How do you plan to mobilize the people?" asked the Ninth Princess.

"It's very simple," Jin Feng said calmly: "Fight the local tyrants and divide the land!"

"Hit the local tyrants and divide the land?" The Ninth Princess' breath froze and her eyes widened: "If my husband does this, all the wealthy landlords in the world will not agree!"

The foundation of the wealthy landlord family is land. If Jin Feng wants to divide their land, they will definitely fight tooth and nail!

"Does it matter whether they agree or not?" Jin Feng snorted coldly.

"Isn't it important?" Ninth Princess said anxiously: "Husband, as the saying goes, ferocious beasts cannot overwhelm local snakes. Do you know how many landlords and squires there are in Dakang? Once they fight hard, they will be very scary!"

"Wuyang, do you know how many people there are in the world?" Jin Feng asked back: "Do you know how terrible it would be if all the people in the world are fighting for their lives?

Wuyang, it seems that you have underestimated the power of the masses! Any monster or ghost is like a chicken or a dog in front of the endless crowd!"

"Husband, there is no turning back when you shoot your bow. This is not a trivial matter. Once you fail, the consequences will be too serious. You have to think carefully about it!" Ninth Princess reminded.

"I have thought about it a long time ago! And we will never fail!" Jin Feng said confidently.

Just kidding, this is a theory verified by the great grandfather.

Although Jin Feng understands that he cannot compare with his great grandfather in any aspect, the situation he faces now is much better than that of his grandfather back then.

At least he has an absolute advantage in terms of force. If he is willing, no one in Dakang can stop him!

Therefore, Jin Feng decided to use his strengths and avoid weaknesses and use the simplest and crudest means to implement his plan.

If the wealthy landowners are unwilling to divide their fields, then beat them until they are willing to divide their fields!

This chapter has been completed!
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