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Chapter 946 Who said women are inferior to men

Jinchuan fired the first shot to allocate land to local tycoons, and it was also a successful shot.

Because they were well prepared, it only took a few days for the bodyguards and the bell team to cooperate with each other and distribute the land in each village equally to the people according to the number of people in each village.

Interest is always the best way to win people's hearts, there is no other way.

Previously, some people were not very comfortable with the Ninth Princess ascending the throne as emperor, and believed that Jin Feng should not give up the throne to the Ninth Princess.

But after this incident, people's views gradually changed.

Especially after watching the Jinchuan Song and Dance Troupe's performance, the attitude of the people has undergone a 180-degree turn.

Chen Wenyuan learned that the Yuxi was in Jin Feng's hands, so he asked Luo Lan to learn about the coup in the capital, and then adapted it.

In his adaptation, when Chen Zheng usurped the throne, Chen Ji sent a palace maid to give the imperial seal to Jin Feng, and also gave an oral instruction to Jin Feng to succeed him.

However, Jin Feng was benevolent and generous and took the overall situation into consideration. He felt that he was not good at governing the world, so after careful consideration, he passed the imperial seal to the ninth princess.

In the script, Chen Wenyuan portrayed the Ninth Princess as a benevolent and righteous monarch with the world in mind, and also described the fact that she had volunteered to go to Tubo to get married, as if the Ninth Princess wanted to go to Tubo to assassinate Gada in the name of getting married, but later on

Things changed. Instead of going to Tubo, the Ninth Princess met Jin Feng, which started a heart-stirring love story.

In the story, Jin Feng repeatedly helped the Ninth Princess in times of crisis and successfully captured the Ninth Princess's heart.

The Ninth Princess pledged herself to her and voluntarily married Jin Feng as a concubine with the dignity of a princess.

I have to say that Chen Wenyuan is very good at writing stories.

This story has mixed truths and falsehoods, and is of interest to the people, so it quickly spread.

Without the deliberate guidance of the Zhongming Group, the common people who had read the story spontaneously began to spread the praises.

The images of Jin Feng and Ninth Princess are also getting taller and taller.

At the end of the stage play, Chen Wenyuan borrowed the words of an actor and said that protecting Jinchuan and protecting the Ninth Princess is to protect the fruits of one's own labor.

In recent days, more and more people have come to Xihewan. Some come to thank Jin Feng and the Ninth Princess, and some come to ask to join the army.

Among them, girls who applied for female soldiers accounted for a large proportion.

Men have always been superior to women in Dakang. Now that a female emperor has appeared, the women are naturally happy.

It's just that some time ago there were voices everywhere against the Ninth Princess, and they didn't dare to speak out.

Now as the image of the Ninth Princess has changed, women finally dare to openly support the Ninth Princess.

In fact, this is one of the reasons why Jin Feng asked the Ninth Princess to proclaim himself emperor.

Since ancient times, the world has been dominated by those who win the hearts of the people. There are far more well-off women than men. It is very important to get their support.

So Jin Feng re-created a new stage play based on the story template of "Mulan Joins the Army" in his previous life.

The heroine of this story is still Shi Lingyun who led the people to attack the Danzhu Horse Camp in Damangpo, but this time the story mainly tells the story of her following Zhang Liang to the north to recover Yuguan City.

For the sake of performance, Jin Feng asked Chen Wenyuan to deliberately exaggerate the dangers encountered by Zhang Liang and others in the story, and also deliberately exaggerated the image of Shi Lingyun leading the female bodyguards to fight to the death to protect the family and the country.

The name of this story was named "Who Said Women Are Inferior to Men" by Jin Feng.

In the morning, they performed "Strike the Rich to Divide the Land" and in the afternoon they performed "Who Said Women Are Inferior to Men".

Once the story was staged, it immediately caused a huge response.

In the past, many girls were not willing to be female escorts unless they had to. They preferred to work in textile factories.

So in recent days, more and more girls have come to Xihewan to apply for female escorts.

Although the Ninth Princess trusted Jin Feng, she was still a little uneasy.

Until then, the stone in Princess Ninth's heart finally fell to the ground.

Not only because of the smooth progress of Jinchuan's pilot project to allocate land to local tyrants, but also because of the reaction of the vassal kings in various places, it was also as Jin Feng expected.

Although they shouted fiercely, after so many days, no vassal king dared to send troops to attack Sichuan and Shu.

Next, the Ninth Princess ordered Qingxinyao and the governor of Guangyuan to continue to implement the policy of attacking local tyrants and dividing their fields in Xichuan and Guangyuan.

Jinchuan is the base camp of Jin Feng, and the landlords and wealthy families dare not resist, but Xichuan and Guangyuan are different.

In these two places, Jin Feng's influence is far less than that of Jinchuan, and the local wealthy landowners do not have such a strong respect for Jin Feng.

Cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents. The Ninth Princess wants to seize their land, which is almost like killing them directly.

Therefore, many wealthy landowners spent money to recruit thugs and gangsters in order to fight.

But this time Jin Feng did not send bodyguards to suppress them. Instead, he sent a bell ringing team to encourage the local people to resist.

Although there are good people like Zhou Youda among the landowners, they are extremely rare.

The vast majority of landowners are Huang Shiren who cannibalize people without spitting out their bones, and will do whatever they can to exploit the people.

In the past, no one made the decision for the people, so the people could only endure it. Now with the support of the Zhongming Group, the people suddenly found their backbone.

Where can the thugs hired by landlords be as numerous as the common people?

What's more, the thugs only work for money, so how can they be willing to fight for the landlord?

At first sight, there were too many people, and they were all flying the black flag of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, so they all ran away.

Countless people rushed into the landlord's house like crazy.

The next step is to seek revenge if you have a grudge, and to hold on to an injustice if you have an injustice.

Of course, there are also people who rob landlords of their property.

By the time Zhong Ming's group took control of the people, there was no one left alive in the landlord's family, especially the old landlord who had done many evil things and was torn to pieces by the angry people.

The same scene happened in Guangyuan and Xichuan.

The landowners in other places who were waiting and watching were almost frightened when they saw it. They either ran away with their gold and silver, or went to the local Zhenyuan Escort Bureau station to beg for mercy and actively asked for land distribution.

Because the Ninth Princess's imperial order made it very clear that the landlords who actively cooperated with the land allocation will have their past affairs forgotten, and their ancestral homes and properties will still be recognized and protected by the government.

As for those who did not cooperate, the imperial order did not mention it, but the landlords already knew about it.

Although there were still some behind-the-scenes landowners who resisted, in general, the work of allocating land to local tyrants was progressing more and more smoothly.

Precisely because it went so smoothly, Jin Feng did not have enough manpower.

Although many recruits have been recruited recently, these people have not even passed the recruit training, let alone the test. Jin Feng really did not dare to give them the task of dividing the fields, so he could only ask the Ninth Princess to slow down and asked Xiaoyu to hurry up.

Cultivate relevant talents.

After more than two months, the field allocation work in Sichuan and Sichuan has finally been completed.

In the past two months, the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau and the Zhenyuan Army have expanded rapidly, and their number has increased several times.

The first batch of recruits has also completed their basic training and is ready to be sent out!

"It's time to deal with those feudal kings!"

Jin Feng stared at the map and played with a black flag in his hand: "Where to start?"

This chapter has been completed!
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