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Chapter 964 Zhang Liang returns

Not only the King of Qin was anxious, but other vassal princes, including the fourth prince, were also anxious.

Although Jin Feng has not yet sent a large force to attack their territory, he has sent airships.

Especially in the past, the capital city was under Jin Feng's special attention, and more than a dozen airships were dispatched to hover over the capital city 24 hours a day, dropping leaflets.

The fourth prince ran away long ago, and now there are only some eunuchs and maids left in the palace.

As for the ministers who followed the fourth prince in rebellion, they have almost fled.

The main cities of other lords were similar to the capital, and airships were often seen hovering overhead.

The contents of the flyers dropped every day were also different. Some introduced the New Deal for the Ninth Princess, while others introduced the fight against local tyrants to allocate their fields.

After learning from the flyers that Jin Feng was still alive and the various benefits provided by the New Deal, people everywhere expected Jin Feng to fight over as soon as possible and take charge of their affairs.

Of course, there are also some local ruffians who find that there is no one in charge in the city, so they start to gather people and dominate the city.

Heisan from Beijing West Street is one of the representative figures.

He was originally a butcher, but when he found out that the emperor and high-ranking officials had fled, the imperial army had been disbanded, and Jin Feng's army was still in Qin, Heisan gathered a group of ruffians and formed a black tiger gang to bully the people everywhere.


Jin Feng had already guessed that this would happen. In addition to dropping leaflets, the escorts on the airship would also send people into the city to gather information.

After learning what Hei San had done, the escort directly blew up the headquarters of the Black Tiger Gang with a bomb.

From then on, the capital city came to a complete standstill.

Under the protection of the bodyguard, the work of Zhong Ming's group has continued.

The people in the assigned fields were naturally very grateful to Jin Feng. Coupled with the publicity of the song and dance troupe, Xiaoyu's work of establishing a women's brigade went very smoothly.

The first task Xiaoyu gave to the women's brigades from various places was to find the assassination team.

To this end, Xiaoyu also issued a high reward.

The power of the masses is endless and everywhere.

Stimulated by the reward, countless people consciously mobilized.

Although the assassination team are all masters, they also need to buy daily necessities and go out to visit places.

No matter how careful they were, they still left clues.

In the next month, two assassination teams were killed by Zhenyuan Escort Bureau.

The assassination team had to restrain itself.

Without them causing trouble, the land distribution work went more smoothly.

The days passed day by day, and the winter months came in a blink of an eye.

Jin Feng woke up in the morning and brushed his teeth while watching Tie Hui lead people to clear the snow on the tent.

Qinghuai's injury was almost healed. He jumped over on crutches and said, "It snowed a little early this year."

"Yeah, is this the fourth or fifth game?"

Jin Feng spat out the mouthwash and said with a worried look on his face: "I hope the crops will not be frozen to death, otherwise the people's lives will be even more difficult next year."

"God doesn't know what's going on, but the winters in the past few years have been getting colder and colder every year, and the snow is getting earlier and heavier every year!"

Qinghuai said: "In previous years, it doesn't snow in Qin until the winter months. This year, it started at the end of September, and it snowed five times in a row. Yesterday, I went to Lantian to do business. In the villages I passed, almost all thatched houses were covered with snow.

The snow collapsed."

Xiaoyu came over to find Jin Feng. When he heard what Qinghuai said, he asked tentatively: "Sir, how about you discuss with His Majesty to hold a ceremony to worship the heaven or something?"

"Miss Xiaoyu, this is a good idea," Qinghuai nodded: "Historically, when encountering such a situation, the emperor would hold a ceremony to pray for God's blessing."

"Then did God bless them?"

Jin Feng glanced sideways at the two of them: "Instead of wasting money and wasting money on a ceremony to offer sacrifices to heaven, it is better to distribute the money to the people."

Qinghuai and Xiaoyu didn't know why it had become colder and colder in recent years, but Jin Feng knew.

It is possible that Dakang entered the Little Ice Age.

For example, the demise of the Ming Dynasty in the previous life was closely related to the Little Ice Age.

Before Chongzhen ascended the throne, the weather was getting colder year by year.

The drop in temperature has seriously affected the growth of crops, leading to serious crop yield losses.

The Ming Dynasty in the Central Plains was like this, and the nomadic peoples on the northern grasslands were even more sad, so they were more eager to attack the Ming Dynasty.

At that time, the Ming Dynasty had been inherited for hundreds of years, and class solidification and land annexation were extremely serious. Coupled with the reduction in food production, starvation was everywhere and the people were in dire straits.

If the people can no longer survive, they will naturally rebel.

Therefore, some historians believe that the demise of the Ming Dynasty was directly related to the Little Ice Age.

The situation of Dakang today is similar to that of Ming Dynasty at that time.

The Eastern Barbarians and Dangxiang in the north have successively launched southern expeditions in recent years, and a large part of the reason is also because of this.

It has become colder and colder in the north in recent years, killing a large number of cattle, sheep and herdsmen, and they will have to come to extort Dakang tomorrow.

If Jin Feng hadn't appeared, they probably would have succeeded.

When the time comes, the people of the Central Plains will no longer be able to survive and will inevitably rebel.

In fact, Jin Feng has been aware of this possibility since last year, which is why he is so eager to develop industry.

He hoped to build a ship that could cross the ocean as soon as possible and go to America as soon as possible to find improved seeds.

It's a pity that the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. The Eastern Barbarians and the Tubo Kingdoms always come to invade, and the four princes and others don't stop, forcing Jin Feng to continue fighting.

The Little Ice Age involves the movement of the earth in the universe. There is no way to explain it clearly to Qinghuai Xiaoyu. Jin Feng changed the subject, looked at Xiaoyu and asked: "How is the work of dividing the land? When can the Qin land be ended?"


"The heavy snow has covered the land, and the work of measuring the land has slowed down a lot. Now it is probably 70% complete," Xiaoyu said helplessly: "If we want to finish all the land in Qin, it will probably take until next month.


"As long as it ends before the end of the year, don't be anxious. Take it one step at a time. It's better to be slow than to rush forward."

"Okay," Xiaoyu nodded: "By the way, sir, I received news this morning that Brother Liang and Lao Han are back. Madam asked me to ask you, should you go back or let Brother Liang come here?"

"Brother Liang finally went home. Let him stay with his cousin for a few more days. I'll go back."

Jin Feng looked at Qinghuai: "Qinghou, I'll leave this to you."

"Don't worry, sir, you've almost conquered the entire Qin Dynasty. If I still can't handle it, I'll just find a tree and hang myself."

Qinghuai smiled and said, "Go back!"

"Xiaoyu, you stay here for now, keep an eye on Baisha Mountain, and hurry up their construction progress. If it doesn't work, hire more workers."

Jin Feng turned to look at Xiaoyu: "If the weather continues to be cold, people may freeze to death. The coal must be dug out as soon as possible!"

"Okay!" Xiaoyu nodded.

Jin Feng explained some other things and did not leave by airship until mid-morning.

After being out for so long this time, he felt a little homesick.

This chapter has been completed!
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