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Chapter 965 Airport

The airship Jin Feng was riding on used a second-generation steam engine that had been improved by the iron smelting workshop. It was smaller in size and quieter in sound.

However, the sound is smaller than before. Compared with the internal combustion engine, the sound is still loud and the smell is a bit choking. The driving experience is far worse than that of a hot air balloon.

The only advantage is that it is fast and not restricted by terrain.

Both Qin and Sichuan are mountainous. If you ride a horse on the Golden Bull Trail, it will take more than ten days at the fastest.

Nowadays, heavy snow has blocked roads, making walking in the mountains even more difficult and extremely dangerous.

Because the heavy snow has filled up the ditches, you might step into a hole with one foot.

With an airship, you don't have to worry about terrain problems. In addition, it happened to be a northeast wind that day, so it took less than three hours for the airship to reach Xihe Bay.

However, the airship did not enter the village directly. Instead, it started to turn at Changshegou, circled half a circle outside the village, and flew to the river beach to the west of the village.

"Why don't you just fall down?" Kita Qianxun asked with a frown.

"Madam, Your Majesty has designated the village as a no-fly zone. Without her approval, no hot air balloons or airships can fly over the village." Eagle explained with a smile.

"I asked Wuyang to give the order."

Jin Feng was afraid that Bei Qianxun would misunderstand, so he explained: "Now the Tubo people also know how to make hot air balloons. If they make hot air balloons like us, and then sneak into the village to conduct a sneak attack, there will be trouble.

For the sake of safety and convenience of landing, I asked Wuyang to clear out the river beach to the west of the village and build an airport specifically for airships and hot air balloons."

After speaking, Jin Feng pointed to a large open space by the river.

This was originally the most important grain-producing land in Xihewan, but now it was all requisitioned by Jin Feng to build an airport.

The so-called airport is actually just clearing out this open space and then pouring cement to make it into a cement floor.

The specifications are not even as high as the playground of Jin Feng's previous school, let alone compared with those regular airports in his previous life.

But no matter how crude it is, this is the first serious airport in Dakang and the first regular airport in the world.

There is an open space in the middle of the airport, with square grids drawn on it. A circle of houses is built around the open space for the escorts and pilots on duty to rest.

At this time, two hot air balloons and an airship were landing, and there were people on the ground waving small flags to direct them.

"Quite busy!"

Kita Chihiro looked down curiously.

This place didn't exist when I left.

"The wind is strong today, so there are a lot less hot air balloons. When the wind was light a few days ago, there were hot air balloons everywhere." Eagle said with a smile: "Now there are not enough pilots in the village."

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

The same goes for transportation.

After having a war horse, you no longer want to walk; after experiencing a hot air balloon, you no longer want to ride a horse; after seeing the convenience and speed brought by an airship, you no longer want to use a hot air balloon.

Nowadays, the Ninth Princess basically relies on airships to convey important orders.

Eagle has also specially trained a group of pilots to be responsible for flight missions other than combat.

Seeing Jin Feng's airship approaching, the staff responsible for the command on the ground quickly waved the small flag in their hands.

The eagle also picked up the small flag and waved it downwards a few times, then drove the airship to the northwest corner.

"Sir, this is a special landing site prepared for you by His Majesty." Eagle explained, pointing to a yard in the northwest corner.

Jin Feng asked Ninth Princess to build the airport, but he didn't know that Ninth Princess had specially reserved a landing field for him.

However, Jin Feng did not object, but nodded in agreement.


A gentleman cannot stand a dangerous wall. Nowadays, there are countless people who want to kill him and his family. Even if Jin Feng does not think about himself, he must think about the Ninth Princess Guan Xiaorou and the others.

Compared with the previous royal family, the Ninth Princess is already very frugal.

Not to mention that the enthronement ceremony was very simple. After taking the throne for so long, he still lives in Jinfeng's small courtyard with Guan Xiaorou. He usually eats with Guan Xiaorou and the others, and he has not recruited any additional escorts.

Generally speaking, the life of Ninth Princess is not much different from that before she ascended the throne. As a result, many villagers still call Ninth Princess Your Highness or Madam when they meet her, forgetting that she is now the emperor.

Ninth Princess and Guan Xiaorou had known for a long time that Jin Feng was coming back and had been waiting at the airport in advance.

Eagle piloted the airship and landed on the ground, and both of them came to greet him.

"The boss!"


"You have worked hard!"

Jin Feng rubbed their heads, feeling a little distressed.

Guan Xiaorou was better off. As long as Jin Feng was around, she didn't want to take care of things, and she never thought about competing for favors. She just spent her days spinning at home and living a carefree life.

The Ninth Princess was not as lucky as she was.

She was born to be a carefree person. The villagers felt that the Ninth Princess had not changed much from before she ascended the throne. That was because they did not know how many things the Ninth Princess had done and how many imperial edicts she had issued since she ascended the throne.

Sichuan and Shu have just experienced earth-shaking changes, but they can maintain the current stability, which has a lot to do with the Ninth Princess's ability to maintain stability.

As for the Ninth Princess, she still doesn't even have a serious team. Except for Jin Feng, the national advisor, the military attache has only given the title of general to Qing Huai, Qing Xinyao and Qin Ming, and made Qin Ming the commander of the imperial army.

As for Zhang Liang, Liu Tie and others, they have not come back. The Ninth Princess has not awarded the reward and is planning to let them come back.

The civil servants are even more pitiful. Except for Zuo Zhiyuan, one of the officials trained in the capital who followed Jin Feng to Xihewan and escaped, the others were killed by the fourth prince. This resulted in a severe shortage of civil servants under the Ninth Princess. Even the prime minister has

No, the six ministerial books are also vacant.

Zuo Zhiyuan once served as a minister in the Ministry of Works. Princess Ninth originally wanted to promote him to be Minister of the Ministry of Works, but Zuo Zhiyuan refused.

He followed Jin Feng to Xihewan because he didn't want to be an official.

Now that Jin Feng has developed a steam engine and an airship, Zuo Zhiyuan is astonished. Now he spends all day in the iron smelting workshop and laboratory and has no interest in government affairs at all.

I have to say that if you have been working in any industry for a long time, you cannot underestimate it.

Zuo Zhiyuan comes from a family of craftsmen and is very talented in mechanics. He has already understood the principles of steam engines and can improve them.

The airship Jin Feng was riding on was improved by Zuo Zhiyuan.

This kind of person is naturally good at scientific research, and it would be a waste to let him become an official.

So the Ninth Princess did not force Zuo Zhiyuan to become Minister of the Ministry of Works, but let him work in the laboratory.

However, based on Wei Laosan's experience, the Ninth Princess specifically asked Qin Ming to select a few absolutely loyal forbidden troops to protect Zuo Zhiyuan.

Although Zuo Zhiyuan was obsessed with machinery, he also came from a family of officials. As soon as he saw the imperial army, he guessed the intention of the ninth princess.

However, Zuo Zhiyuan showed no resistance.

Because he also knew very well what the steam engine meant. If he were replaced by Ninth Princess and Jin Feng, it would be impossible to pass it on to an outsider.

Now that Jin Feng has handed over his technology to him without reservation, isn't it normal to send a few people to keep an eye on him?

This chapter has been completed!
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