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Chapter 978

"Husband, this is a memorial from Qin. What do you think you should do with the Liang family?"

The Ninth Princess handed over two memorials: "The Liang family in Qin is a large family that has been passed down for hundreds of years. Many ancestors have fought on the battlefield and have produced two county guards and three county magistrates. They are very prestigious in the local area.


When Zhong Ming's group went to divide the land, some in the Liang family supported it while others opposed it.

The supporters approached the Zhongming Group and directly presented the land and house deeds, just to keep their savings and shops.

Opponents organized clan youths and village warriors to resist..."

"We've already resisted. What's left to discuss? Can't we just send the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau there?"

Jin Feng said casually.

After he finished speaking, he realized that if the matter was really that simple, Princess Ninth would not discuss it with him.

"Is there anything wrong with the Liang family?"

"There are some problems," the Ninth Princess nodded: "The Liang family is a scholarly family, and the family tradition is also very strict. This patriarch is as philanthropic as Mr. Zhou Youda, and he is also quite fair in doing things. He is very loved by the local people, but this person

As I get older, I am a bit stubborn and conservative, and I am very resistant to working in separate positions.

The person who supports the land division is a branch of the Liang family. This branch was expelled from the family tree by the head of the family thirty years ago because it had done dirty things that went against the family tradition.

Although relying on the name of the Liang family, Zhongmai has been running a chamber of commerce in recent years and has been prosperous, but he still feels that he can't swallow the breath he had at the beginning, so as soon as Zhong Ming's group arrived, he took the initiative to ask for land allocation and even encouraged Zhong Ming's group to send escorts.

The division besieged the ancestral home of the Liang family."

Jin Feng finally understood.

This is a typical example of a villain succeeding in his ambition.

But this villain supports the policies currently implemented by the Zhongming Group, while the direct family head, who is very prestigious in the local area and is supported by the people, stands on the opposite side of the Zhongming Group.

This is also the reason why the Ninth Princess is in trouble.

Because she knows very well that Jin Feng has always valued the people's support, and the vast majority of the people are on the side of the Zhongming Group. After all, the policies implemented by the Zhongming Group are the most beneficial to the people.

Should we stick to the policy and suppress the people led by the family head, or should we let them go?

This incident not only embarrassed the Ninth Princess, but also embarrassed Jin Feng.

The Zhongming Group's general direction of attacking local tyrants for land distribution cannot be changed, and the Zhenyuan Escort Agency cannot attack ordinary people.

These are two iron rules set by Jin Feng, and he himself will not violate them.

After thinking for a while, Jin Feng slowly spoke: "Let the Zhongming Group and the Song and Dance Troupe do more publicity and tell the local people that it is the general trend to divide the land from the local tyrants. Anyone who intends to stop it is just a mantis trying to block the car and will never succeed!

Let the Zhongming Group tell the local people that anyone who participates in blocking the land allocation will be deprived of the right to allocate land. Let them think carefully and don't make mistakes!"

The best way to destroy an organization is not to attack its hard outer shell, but to attack from within.

Jin Feng does not believe that there are people who are unwilling to divide their land. As long as the publicity is in place, Jin Feng believes that the Xiangyong organized by the head of the Liang family will soon fall apart.

"This is the only way at the moment... Husband, please take a look at this memorial."

The Ninth Princess handed Jin Feng a new memorial, and she picked up a writing brush and wrote down the solution to the previous memorial.

If the Ninth Princess was doing other things, Jin Feng might not let her do it.

However, every memorial involves countless people. One day's delay in handling it may lead to the death of some people. Jin Feng felt sorry for the Ninth Princess, but could not stop her. He could only help her review it together.

By the time the two of them had cleared away the memorials on the table, it was already seven or eight o'clock at night. They didn't even go back to eat dinner. Instead, they had their meals delivered to the study and ate while they were working.

"Being an emperor is really not an easy job!"

Jin Feng stretched out and felt happy for his original choice.

If he became the emperor, then he would be the one tied up in this study to review the memorials.

"Thank you for your hard work, husband!"

The Ninth Princess walked behind Jin Feng and helped Jin Feng rub his shoulders.

"You are the one who really has the hard work!"

Jin Feng held the Ninth Princess's hand: "Find a prime minister as soon as possible, at least get the Privy Council up first."

Sichuan, Shu and Qin are so big, there are too many things happening every day, and there are too many memorials and information coming back from various places every day.

The job of the Privy Council is to screen this information and pass it directly to other departments that can handle it. Others do not have the authority to handle it and must ask the Ninth Princess to send it over.

At present, the Ninth Princess has not established a Privy Council, and the Confidential Office of the Zhongming Group led by Xiaoyu has temporarily taken over the work of the Privy Council.

But the so-called confidential point is that after Xihewan began to use flying pigeons to send letters on a large scale, Xiaoyu selected a group of literate members from the Zhongming Group and asked them to compile flying pigeons to send letters.

These people were either down-and-out scholars or young ladies who were sold out. It is not a big problem to sort out the letters and pass them on. But once it comes to war and people's livelihood matters, sometimes it is impossible to distinguish the seriousness of the matter.

Although Jin Feng and Ninth Princess did not establish a new dynasty and still used the country name Dakang, it was actually almost the same as creating a new country.

The movement is even greater than the creation of a new dynasty in history.

In fact, when the Ninth Princess ascended the throne, several people suggested using Shu as the country's name, but Jin Feng rejected it.

Because his goal is not Sichuan and Shu, but the whole world.

However, many vassal kings and Central Plains dignitaries still refer to this new dynasty as Shu.

Jin Feng didn't bother to take it seriously. It was just a name. You could call it whatever you wanted.

As the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau and the Zhongming Group continue to advance, the territory of Shu is getting larger and larger, and more and more people are under its management.

The new dynasty was a time when wars were going on everywhere and everything was in ruins, and things were much more complicated than in the years of peace. The ninth princess had no help from the Privy Council, so she was already very busy, and now she is pregnant...

The failure of Princess Ninth's first child already made Jin Feng feel very guilty. He didn't want to lose the second child as well.

For the health of the ninth princess, Jin Feng must find someone to help her.

"The prime minister is not a weed on the roadside. You can pick up a lot of it. How can it be so easy to find a suitable one?" The Ninth Princess sighed: "It's a pity that Zhong Wuji is such a good seedling."

"Speaking of good seeds, I remember you told me before that there was a household inspector who was exiled to Sichuan and Sichuan. He was very capable and a decent man. What was his name?"

Jin Feng scratched his head and asked.

Before, he asked Ninth Princess about the great Confucian who lived in seclusion in Sichuan. Ninth Princess once told him about a person.

At that time, the Ninth Princess was full of praise for this man, saying that this man was very capable, but he was too upright and did not know how to weigh things. It took him half a life to climb to the position of inspector of the household department, and he was dismissed from office and exiled to Sichuan.


"Husband, are you talking about Tie Shixin?"

"Yes, that's Tie Shixin!"

Jin Feng finally remembered.

At that time, he also joked that this name was very similar to a stone-hearted person.

This chapter has been completed!
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