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Chapter 992 Sense of Superiority

Large-scale work-for-relief programs also include Guangyuan.

The official road between the county town and Heifeng Ridge has also been expanded and repaired. Sitting on the carriage, Luliu did not feel any bumps.

Looking back at Guangyuan County, which was getting farther and farther away, Luliu felt a mixture of emotions in her heart.

Although she is not yet twenty years old, she has more experience than many people in their eighties or nineties.

When I was a child, my family was well off and I was pampered by the whole family like a little princess.

But when she was eleven years old, the government servant who had nodded and bowed before seeing her father suddenly rushed into the house with a fierce look and took her father and two brothers away.

Luliu, her mother and two sisters were also taken away and then sent to the Jiaofang Division.

The following days were a nightmare that Lu Liu could not escape from throughout his life.

On the first day they arrived at Jiaofangsi, they were put into a flat cage.

This cage is not as big as the cage where the watchdog lives at home. A person cannot stand up straight or lie flat in it, so he can only curl up in it with his back hunched over.

Moreover, the cage is placed in the men's hut.

Those vulgar thugs deliberately targeted them when it was convenient for them.

At that time, Luliu didn't know why these people did this. She didn't know until she grew up.

Most of the people accepted by the Jiaofang Department are women from wealthy families. Doing so can kill their self-esteem.

It’s similar to the way male prisoners are given a beating with a killing stick before being sent to the place where they are serving their sentences.

Once you get over it, you will be obedient in the future.

If you can't bear it, you will die.

Anyway, the girls in the Jiaofang Department are all sent by the government, and they don't have to spend money to buy them like brothels. They die when they die.

Luliu's mother also came from a scholarly family. She couldn't bear the humiliation and committed suicide the same night she was put in the cage.

Before committing suicide, he strangled the two sisters in the cages on the left and right in front of Lu Liu.

Luliu's cage was not strangled because it was a little far away from her mother.

After all, Lu Liu was still an eleven-year-old child at the time, so he did not have the courage to commit suicide and survived.

In the following years, she learned a lot and suffered many grievances that ordinary people could not imagine.

Fortunately, she was very talented in poetry and poetry, had strong painting skills, and was extremely beautiful. She soon became one of the popular girls in the Jiaofang Division, and her life became easier and easier.

Especially after being selected as the oiran, she became a popular figure and was sought after by many young men and wealthy businessmen in Guangyuan.

If Jin Feng hadn't appeared, Luliu might have just let this life go by in a daze.

But since Jin Feng appeared, her life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Although she rarely interacted with Jin Feng, the brothel was a well-informed place, and Jin Feng was from Guangyuan, and he was the main person the local young men chatted with.

For more than a year, she heard all kinds of news about Jin Feng almost every day.

Jin Feng won another battle, Jin Feng began to suppress bandits again, Jin Feng began to provide disaster relief, Jin Feng won another battle, Jin Feng came to the rescue in the capital, Jin Feng was named a national advisor...

In addition to the news, the policy changes brought about by Jin Feng also brought great changes to Luliu's life.

Although the first slave release order was only piloted in the capital, the news also spread to Guangyuan.

I don’t know how many brothel girls and domestic slaves are looking forward to the early implementation of the slave liberation order in Sichuan and Shu, so that they can be liberated earlier.

Luliu also began to think about the future for the first time and began to imagine her future life.

Unfortunately, the slave liberation order did not last long, and Jin Feng was attacked in the East China Sea.

During that time, Luliu felt that her world was about to collapse, and she felt confused all day long.

People who have never believed in God or Buddhism have learned to burn incense every day and pray for Jin Feng's safe return.

After some time, she suddenly heard that Jin Feng was back.

Before she could verify the authenticity of the news, just a few days later, the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau announced its control of Guangyuan City, and at the same time officially implemented the Ninth Princess's New Deal and the slave release order.

When they saw the hot air balloon flying over Guangyuan City, countless Guangyuan people knelt down and kowtowed excitedly.

That day, there were cries everywhere in Guangyuan.

Not sad, but happy.

Happy for Jin Feng’s safe return.

Green Willow is one of them.

She didn't receive any guests that day, shut herself in her room, and cried and laughed all day long.

Thinking about the past, Lu Liu couldn't help but sigh with emotion, and then turned his head with a firm face.

Guangyuan City is getting further and further behind you, and so is the unbearable past.

Looking at the green mountains in front of him, Luliu's eyes became more and more determined.

Although the official road was rebuilt, the carriage still could not run very fast. That evening, the carriage drove into the Jinchuan Inn next to the official road.

Seeing the black flag of the escort flying at the door of the inn, Luliu felt full of security in her heart.

Rested overnight at the inn, and finally arrived at Heifeng Ridge the next afternoon.

"Gentlemen, there is a suspension bridge ahead and the carriage cannot move. Please, gentlemen, please take a few steps."

The escort leading the team smiled and shouted: "After passing the suspension bridge, we will reach Xihewan Village."

The straight line distance between Xihewan and Heifeng Ridge is very close, but there is a deep canyon between them.

Before there was a suspension bridge, it would have taken several days to walk from Xihewan to Heifeng Ridge.

With the development of Xihewan, Heifengling has also developed rapidly and has almost become a platform for various factories in Xihewan to display to the outside world.

Almost every factory has set up an exhibition hall here to display the latest products of the factory.

Every day, countless merchants from all over the world come here to purchase goods.

The mountainous area that was once infested with bandits turned into a bustling market town in just one year.

In addition to the exhibition halls of various factories, various restaurants and inns also appeared one after another.

Of course, the best positions are all occupied by Jin Feng's forces.

Jinchuan Inn alone has four branches on this street.

It wasn't that Jin Feng was overbearing, but that they came early and had a lot of land enclosed at that time.

As for the mine in the nearby mountain, it has long since stopped covering it up and started mining it openly.

The main materials required for Mancang to produce various alloy drill bits basically come from here.

"It's so lively here!" Luliu said with emotion as he looked at the people coming and going around him.

Beautiful women attract attention wherever they go.

Although Luliu has shed her silk and satin clothes and replaced them with gray coarse linen clothes, her natural appearance and fair skin will still make people notice her at first sight.

Along the way, countless young scholars came to chat with her.

But Luliu didn't pay attention to it, all her thoughts were on the new life that was about to come.

Now that he heard her talking, a scholar who had been following her immediately answered: "Miss Luliu, this is just a country place, I think it is more lively in the county town!"

His tone was full of the sense of superiority of a city dweller.


Luliu glanced at the scholar with disdain, then turned away.

This scholar was the one who had the most chats with him along the way. Lu Liu kept ignoring him and was getting angry inside. When Lu Liu scolded him, he suddenly exploded.

"Who are you calling, bitch?"

This chapter has been completed!
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