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Chapter 922: Hundreds of Billions of Immortals Lower Realm

Chapter 1023 The lower realm of hundreds of billions of immortals

The souls and true spirits of the Lord of Light and the Lord of Darkness were directly drawn out and suppressed on the other side, and the energy of chaos was continuously sent into their bodies.

The energy accumulated over countless years at the peak of the Lord God was mixed with the energy of chaos, and after eliminating the violent aura, it poured into the void of the Great Qin.

The energy concentration in Da Qin's void continues to increase, and in just a few days, it has exceeded its original value by more than ten times.

With such a concentration of void energy, Jinxian could fly in the void before, but now, only the Taiyi realm can enter the void.

When the Golden Immortal enters, the constantly surging void energy will directly impact the Golden Immortal's body until it collapses.

The heaven and earth barriers on all continents are operating at full strength. Because of the support of the godhead, the speed of converting void energy has been several times faster than before, but now, it is still pouring in at the limit.

The Lord of Light and the souls of dozens of Lord Gods can transform the energy of chaos in one day, which is equivalent to the transformation of the Great Qin world in one year.

"It took almost ten years to turn the two peak Daluo bodies into nothingness, which is equivalent to the Great Qin world converting more than three thousand years of void energy with all its strength. It is indeed a Daluo peak that can walk in chaos!


Zhao Wen sighed softly, but there was a joy that could not be concealed in his voice.

More than three thousand years of energy entering the Great Qin world within ten years, and the Great Qin world being a place where all people practice, will definitely allow a large number of geniuses to emerge in the Great Qin world.

But what Zhao Wen really cares about is not this group of geniuses, but the overall change in qualifications after the people's cultivation strength has improved.

This is equivalent to a transformation of national qualifications.

Such good things are not common, especially in a world like Da Qin that is growing too fast.

"I should stay in Daqin longer this time!" Zhao Wen looked at Hera with a wry smile on his face.

It's not that he wants to stay, but the number of Da Luo in Da Qin is too small now, and they are far from being able to compete with the hundreds of gods. The gap in strength, and the fact that the two worlds have just merged, if he leaves, something will inevitably happen.

"If all the fused continents at the edge of heaven and earth are integrated into the continent of gods, how many goddesses do you think can break through to the realm of Da Luo?"

As long as you have enough faith in the gods, you can continuously improve your priesthood.

In the past, belief in gods was too powerful, so they were suppressed, but now, Zhao Wen needs these goddesses to balance the power system within Da Qin.

"At least several hundred!" Hera's tone was very certain.

Over the years, each goddess's kingdom has accumulated a large number of true believers, and together with believers from outside places of faith, tens of thousands of goddesses have already been pushed to the peak of Taiyi.

She said it was hundreds, based on the strength of the gods in the current godhead system. If each goddess really added 100 billion followers, in a few hundred years at most, the belief system in gods would be able to have thousands more followers.

"The system of belief in the gods is indeed the most beloved darling of heaven and earth. Ordinary monks with just a little strength can actually accumulate a huge amount!"

Last time, just some ordinary people started practicing and pushed tens of thousands of goddesses to the level of Taiyi Peak. Zhao Wen was a little more wary of belief in the system of gods.

That is to say, the system of belief in gods cannot leave the world, and it is too deeply affected by the priesthood, otherwise Zhao Wen would directly ban this system in Da Qin.

The improvement in strength is too rapid, far exceeding the cultivation speed of ordinary monks by countless times. Not only ordinary monks, but even top geniuses cannot compare with the improvement speed of the belief system of gods.

Compared with the breakthrough of immortality and the calamity of heaven, the system of belief in gods is definitely the darling of heaven and earth, and is loved by heaven and earth!

"Then pick and choose the most suitable ones. In the name of rewards, give them some continents and creatures to break through the Daluo realm as soon as possible and suppress the godhead system!"

Zhao Wen no longer has any hope for the immortal system.

In the list of gods, I directly filled in all the energy of several main gods, but only the gods of the godhead system would absorb it immediately.

The power of faith in the priesthood cannot be used unless it is used. Everything is required of oneself as an immortal monk rather than a god.

Although Zhao Wen knew clearly that these people's hearts were not towards the Qin Dynasty, he could not stop them.

Put yourself first in everything, this is the way of immortality!

If you don’t have any ambition after the ban, I’m afraid your strength will not improve!

Since the immortal way cannot be relied on, he should improve his belief in gods. As long as he cannot leave the world of Daqin, no matter how these goddesses change Daqin after he leaves, he, the master of the world, can change back again.

The core of the world is integrated into the Kongtong Seal, which is already an innate treasure. It takes a quasi-sage peak to refine an innate treasure. In addition, the world can draw on the power of heaven. To refine the Kongtong Seal, you even need the strength of the Hunyuan realm.


No matter how the Great Qin develops, it is impossible for these goddesses to raise their strength to the Hunyuan level.

This is his last resort to control the world of Da Qin!

Of course, after leaving the world several times, these goddesses still obeyed their orders wholeheartedly and did not expand their followers to increase their strength, which finally made Zhao Wen, the lord of the world, feel relieved.

As soon as they heard that they could choose a continent from the edge of heaven and earth to integrate into their own place of faith, the goddesses were immediately overjoyed.

The greatest reliance of the gods is the believers and the place of faith, but His Majesty the God King has rewarded them all at once, making tens of thousands of goddesses overjoyed.

One continent after another continued to merge, and after dozens of continents merged into one, they were pushed by the goddesses one by one to fly towards the place of their faith.

For a time, the number of continents at the edge of the world suddenly dropped sharply!

And Zhao Wen returned to the Great Qin Palace!

In just a few days, the descendants of the Great Qin royal family who were originally in various parts of the world gathered towards the Great Qin Imperial Palace.

But unlike before, this time only people above the Golden Immortal level will receive the call from Zhao Wen, the ancestor.

The physical aura of Daluo level once again enveloped the Great Qin Palace. In the eighteen levels of hell, part of the void energy that was originally sent to the Great Qin Void and the two continents was directly sent to the Great Qin Palace.

Although the Great Qin Imperial Palace, which suppresses the Great Qin Empire on countless continents, has not incorporated the top-level innate spiritual treasure, it is still a powerful treasure in itself, and there are countless clones suppressing it in the cities of various continents of the Great Qin.

Every moment, I was impacted by the incense and thoughts of the people of Great Qin.

In terms of the power of faith he has accepted, it is definitely far beyond any belief in gods in the Da Luo realm.

It's just that because of the different refining systems, the full power of these powers of faith cannot be unleashed.

The rolling void energy first entered the herbal classics and was transformed, then poured into the Great Qin Palace and was purified again by the Great Qin Palace.

The bloodline instinct is transforming with all its strength. All it takes is to keep approaching the aura of a strong person with the same bloodline. An endless stream of pure spiritual energy pours into the bodies of the descendants of the Great Qin royal family, improving the strength of these royal descendants.

The Immortal Dao system is too weak, and there are no signs of transformation and improvement in a short period of time.

The Godhead system has just been integrated and is constantly improving the laws of Da Qin.

If you believe in the divine system and have huge power of faith, you can perfect your priesthood and transform directly.

As the master of the world, he must balance the forces within the world, and among these forces, there must be forces that are absolutely loyal to him.

In the entire Great Qin world, the only people who are willing to sacrifice everything to protect the interests of Great Qin are the concubines and descendants of the royal family of Great Qin.

The descendants of the Da Qin royal family are the third force selected by Zhao Wen, and they are completely dependent on the power of the Da Qin imperial concubine.

The bloodline is transforming and the strength is constantly increasing. Except for the perception of laws that has not kept up, everything else is changing rapidly.

In terms of qualifications, the descendants of the Great Qin royal family are definitely the pinnacle of all the monks in the Great Qin world. This is a change brought about by bloodline changes one after another.

Now Zhao Wen has promoted all the descendants of this royal family to the peak of Golden Immortal. All he needs to do is comprehend the rules with all his heart and soul, and he can naturally break through to the Taiyi realm.

There is no possibility in the Daluo realm in a short time, but among the millions of golden immortals here, as long as one-tenth breaks through to the Taiyi realm, it will be an extremely powerful force.

It is definitely impossible to suppress the Lord God and Da Luo, but how could the Lord God and Da Luo not know the meaning of the appearance of these royal descendants, and how could they dare to offend themselves, the master of the world.

"Leave all Da Luo on the edge of heaven and earth to capture the energy of chaos, and the remaining Taiyi levels will be reintegrated by the royal family's descendants to form a force with the Great Qin royal family as the core, ensuring that the strength of the Great Qin Empire continues to improve and expand!"

When I came back this time, the world of Great Qin expanded too fast, far faster than the growth rate of the Great Qin Empire.

Even with the help of the gods on the list of gods, there are still a large number of continents scattered on the edge of the world.

With the exception of the Great Qin world, all the continents ruled by the descendants of the Great Qin royal family are in turmoil. The integration of too many unfamiliar continents has affected the dominance of these royal descendants on the continent.

In the blink of an eye, a piece of news appeared in the minds of all the true immortals and royal descendants of the heavenly realm.

The expressions of the descendants of the royal family who had ascended to heaven changed one by one, and they arrived at the Tianmen guarded by the heavenly soldiers as quickly as possible. The information they had just received turned into a talisman, causing countless heavenly soldiers to salute at the same time.

These royal descendants left the Tianmen and immediately flew as fast as possible towards the continents ruled by the descendants of the Great Qin royal family. Many of them even ascended from these continents back then.

As long as you break through the Immortal Realm, you must ascend to the Heaven Realm. Nowadays, all the people of Da Qin are cultivating, and they only rely on some magic weapons left by their ancestors. Even if the descendants of the Da Qin royal family have superior strength, they can only slowly transform the merged creatures.

From time to time, he even had to fight bloody battles with the fused mainland powerhouses.

Both of them are at the pinnacle of the human world, and it is not easy to suppress them.

But now, hundreds of billions of immortals have descended from the sky, and the resistance forces on the continent have been defeated one after another.

The range that an Earth Immortal can rule is more than a thousand times beyond the peak of Yuanshen, not to mention that this time Zhao Wen sent all the descendants of the royal family.

The creatures that originally took time to be integrated were scattered one after another, and each of the newly integrated continents became the sphere of influence of the Great Qin Empire.

"Ancestor, why did the spiritual energy of heaven and earth decline so quickly?" A descendant of the Great Qin royal family in the Yuanshen realm saw the originally abundant spiritual energy of heaven and earth plummeting, and asked his direct ancestor for advice with a worried look on his face.

"For you, it is abundant spiritual energy from heaven and earth, but for us immortals, it is just enough to practice!" After glancing at his descendants, this time His Majesty the Immortal Emperor summoned all the elders in the Golden Immortal Realm away.

Obviously it is to improve strength.

Nowadays, we are only in the realm of true immortals, still far away from the realm of heavenly immortals. However, because our descendants are not up to par, they cannot even suppress some of the fused countries. How can we be good to these descendants if we have to let ascendants like ourselves clean up the mess in the lower realm?


"If you alarm the Immortal Emperor of Heaven this time, don't think about ascension. Do your best to reproduce the descendants of the Great Qin royal family, and let these descendants wash away the shame of you people!"

"Ancestor!" shouted the royal Yuanshen with a miserable look on his face. Over the years, due to the changes in the aura of heaven and earth, very few Yuanshen monks are willing to leave descendants.

But now, the ancestor actually allows himself to reproduce like an ordinary person. How could he, who has considered himself a genius since childhood, be willing to do so?

"Idiots, it's not just you who are the descendants of the royal family, but also ordinary people. We have taken away the spiritual energy of the world and you are no longer dreaming about practicing. It only takes a few generations to forget your original origin forever and truly become the people of Great Qin!"

Immortals like them will re-manage various continents in the lower realm, and the descendants will do their best to reproduce future generations, and even all regions of the Qin Dynasty will do their best to reproduce. This is what His Majesty the Immortal Emperor has decided, and everyone can only do their best to implement it.

With a gentle wave of his hand, he sent this junior whom he loved so much back then out.

Within a few hundred years at least, hundreds of billions of royals and immortals will descend to the lower realm in order to integrate all the continents and turn them into common people of the Qin Dynasty.

By then, Great Qin will have an endless stream of geniuses born, but they will just be a younger generation with better qualifications. Countless more will appear by then.

The gods on the list of gods began to use all their strength to send the continents on the edge of the world towards the continents ruled by the Great Qin.

On the current list of gods, it only took a few decades to move all the continents on the edge of the world.

The continents ruled by millions of descendants of the Qin royal family have expanded by at least a hundred times.

Without the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, a true spirit can consume a monk's entire cultivation level with just his breath. If it cannot be replenished, a monk's body can only be better than that of ordinary people.

Including the Great Qin Continent, after all living beings were unable to cultivate, they placed their hopes on the next generation.

The number of people in Da Qin suddenly began to double.

The lifespan of an ordinary race is only a few decades. Under the rule of Great Qin, in just a few generations, all the people who merged in became the most loyal people of the Great Qin Empire!

The price Great Qin paid was that for hundreds of years, no flying person appeared in the heaven!

This chapter has been completed!
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