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Chapter 138: The first imperial edict after becoming emperor

 "What Da Qin needs to do now is to continue to promote the same writing, the same track, the same weight, and the same ethics!"

"At the same time, the statistics of population and land in various places must be speeded up, and the reclamation order must continue to be implemented, as well as county schools in various places. There is no condition to implement all township schools now, but county schools must be popularized!"

"In addition, Shaofu and Jiujiang County are already minting large amounts of new money. All localities must strictly inspect private money and gradually replace all the old money from the Six Kingdoms!"

Speaking of this, Zhao Wen looked down with a cold expression on his face. Since ancient times, it has been illegal to mint private money. Only those in the palace dared to do such a thing. However, in this era, Zhao Wen had no intention of doing so.

Banknotes are directly promoted, so I just mentioned it.

These things are some of the ongoing policies of Da Qin today. Zhao Wen said it again, telling all courtiers that these things will not change and will still be implemented.

After finishing speaking, looking at the courtiers who were still looking forward to it, Zhao Wen smiled softly: "From now on, all government affairs will be sent to the cabinet for processing, so there is no point in going to court every morning. From today on, every day

There will be a court meeting on the first day of the month, and everyone will work in the Yamen as normal during the rest of the time!"

All the courtiers suddenly smiled bitterly. All affairs were handled by the cabinet, and going to court naturally became a chore. However, no one expected that the second emperor of the Qin Dynasty would actually have all affairs handled on the first day he came to the throne.

After being pushed to get along with the Prime Minister, even the daily attendance at court was cancelled.

Some ambitious people looked towards the Prime Minister's Palace with jealousy in their eyes, handling all government affairs. Except for the lack of military power, their rights were no different from those of the previous emperors. Such good things can be encountered, who can?

Not jealous.

Zhao Wen smiled softly. Although the matter must be handled by the cabinet, it must be stamped with a jade seal by the emperor to be considered an imperial edict.

With this barrier, things that you don't agree with naturally cannot be carried out. Compared with the First Emperor, there is no difference in rights, but all the curses from the world are gathered in the cabinet. This is the biggest impact of the cabinet system on the emperor.

the benefits of.

Standing up gently and looking down, Zhao Wen had a smile on his face and said with a chuckle: "Only the people can make a country. Today I ascend the throne. The whole world should celebrate with me and spread the decree to all places to exempt the world from land tax for one year!"

"His Majesty!"

Countless courtiers looked at Zhao Wen with horrified faces. Now in autumn, whether it is raising the army or undertaking various projects, money and food are needed. Even the salaries of officials like them come from the land tax.

If there is no tax for a year, the Qin Empire will have big problems.

"The cabinet can calculate all the expenses of Da Qin for a year, and I will pay for it."

The reclamation order has just been implemented for a year, and the output of the newly reclaimed land is scarce. With a year's work, how much food can ordinary people have in their homes? Since they want to show mercy, it is better to go bigger and waive the land tax for a year.

Anyway, he now has so much gold and silver that he has to find a special warehouse to store it.

As for grain, if all kinds of high-yielding grains are grown, the annual output of the farm in Shaofuzhong may be enough to cover the past year's land tax. In addition, it can be purchased with gold, silver and jewelry. Zhao Wen really doesn't believe it.

What problems would happen if the Qin Dynasty did not collect land tax for a year?


After Chu Yi shouted loudly, Zhao Wen walked lightly towards the back hall, while all the officials of Qin Dynasty in the court had dark and uncertain faces as they thought.

When the new emperor came to the throne, there were so many changes compared to the first emperor that many people still don't even understand the meaning of the new emperor's arrangements.

Only Wang Jian glanced at the ministers in the court with a blank expression, smiled coldly in his heart, and strode out.

The tiger talisman was needed to mobilize troops, but the tiger talisman was in the hands of the emperor, and his military pavilion was just like the documents beside the general.

The cabinet is the same as the military cabinet. Without His Majesty's decree to stamp it with a jade seal, it is just a piece of rag. Who would care.

All the way to the apse, we strode towards the palace of the First Emperor.

Today is the first day of the throne of the First Emperor. When he went to court, he could only stay alone in the back hall. He must have felt lonely. Zhao Wen, the newly succeeded emperor, naturally wanted to go over to comfort him as soon as possible.

As soon as he entered the palace, he saw the First Emperor sleeping on the bed with his eyes closed, and the expression on his face was so cold that it could drop ice.

"Father, your health is feeling better!"

Although the procedures for passing the throne today are getting shorter and shorter, it is extremely difficult for the First Emperor to persevere with his current body. When Zhao Wen took the jade seal, he saw that the First Emperor's legs began to tremble.

"I'm not mad at you yet!"

The First Emperor didn't even open his eyes, and said coldly: "It is an eternal miracle that an emperor can actually hand over all the daily affairs of the government to the hands of the prime minister!"

Having said this, the First Emperor slowly opened his eyes, looked at Zhao Wen and asked, "Tell me, what do you, the emperor, do every day if you don't deal with government affairs?"

"I also want to leave a system for future generations!"

Zhao Wengong bowed respectfully before saying: "Father, you also know that emperors have different abilities. Those who are capable of handling government affairs will naturally have no problem, but those who are incapable of handling government affairs will definitely cause chaos in the world!"

"The future prime minister must be an official promoted from one level to another in the counties. In terms of his ability to handle government affairs, he is definitely far superior to the emperor. Even if the future generations are not capable, as long as they can be optimistic about the military cabinet, they will definitely

There will be no change of government!"

"All the infamy is shouldered by the cabinet, and good things like tax exemption are all the result of the emperor's insistence?"

The First Emperor instantly understood what Zhao Wen meant, and after thinking about it carefully, he asked: "To do this, the emperor must close the relationship with the military pavilion, but the emperor who grew up in the deep palace was born with the lowest-ranking soldiers.

You don’t have to think about the distance, but what should future generations do to capture the military’s morale?”

Zhao Wen secretly lamented the power of the First Emperor, who immediately grasped the core of the system. Only by grasping the army could the emperor hand over all government affairs to the hands of the cabinet, otherwise it would really become a decoration.

"Open an officer's academy and recruit students from the grassroots of the military and even scholars. The emperor will personally serve as the dean of the officer's academy. In the future, all officers will be students of the emperor. When students face their teachers, let alone rebellion, they just have a bad attitude.

They can all be scolded by the world!"

"That's a way!" It wasn't because he meant to be lazy, but because he wanted to pave a new path for future generations. The First Emperor nodded with satisfaction.

"There are still some treasures and money in the palace warehouse. You can take them all. Jun Wu said, Da Qin's annual taxes are quite a lot. Since we promised to exempt the world from taxes for a year, we must do it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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