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Chapter 171 The first step to destroy the military merit conferment system

 In the main hall, Zhao Wenduan sat at the top, with civil and military officials standing on both sides, listening to a strong man in the middle loudly speaking about the victory.

The strong man was frothing as he spoke, looking extremely excited, but the Wen and Wu standing on both sides had sneers in their eyes, not wanting to cheer at all.

This was a great victory, and it was an unprecedented victory in a foreign war. Everyone recognized this.

But the problem is that the key to this battle is that the Jin Yiwei's intelligence was accurate. They discovered the location of the Xiongnu tribe before the war and cleared out all the survivors along the way, allowing tens of thousands of Forbidden Army infantry to hide from the Xiongnu.

When the Forbidden Army attacked, it was the Jinyiwei who sent people to clear out all the high-level officials in the Xiongnu tribe. No one in such a war palace would make any difference if they were beaten!

After the strong man finished telling the good news, he saw that everyone in the palace remained calm, and he immediately became furious, and then looked up with aggrieved expressions.

"The Qin Dynasty will be victorious!" Zhao Wen stood up violently, raised his hands and shouted.

"Great Qin will be victorious!" A burst of hysterical shouts suddenly sounded in the palace.

"This is our first battle against foreigners after the founding of the Qin Dynasty. After this battle, our Qin Dynasty has enough horses to build cavalry, enough livestock to plow the fields, and the people can also eat mutton, and there are ten more

Thousands of slaves!”

"No matter how this battle was fought, the military exploits of the sergeant cannot be erased!"

"Promise!" All the civil and military officials bowed their heads in response. The most important thing in the Qin Dynasty is that meritorious deeds must be rewarded, and this battle is an absolute great merit. Even if they are disdainful, they must admit it.

"What's the opinion of the military pavilion!" Zhao Wen turned to look at Wang Jian, the chief assistant of the military pavilion!

"We, the Qin Dynasty, will reward those who have meritorious service. In this battle, fifty thousand forbidden troops attacked more than one hundred thousand Xiongnu, and defeated the greater number with less. All the soldiers who participated in the battle, regardless of whether they were beheaded or not, were all promoted to the first level. As for the military merits of beheading, they will all be rewarded as usual!"

After eating three grains of fragrant cardamom, all the old injuries on his body were completely recovered. Wang Jian, who was in his fifties, looked almost forty years old, in his prime. When he spoke, the whole hall sounded a "buzzing" sound.

A group of veteran generals looked at Wang Jian with envy on their faces, but they knew that this kind of treasure that can rejuvenate people is absolutely precious. Unless they make great contributions to the Qin Dynasty, there is no hope of receiving rewards from His Majesty. The most important thing now is the military

How does the court calculate the military merits of several Forbidden Army generals?

"The three generals Zhang Han, Han Xin, and Lu Ze defeated the many with less, and achieved a great victory. In terms of merit, they should be promoted to the rank of Marquis of Guannei!"

There was a burst of noise in the hall, and everyone looked at Wang Jian with disappointment!

Wang Jian's expression remained unchanged. He had seen the plans of the three men before they sent out troops. They were all handsome men. This battle seemed easy, but they did not make any mistakes throughout the whole process and achieved perfect results. It was by no means something ordinary generals could achieve. The Marquis of Guannei

The three of them definitely deserve the title.

"That's right, let the young man select the suitable marquis for the three generals and give them to him!" Zhao Wen ignored all the Qin generals in the palace, and with Wang Jian's endorsement, Zhao Wen decided directly.

As for the rewards for other sergeants, Da Qin has strict regulations, so Zhao Wen doesn't have to worry about them.

"One more thing. The families of the four imperial concubines, Concubine Lu, Concubine Qu, Concubine Jing, and Concubine Zhao, are relatives of my Great Qin royal family, but they still stay in the countryside. People know that they think that our Great Qin royal family doesn't even have any favors.

Just to take advantage of this battle to feel happy, the cabinet will choose a few more pleasant titles and confer the title of Marquis of Guannei on the four uncles!"

"As for the mansion, the young master will also select the suitable one and give it to the four imperial concubines after their families come to Beijing!"

All the civil and military ministers in the palace looked up at the same time with expressions of disbelief. Great Qin has always been unable to grant titles without military merit. Since Lord Shang's reform, there has been no title without military merit in Great Qin!

Today, Zhao Wen seems to have only granted titles to the families of four imperial concubines, but this is tantamount to breaking the most sacred military merit conferment system in the hearts of all Da Qin nobles!

"I honor your decree!"

Seeing that the hall was completely silent, Wang Wan stepped forward and bowed respectfully to Zhao Wen.

Wang Wan saw very clearly that since the new emperor came to the throne, he has been continuously consolidating all the military power of the Qin Dynasty. It seems that there is a military cabinet and a cabinet, but an inner study suppresses the power of the cabinet.

As for the Military Pavilion, the Forbidden Army, which is completely controlled by His Majesty, has respected the strong since its establishment, so how could it care about a group of veteran military nobles.

If the old ministers of the Qin Dynasty continue to cling to the military merit conferring system as before, it will not be long before they are completely eliminated by His Majesty.

The first time His Majesty sent to the Cabinet only a few dozen officials who were like officials, mainly to teach the six ministries and the operation of the Cabinet, but this time he directly sent thousands of scholars.

Shimen can bring back more than six million people and tens of thousands of officials from other worlds at a time. Who can guarantee that it will not bring back a chief minister of the cabinet next time!

A huge portal has become like a nightmare in Wang Wan's heart. Supporting all His Majesty's decisions is Wang Wan's only thought now.

"I second the proposal!" Feng Quji and Li Si stepped forward at the same time and saluted.

Since His Majesty specifically proposed to allow the families of several imperial concubines to live there, Li Si knew that His Majesty was preparing to implement the relocation order, and the families of these imperial concubines were the first batch of movers.

The system of prefectures and counties was the first major national policy he implemented in the Qin Dynasty, and the powerful powers in various places were the biggest obstacle to the system of prefectures and counties. As for the military merit conferment system, what did it have to do with him? Anyway, he could not be conferred military merit.

"I second the motion!" After the three cabinet ministers, all the civil servants stepped forward and saluted at the same time!

"Your Majesty, since Lord Shang's reform in our Qin Dynasty, no knighthood can be granted without military merit. The families of the four empresses have no military merit, how can they be granted the title of Marquis within the Pass!" A veteran general came out and shouted loudly with an angry look on his face.

All the generals' eyes were focused on Zhao Wen, and some even had blood in their eyes. The sacred system of conferring military honors would never allow any tarnishment.

Although the military achievements of Zhang Han, Han Xin, and Lu Ze just now were a little low, they were still a real victory. Your Majesty wants to place this military achievement on these three people. Although some people are not convinced, they can accept it!

But to confer the title of Marquis of Guannei to four relatives is to directly shake the foundation of the military merit conferment system!

"Which one will you uphold, the military merit conferment system or my imperial edict?"

Zhao Wen slowly stood up, with his hands behind his back, his eyes swept across all the generals with a cold look, and a hint of sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth: "In other words, in your hearts, are you loyal to me, the Emperor of Qin, or are you loyal to me?

Military merit conferment system?”

The eyes of all the generals were blank. The military merit conferment system has always been the most important system of the Qin Dynasty and the foundation of the Qin Dynasty. All the emperors of the Qin Dynasty will do their best to maintain it.

No one has ever thought about what should be done when the two conflict!

This chapter has been completed!
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