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Chapter 332 Liu Bang’s suggestion

 "I have something to report to Your Majesty." Liu Bang looked solemn. This matter was too important. If he were not careful, it would cause great trouble for Da Qin. If Da Qin was weaker, he would be able to suppress this discovery.

came down, but the strength controlled by His Majesty in front of him has reached an incredible level.

Such a powerful emperor, no matter what happens in the Qin Dynasty, can single-handedly suppress it. In the hands of such a powerful emperor, he should put away any small thoughts, serve the empire wholeheartedly, and continue to make great achievements. This is what he should do.

Otherwise, it is just his identity in other worlds. As long as His Majesty gives up protecting him, countless people will rush forward to tear him apart in the blink of an eye.

"According to statistics from Shaofu Farm, there is now a very large gap in the population between the north and the south of the Qin Dynasty. If the field army continues to cultivate in the south, and the people of the Song Dynasty continue to migrate to the south, the final population gap may be several times larger.


At this point, Liu Bang stopped. There are some things that don't need to be explained too clearly by his ministers, otherwise it would be like insulting the superior's mind. He believed that the emperor in front of him could definitely understand that when the gap between the north and the south is so large,

What will happen.

Zhao Wen thought about it carefully, and it seems that except for the millions of people who migrated to the north at the beginning, all the people who migrated later moved to the south.

Not to mention the Song Dynasty, the Yanyun Sixteenth State in the north has always been in the hands of foreigners and has never been peaceful. The population in the south is also much larger than that in the north. When these people come to the Great Qin, they will naturally live in the south.


Nowadays, the population of the Qin Dynasty is close to 200 million. If all the people of the Song Dynasty are moved here, it can even reach more than 200 million. However, the population of the entire north does not exceed 30 million. This is not only a gap, but also a gap that is so big that there is no limit.


Zhao Wen couldn't help but smile bitterly when he thought of the First Emperor who was now in charge of the Chu region.

That is to say, the power he controls is too powerful. Whether Jin Yiwei or Dongchang, he suppresses all the little thoughts of everyone in the world.

If it were an emperor with normal strength, I am afraid that the First Emperor would have already led his army to fight back.

His method of becoming emperor was not very bright. The First Emperor did not understand it at that time, but it does not mean that the First Emperor cannot understand it now.

Northwest and Yandi have vast lands. In the past, there were no common people living there because there were too many foreign races and it was unsafe. But now the areas around these two places have been cleaned up. It’s just that Yandi has fallen apart. People can immigrate normally, but in the northwest

But it's too dry, so a smaller number would be fine, but the entire ecology would be completely destroyed!

How could Zhao Wen, who came from modern times, not know how weak the ecology of the northwest is.

He had already decided in his heart that a large number of people would immigrate to the northwest in the future, but before that, he had to solve the drought problem in the northwest.

"Reward Mr. Liu with three grains of heavenly fragrant cardamom!" Zhao Wen ordered Chu Yi beside him.

Tianxiang cardamom can change aptitudes and is a life-saving elixir. Zhao Wen directly planted dozens of them at the core of the Tiangang Disha formation. Thanks to a large amount of spiritual power, they have now matured and all the imperial concubines have eaten them.

Passed, just in time to use it as a reward.

"I thank your Majesty for the reward!" Liu Bang was immediately overjoyed. As long as he has a breath, eating three grains of Tian Fragrant Cardamom can bring him back to life and can also change his cultivation qualifications. Many people in Daqin know this.

But these people also heard that Tianxiang Cardamom only produced thirty-six seeds in thirty-six years. Even His Majesty didn't have many in his hands. He didn't expect that it was actually given to him today. When he looked at Zhao Wen, he couldn't help but feel surprised.

A bit of gratitude.

"Send a message to the cabinet and ask them to find a way to guide the people to move to the northwest and Yan region."

When you find a problem, you must solve it. After Liu Bang left, Zhao Wen immediately told Chu Yi: "There are still grasslands, and those who are willing to graze can also move to the grasslands."

The surrounding tribes are constantly being cleared, and the grasslands are completely empty. Daqin now has a large number of livestock, and even the young government has to spend manpower to move them to the south. If someone is willing to graze on the grasslands, they can provide Daqin with a large amount of meat every year.



After Chu Yi retreated, Zhao Wen flew up directly and flew towards the northwest.

Standing at an altitude of several thousand meters and looking down, the northwest is not as barren as it was later. You can still see lush green areas in many places, but compared to other places, you can clearly feel that this area is extremely desolate.

"We can build some reservoirs to change the local natural environment!" The biggest problem that cannot survive is the lack of water. As long as this problem is solved, the northwest alone can fully accommodate hundreds of millions of people.

After finding a lowland surrounded by mountains, a path of fossilized mud was dug out, and a large amount of soil below suddenly disappeared. The originally lower valley plain suddenly dropped by dozens of meters.

A stone wall tens of meters thick appeared in several gaps around it, completely surrounding the entire valley. There was still an overflow hole on the lowest stone wall.

Such a huge reservoir only collects rain from the surrounding mountains. God knows when it will be full. Looking at the sky, it doesn't look like it will rain in a short period of time.

When I grabbed it toward the ocean in the distance, a large cloud of water vapor was caught. A heavy downpour began immediately above the newly built reservoir, including the mountains upstream of it.

The Taoism in the realm of Yuanshen is not so powerful yet, but this time Zhao Wen directly used his power as the Lord of the World, consuming a trace of the power of the world to attract the rain.

Even if tens of thousands of cubic meters of rain fell every second, it took a while to submerge the bottom of the valley plain surrounded by Zhao Wen.

He raised his hand and pointed in the direction of the Yellow River, and a celestial river appeared instantly. The water in the upper reaches of the Yellow River continued to accelerate, and the downstream began to surge upwards, and a huge amount of water poured into the reservoir.

This time, it was Zhao Wen who directly used his soul power to attract him.

Seeing that even with the addition of water from the Yellow River, the water level was still rising slowly, Zhao Wen suddenly felt that the reservoir he had built was too big.

But then this idea disappeared directly from Zhao Wen's mind. Since the power of the world has been consumed, the entire northwest environment will be changed at once. Anyway, with the current growth rate of Da Qin, the power of the world has been growing.

In just one day, Zhao Wen built hundreds of huge reservoirs in the northwest.

A strong wind blows over the ocean, and the huge rain clouds continue to flow towards the northwest. Compared with directly guiding a stream of water vapor to fall directly into the reservoir, guiding the strong wind to blow the rain clouds consumes less world power.


This chapter has been completed!
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