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Chapter 376: Da Qin Civil and Military Preparations for Entering the New World

 Zhao Wen will not look down upon Wang Ju and Li Si just because they did not react for a moment.

This is actually a matter of habit. The two of them have been dealing with the government affairs of Da Qin and have long been accustomed to the situation before Da Qin. Then they deal with the road situation. After substituting their habitual thinking, it is natural that Da Qin cannot settle it now.

"Since I came to the throne in the Great Qin Dynasty, there has not been an imperial examination. The cabinet can be communicated to the whole world. The counties will first examine the scholars, and then the counties will examine the candidates among the scholars, and the candidates will go to Beijing to participate in the imperial examination of the Great Qin!"

The imperial examination system has been around for thousands of years. Even before Zhao Wen traveled through time, the examination system was still used. This alone is enough to show how advanced this system was in ancient times.

There is no need or need for Zhao Wen to formulate a new system for Da Qin.

"Scholars can directly enter the schools of various counties, and candidates can enter the Imperial Academy of Government Affairs of Da Qin. However, only by passing the imperial examination can one become an official of our Da Qin!"

It was extremely natural to establish the future system and discover the power of incense. For Zhao Wen, it was inevitable to rely on the ancient system to develop the Qin Dynasty.

In his opinion, combining the imperial examination with first-level colleges is definitely the most advanced system of this era.

"I respect your decree!"

Only scholars can participate in the imperial examination. If you pass the imperial examination, you can become an official, which can greatly enhance the people's enthusiasm for reading. This is a great thing to increase the status of scholars all over the world. All civil servants were immediately overjoyed.

"You can directly enter the Royal Government Academy to study. After passing the exam, you can also enter the Royal Military Academy to learn military knowledge. The cabinet and military cabinet must decide on the learning system of the two academies in advance!"

If Zhao Wen remembers correctly, there are currently only a group of students recommended by military nobles in the Royal Military Academy, plus junior officers from various major legions.

Passing the examination can also enter the Royal Military Academy. For scholars who cannot pass the imperial examination, it is also an opportunity to change their destiny.

After arranging government affairs, military affairs are next. Especially when Da Qin is about to send troops, military affairs are even more important. But before that, Zhao Wen first needs to change the personnel of Da Qin's army.

He turned to look at Wang Jian and said: "It takes a long time for the soul to double at a time to stabilize, but one thing is certain, that is, the strength of these people will usher in a period of rapid improvement!"

"In addition to the forbidden army and county soldiers, our Great Qin also has several large legions scattered in various places. Now that the world has been promoted, everywhere has changed too much. I think there will be nothing in the army. The military cabinet can start to replace the forbidden army with regular troops from various places!"

Legion sergeants from various places also have to make a choice whether they are willing to enter the Demon Refining Tower.

Anyone who is unwilling to take the risk of entering will inevitably withdraw from the main army of Qin.

Nowadays, although Da Qin's territory has expanded, its population has not changed much, and there are no threats around it. There is no need to keep so many sergeants, so it is natural to select the best.

"No!" Wang Jian still bowed and saluted. He knew in his heart that after this exchange of blood in the army, the entire system of the Great Qin Army would probably be completely broken.

The entire Great Qin army will be completely controlled by His Majesty, but let alone him, even if His Majesty the First Emperor comes back, he will not be able to stop it.

"After changing defenses everywhere, leave an army of 400,000 as the main force entering the new world!"

Zhao Wen looked solemn, stood up slowly and said: "We summon Zhang Han, Zhou Bo, Meng Tian, ​​and Wang Ben to the capital. Zhang Han will serve as the commander-in-chief, and Zhou Bo, Meng Tian, ​​and Wang Ben will serve as deputy generals. We will move the new Qin capital's imperial army as quickly as possible.

Sort it out!"

Hundreds of thousands of troops cannot just leave, especially after the major changes in the major legions and the Forbidden Army. Without any strength, let alone leading troops into the new world, even the basic command system may cause chaos.

"No!" Wang Jian looked a little downcast and bowed and agreed.

Zhao Wen sighed secretly in his heart. Speaking of it, Wang Bi was definitely more qualified than Zhang Han. Zhang Han was just an ordinary official in the Shaofu before he became the Jiujiang County Lieutenant, while Wang Bi was already the commander-in-chief of the first army.

But who asked Zhang Han to follow him earlier!

Moreover, in history, Zhang Han was able to sweep half of the world with a group of prisoners. Before this, he could directly command hundreds of thousands of troops without any experience in leading troops.

Although Wang Ben had a higher status, he had always fought under the command of Wang Jian.

Maybe after entering the new world, Zhao Wen will have the opportunity to give Wang Ben the right to independently command operations like Han Xin and Lu Ze, but now, the general will never appoint such a person who has not proven himself in history.

The same is true for Zhou Bo and Meng Tian. They will exercise when they have the opportunity, but before that, they will accept the command honestly.

After leaving the palace, both the cabinet and the military cabinet started to move as quickly as possible.

The population of a new world is about to migrate in. Da Qin has already experienced such a thing once, so it naturally knows how much trouble it will cause.

Apart from anything else, just re-dividing counties and preparing a sufficient number of officials cannot be completed in a short time.

What's more important is that many of the current officials in Da Qin have only been appointed for a few months and are completely ineligible for transfer. However, those with qualifications may not necessarily have the ability to handle the affairs of a county well.

Selecting the right officials leaves the cabinet scratching its head.

In this process, we must also find ways to gather grain from various places to counties and counties on both sides of the river through the existing road system.

The people who entered Daqin by ship via the river would inevitably settle in the counties on both sides of the river.

However, most of these counties were established not long ago due to the increase in the number of people who migrated. The previous accumulation had already been exhausted by the people who migrated to the Song Dynasty in the last time.

Now we have to resettle a whole world of people. If we don't transfer food there in advance, how will the local officials do it?

It is not easy to transfer food that can accommodate tens of millions of people to a designated place in a short period of time under today's road system.

Not to mention the military pavilion, suitable ones were selected from the Forbidden Army and assigned to each major legion. All the major legions were transferred back to the capital of Qin, and the sergeants who would follow His Majesty into the new world were still being selected.

The key is to know that there is an opportunity to enter the new world and fight. No one wants to be assigned to the border army at this time.

Now who doesn't know that the Great Qin dominates the world. There is no longer any force around that can stand in front of the Great Qin. The border legions used to bully the surrounding small tribes. How can they compare with entering the new world and taking a world under the Great Qin?

People's blood boils.

This chapter has been completed!
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