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Chapter 475: Strange spiritual power fluctuations

There were corpses on the ground, and the surrounding goblins immediately gathered around.

There was only a sound of swallowing, and only a pile of bones and dregs were left on the spot, and even the blood stains on the ground were added clean.

On the other side, a female pigman was captured and led staggeringly towards a house that was obviously larger than other shacks.

As soon as they entered the house, a group of adult goblins surrounded them screaming with excitement, and the female pigman suddenly let out a scream.

However, it is not used as food, but for another purpose. After a while, the female pig body is filled with goblin seeds.

In a very short period of time, the seeds had already formed into embryos, emitting the breath of life. Several goblins put the food in front of the female pigman with expectant faces, but the female pigman was tied tightly from beginning to end.


Even though the other goblins kept swallowing their saliva, none of them came forward to get food.

"Children will eat their mother's body when they are born, so they rely on women from other lives to reproduce. But the embryos take shape so quickly. Isn't there reproductive isolation?"

Moreover, pigs are also a life form that reproduces very quickly.

The two kinds of life he discovered in this world, one is Goblin and the other is Pigman, both have this in common, but there are no traces of practicing skills in either of them, which makes Zhao Wen even more interested in this world.

A bit curious.

Divine consciousness swept across the entire city, and the life level of the strongest person had reached the level of first-level life. Although he was not strong, there was such a strong person in a small city, and he was also a goblin.

This has convinced Zhao Wen that there must be many powerful people with first-level life and above in this world.

There are many first-level life monks in the Great Qin world, but they all rely on their cultivation to achieve breakthroughs.

This is the first person Zhao Wen has encountered whose pure life level has reached level one.

The figure appeared in the city in a flash, and with a slight shock of consciousness, a Goblin who was about the same height as an ordinary person fell softly to the ground. He raised his hand to collect the Goblin into the stone gate space.

All the way to a cave, a bolt of lightning burst out from the skin of the goblin along the way and turned into ashes.

Walking into the cave, one side is stacked with various metals and ores, at least tens of thousands of tons, and the other side is extremely messy with all weapons.

Gently pick up a piece of iron ore. At the same size, it is more than half heavier than the iron ore in the Qin world.

A weapon appeared in Zhao Wen's hand. Most of the piles were heavy weapons such as hammers and rods. One weapon weighed hundreds of kilograms, far exceeding the quality of ordinary weapons in Da Qin today.

Zhao Wen sighed again.

This difference is not only due to the spiritual differences between the two worlds, but also the reason why I don't pay much attention to ordinary weapons.

Da Qin is now absolutely capable of forging sophisticated weapons, but because it usually uses Jinyiwei and Dongchang the most, and the Forbidden Army deals with the tribes around Da Qin, it does not use very good weapons at all, so this is completely ignored.

I ignored it myself.

He could even imagine now that when the Qin army collided with the other side, if they hit it with a hammer, even if they were equally powerful, the troops would be destroyed and everyone would be killed.

In a real army battle, there is no such thing as evasion. It is completely a contest of hard power and will between the two sides.

The scene of meeting the Goblin tribe for the first time appeared in Zhao Wen's mind.

He pinched out the magic formula in his hand, and a five-thunder rune hit the sky.

Dark clouds suddenly gathered above the small town, and in just a moment, streaks of lightning fell from the sky, accompanied by thunder one after another.

Thunderbolts fell one after another, and with each thunderbolt, hundreds of goblins were turned into ashes. Fires suddenly burst into the sky in the simple shacks. In a short time, hundreds of fires were ignited in the entire city.

Goblins screamed and rushed out of the city one by one. Many of them couldn't squeeze out of the city gate and jumped off the top of the city with frightened faces.

He looked up at the sky again: "The power of Taoism is more than five times that of the Great Qin world. It should be due to the aura of heaven and earth, but the number of Taoist priests practicing Taoism in Great Qin is too small, so this advantage cannot be maximized!"

With a wave of his hand, he put all the ores, metals and weapons into the stone gate space. After sensing the goblins outside, the first group to leave the city ran in the same direction.

Zhao Wen smiled softly and followed the goblin running for his life in front of him.

After running forward for a long time, we arrived at a city built entirely of boulders.

A group of goblins slowed down and ran towards the city with still frightened faces. Zhao Wen took a step forward and was already standing on top of the city wall.

This city is ten times larger than the small city that was destroyed by itself, and the city walls are also extremely strong. Da Qin will not build such a city wall now that it has no enemies.

There are millions of life auras in the city, and each one has the same strength as when they first entered this world and met the camp leader.

The goblins in the camp had no weapons in their hands and no clothes on their bodies, and were picking up grass roots and insects to eat. Some of the goblins in the small town had shelters on their bodies, and a few were armed.

As for the goblins in this stone city, all the goblins already have clothes on them, and even those without clothes are hidden in the houses.

Different shops are opened throughout the city, not only selling weapons and armor, but also selling pigs, and there are hundreds of pigs in several of the shops that have been sensed.

The difference from the small town is that the pigs in this city are not only women, but also strong boars.

They are just slaughtered, cut into pieces, and sold as food.

In some dark alleys, some small shops still sell goblin meat, and there are far more people buying goblin meat than pig-human goblins.

With such a city standing here, there must be enemies on guard, otherwise Zhao Wen would not believe that goblins would build a city here.

His spiritual consciousness kept looking outward, and only after he entered a hundred miles away did he discover the breath of life.

I glanced at the pork shop in the city, and I sensed the same smell as the pork shop below. There were tens of thousands of them, and it was also a simple camp.

However, what is different from the goblins is that there are old people and a large number of female pigmen among them.

They also lived in shacks, and in each shack were not only goblin corpses, but also some weeds and branches.

There are several larger shacks where pig meat is stored. Apparently, like goblins, these pigs are also cannibalistic.

"The strength of the pigs in this world should not be much different from that of the goblins, otherwise the goblins would not build cities for defense. But if you discover the goblins first, you should first explore the goblins' situation!"

His spiritual consciousness swept downwards, and a few powerful auras in the center of the city far surpassed the others. What surprised Zhao Wen was that in these few auras, he sensed fluctuations in spiritual power!

This chapter has been completed!
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