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Chapter 504: Bloody Battle

 Zhao Wen originally didn’t need to be so anxious.

Now that his soul is transforming into pure Yang, staying in the world of Da Qin is the same as staying in other worlds.

But in just a few decades, the Goblin world will collide with the Qin world.

When two worlds meet, there are only two choices.

One is that the powerful world devours the weak world.

The other is that the two worlds merge into a new world!

The development direction of the Goblin world is to maximize the numerical advantage, and to fully utilize the advantage of the speed of reproduction of creatures.

The only difference now is the level of strength.

As long as a Goblin breaks through to a new level, Zhao Wen would not be surprised that the entire world will expand several times in an instant based on the foundation of the Goblin world.

And because Zhao Wen is here in the Great Qin world, there are dozens of immortal weapons.

After Zhao Wen survived the catastrophe, the law of thunder was even engraved in the fetal membrane of heaven and earth.

The level of power is definitely enough to support the development of the entire world, but because the Great Qin world has only just been promoted for a short time, what is lacking is enough time for the world to grow its foundation stably.

In such a collision of two worlds, Zhao Wen would not be surprised if either world has the upper hand.

But as the world lord of the Qin world, he controls the operation of the entire world.

For a cultivator, this is a huge advantage.

And Zhao Wen never wants to give up this advantage.

Therefore, before the two worlds meet together, it is inevitable for Zhao Wen to improve the Great Qin world to the maximum extent and ensure that when the two worlds merge, the Great Qin world can have the absolute upper hand.

Goblins are constantly being killed in the wasteland, and even as the soldiers of Great Qin refine the weapons and armor in their hands into magic weapons, the rate of death of goblins will become faster and faster.

Spiritual rain continues to fall from the sky, and the growth rate of the Great Qin world has reached the limit that it can currently achieve.

Even if Zhao Wen personally kills all the goblins who enter the Great Qin world, it will not increase the growth rate much.

Now if you want to increase the foundation of Da Qin's world, you can only look outside.

And the new world means new opportunities and a new cultivation system!

It also means more resources and treasures, which may not be of much help to Zhao Wen himself, but they are definitely what the Qin world needs most now!

In the wasteland, Yue Fei deflected the goblin's hammer in front of him with a shot. The sergeant without any hesitation pierced the goblin's heart with a shot, raised his hand, and threw the body onto the city wall.

He fired three shots in a row, forcing the three goblins to retreat. All the covering sergeants returned to the city wall, and then they flew back to the city wall.

Under the city wall, countless goblins smashed the wall angrily, causing the city wall to make loud noises one after another.

"Restore your spiritual power immediately. There are too many goblins. We will have to go down and clean them up after a while!" Yue Fei carefully observed the goblins below.

In this charge just now, he and his tens of thousands of soldiers killed and injured almost tens of thousands of Goblin warriors, but the area below was no different from before the charge, and was still crowded with Goblins.

Each one of them looked up to the sky and roared with ferocious expressions, and smashed the city wall with all their strength.

His Majesty has only been away for a few days, and the wasteland that was originally cleared by the catastrophe was once again occupied by goblins.

All the soldiers of Great Qin have been engaged in bloody battles in the wasteland in the past few days, but the number of goblins does not seem to have decreased at all.

Especially those who appear under the city wall are all first-level beings, and they are all very powerful. Even with my own strength, it is not easy to kill one of them easily, let alone an ordinary sergeant.

Qin crossbows and bows and arrows are only useful to ordinary life forms. For first-level life forms, it is difficult to even break through defenses and have been completely abandoned long ago.

Looking into the distance, except for General Wang and the eight deputy commanders who used the power of fairy weapons to continuously kill the surrounding goblins, they were instantly killed wherever they went. The other places were the same as themselves. After a while, all the goblins were killed.

Went back to the city wall again.

"When the advantage of numbers reaches its limit, it is definitely the most invincible method of warfare in the world!" Yue Fei sighed secretly in his heart.

Any military tactics and strategies are completely useless in the face of such an advantage. The only thing that can be done is to compete with the opponent's hard power.

Fortunately, the Great Wall was extremely solid and blocked the goblins in the wasteland.

Otherwise, Da Qin might have lost this battle long ago.

In the distance, a sword light hundreds of meters long drew a semicircle. All the goblins within the range fell to the ground, and the soldiers flew onto the city wall.

Yue Fei could even see that after sending out the sword, General Wang Jian was leaning on the city wall with one hand and his face was a little pale.

Yue Fei's expression changed and he flew towards Wang Jian as fast as possible.

"Chief Assistant, are you okay?"

While he was talking, several generals from around him also rushed over at the same time, looking at Wang Jian with concern on their faces.

"It's okay, just take it slow and you'll be fine!" Wang Jian calmed down, remembering the fear that his soul was almost sucked into the sword just now, he couldn't help but feel guilty.

"Although the power of the fairy weapon is great, it is definitely not something that ordinary people like us can use!" He sighed softly and decided in his heart that unless he was in a desperate situation, the fairy sword in his hand could only be used as an ordinary weapon.

He is the commander-in-chief of the army. If something happens, it will have a huge impact on morale.

After taking a look at the situation of the goblins below, he turned around and scanned the surrounding sergeants. Everyone looked tired.

In the past few days, he had charged several times or even a dozen times a day, and all he faced were goblins of the same strength. It was obviously too heavy a burden for the sergeant.

Eight rays of sword light lit up in the distance one after another. Just like his own, the rays of light also flashed and disappeared. Wang Jian frowned.

Looking down, at a glance, all the goblins have first-level life forms, and almost no ordinary life forms can be seen. In such a situation, if the sergeant goes down, he will risk his life.

However, although Da Qin had tens of millions of soldiers, their numbers were far inferior to that of Goblins, and they simply could not afford to compete.

Moreover, Da Qin only has these tens of millions of soldiers. If they are all defeated, what will happen to the subsequent monsters?

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he turned around and ordered: "Today is a day of truce, let the sergeant rest!"

"Yes!" Although I don't know why Wang Jian would give such an order, Wang Jian's prestige can suppress all the doubts in everyone's hearts.

She turned around and walked to a tent behind the city wall, and whispered a few words to an old Taoist. The Taoist nodded and said a few words at the door of the tent very solemnly. A palace maid walked out of the tent lightly and handed over a jade box.

In the hands of an experienced man.

The two of them came to the city wall at the same time, and Lao Dao jumped into the wasteland below. Amidst the screams of the goblin, his figure disappeared in a flash.

Only Wang Jian on the city wall could clearly see that the old Taoist had completely integrated into the soil below after jumping down!

After just a while, a dark cloud began to gather in the sky in the center of the wasteland!

This chapter has been completed!
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