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Chapter 54 Development of Jiujiang County

 Zhao Wen practiced in the palace of the King of Chu, and the number of scholars in Shouchun City was also increasing.

Further south in the Chu region, the caravans under the three surnames of the Chu region sent large amounts of silver and exquisite handicrafts brought back by Zhao Wen from the Biochemical World jewelry store to the surrounding small countries.

In order to buy these rare treasures, small countries opened their own treasure houses one by one and handed all their accumulations into the hands of Chu merchants.

A group of businessmen were like gluttons, willing to spend money as long as they saw valuable items. Carriages pulling loads of items continued to enter Jiujiang County, making the entire Jiujiang County suddenly become more prosperous than ever before.

Countless treasures brought back from various small countries were continuously sent to the Chu Palace, which also refilled the Chu Palace warehouse that had been emptied by the Qin Dynasty.

In the military camp, Zhang Han, Fan Kuai, and Zhou Bo led a group of hundreds of generals to train 10,000 county soldiers. With no shortage of food and even one meal of meat every day, the three of them could be said to have used the harshest training methods.


With the top military resources, the best weapons and armor, and even the best logistical supplies, the three of them knew that His Highness had prepared the best conditions for themselves.

If such conditions cannot produce a top elite team in the world, it is entirely a matter of their ability.

Han Xin, who was thrown into the military camp as a clerk by Zhao Wen, followed the three of them, recording everything he saw. Combining it with the military skills he had learned in the past, Han Xin only felt that he would gain something new every day.

Of course, several Jinyi guards who were sent to the military camp followed Xiang Zhuang carefully, paying attention to the people he came into contact with and what he said.

As for Liu Bang, he was now as crazy as he was immersed in the pumpkin patch, watching each pumpkin grow bigger and bigger, laughing wildly from time to time.

In Liu Bang's view, this is the foundation of the world and the foundation of His Highness.

When this batch of pumpkins matures and spreads throughout the world, His Highness's reputation will spread throughout the Qin Dynasty.

However, Liu Bang, who was focused on the pumpkin, did not notice that in the land not far away, potatoes were growing densely underground, and corn plants were also bearing heavy fruits.

In the farms further away, wheat and rice swayed in the wind.

When he was in the biochemical world, Zhao Wen had too much cash in his hands and was worried that the cash would not be able to be used after changing to a new world. All purchased items must be of the best, and the same goes for seeds.

When these seeds are planted in each farm, it is already destined that the harvest of each farm this year will definitely shock everyone.

Different from the ecstatic Liu Bang, Xiao He and Fan Zeng had angry expressions on their faces.

"His Highness has been in Jiujiang for several months. On the second day after arriving in Jiujiang, he ordered various places to conduct a population census. However, several months have passed and there is still no census. It's a shame that the three surnames from the Chu region said they would fully cooperate with His Highness!"

"Meat eaters are despicable. It's not that these people don't want to do things, but that they don't have the ability to do things!" Fan Zeng's face was full of contempt.

Thinking that several county magistrates were all replaced from Qidi, Xiao He couldn't help but scorned: "No wonder Qidi surrendered without a fight, they are just a bunch of trash!"

Fan Zeng knew better about the situation in Chu Di, so he also explained it.

"Many township heads in the three counties of Jiujiang are relatives to each other, and many of them are descendants of the same clan as the three surnames in Chu. If this remains unchanged, no matter who is the county magistrate, there will be nothing they can do!"

The two of them looked at each other and understood in their hearts that the most fundamental reason for all this was that the Qin Dynasty unified the world too quickly. It did not have enough talents and could only use a large number of old ministers who had surrendered from the six countries. This was the reason why the decrees were not effective.

If there is no His Highness and this continues, once the First Emperor dies, as long as someone climbs up and shouts, the color of the world will change.

The two of them may not have expected such a scene before, but now that His Highness appeared, Da Qin had new hope, so the two of them suppressed such expectations.

"The teachers assigned by His Majesty to Your Highness who are proficient in Qin's law are almost here. Once these people arrive, they will first teach the scholars who are waiting for the exam in Shouchun. The current situation in Jiujiang requires that all officials, both high and low, must be replaced before the government orders can be passed!


After Xiao He finished speaking, Fan Zeng also nodded repeatedly. The two of them no longer had any hope for the officials in Chu, but placed all their hopes on these scholars who came from all over the world.

In Qindu, looking at the latest news from Heibingtai, Ying Zheng's face already showed a look of admiration that could not be concealed.

Through examination, all scholars who were willing to learn Qin's literature and serve as officials in the Qin Dynasty were selected. Although the method was extremely simple, it solved the biggest problem after the imperial court unified the world.

What Yingzheng has been most worried about all along is that he doesn't know how many of the current officials in the Qin Dynasty are loyal to the old country.

But because there are not enough replacement manpower, even if they are dissatisfied, they can only use these nobles who originally surrendered from the six countries.

After all, the recommendation system has been used to select officials since ancient times. Even he could not come up with a better selection system than the recommendation system.

But now this exam has perfectly solved the problem of lack of talents in the court.

If you want to sign up, you must be able to speak Qin literature. If you want to pass the exam, you must study the various laws and policies of the Qin Dynasty, and you must also praise these laws and policies.

This alone can completely distinguish all those who are interested in reading books about Da Qin.

In Yingzheng's opinion, not only scholars can be assessed, but even the officials of the Qin Dynasty also need to take exams.

Passing this exam can completely screen out all those who are rebellious towards the old country.

As for the remaining positions, Yingzheng has always known that there are a large number of scholars among small nobles and poor families, but because there is no suitable selection system, most of them cannot pass the recommendation.

But now, with the advent of the examination system, I no longer have to worry about not having enough officials to govern the world.

It's just that the twentieth prince is already so outstanding. If he makes Fusu the crown prince in order to maintain the inheritance system in the future, how can Fusu convince the public?

Thinking of this issue, even Yingzheng sighed softly.

What he hopes most now is that the prescription for immortality mentioned by the alchemist is true. Only if he rules this country forever can he suppress the dazzling twenty princes.

Otherwise, with the ability of the twenty princes, he is already worried that trouble will come to Xiao Qiang a hundred years from now.

"According to my decree, the small countries in the south were originally affiliated with the Chu State. Now that the Qin Dynasty dominates the world, they turn a blind eye to each one and let the twenty princes wait for the opportunity!"

This chapter has been completed!
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