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Chapter 449: The Perseverance of the First Emperor

 One by one, the generals came forward to choose their favorite magic weapons. After a while, thousands of magic weapons were all received by each general.

The eyes of all the civil servants were shining brightly, and they were all excited.

They were both ministers of the Qin Dynasty. The military generals had made great achievements, and the civil servants had not been idle for more than a year.

This time the cabinet's merits are reported, and His Majesty's reward will certainly not be light!

"These are 10,000 magic weapons. Select 10,000 warriors from the army and let the military pavilion reward them on my behalf!"

He raised his hand and sent a space magic weapon to Wang Jian. There were ten thousand magic weapons in the space magic weapon. Since he planned to reward him heavily, Zhao Wen would never be stingy.

Regardless of whether it is a magic weapon or a magic weapon, for today's officials of the Qin Dynasty, they are all treasures that can be passed down from generation to generation. Such a reward cannot be said to be too generous!

"I'd like to thank your Majesty for the reward!" Wang Jian looked excited.

When he returned to Beijing, what he was most worried about this time was the reward issue in the army. Tens of millions of soldiers fought bloody battles for more than a year and killed countless enemies. If the reward was too light, it would definitely damage the face of Qin and the country.

But the reward was too heavy. For such a great achievement and the number of contributors, the amount of money needed to be rewarded was far beyond what he could imagine.

But His Majesty gave out all the rewards to the soldiers, even unprecedented rewards. As a general in the army, how could he not be moved!

"There is one more matter that requires His Majesty's sanction!"

When the First Emperor saw that all the military rewards had been given out, he felt relieved about one thing, but another thing immediately appeared in his mind.

"When the Qin Dynasty was founded, it was said that there would be an examination once a year to select talents for the country. All those who pass the examination will be sent to various royal academies. Now the first batch has graduated. Please tell me how they will be placed!"

It's just some officials, and he can arrange them accordingly.

But as the chief minister of the cabinet, no one knows better than him the importance His Majesty attaches to these Royal Academy students!

All supplies are supplied by the young master, and everything is of the best quality. Even His Majesty's imperial concubine will appear in the Royal Academy from time to time to ask the students their opinions on various matters. These are already disciples of the emperor.

It was also Zhao Wen, the emperor, who cultivated a group of forces that truly belonged to the emperor for the Qin court.

If he intervenes, he will inevitably conflict with the emperor.

"Prime ministers must come from counties and counties. This is the iron rule of the Qin Dynasty in the future. This group of students will all be appointed as county-level officials and will be trained intensively!"

Zhao Wen's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard that students from the Royal Academy had graduated.

This group of students were the Jinshi who passed the examination when the Qin Dynasty was first founded, and they were all sent to the Royal Academy.

Not only Zhao Wen, but also many ministers in the court, including cabinet ministers, would go to the Royal Academy for classes from time to time. It can be said that he was a minister who had engraved the mark of the Qin Dynasty, so he naturally had to pay close attention to it.

One matter after another was brought up and Zhao Wen handled it on the spot. One court meeting lasted until the evening.

That is to say, all the ministers in the Great Qin court are cultivators, so even skipping a few meals will not have any impact.

Moreover, the aura of the Great Qin Palace is unparalleled in the entire Great Qin world. Otherwise, just standing for such a long time would not be something ordinary people would be able to endure.

Under the influence of Zhao Wen, Da Qin has now begun to pay attention to the level of cultivation of officials when promoting officials, and those who are too weak can no longer enter the sight of the officials.

After all, the power of the ministers in the court is getting stronger and stronger. If you are too weak and cannot even withstand the suppression of someone's aura, even if you enter the court, it will only be embarrassing.

On the second day, a group of imperial concubines in the inner study reported to Zhao Wen the affairs under their control.

Only then did Zhao Wen realize that in just over a year, the influence of more than a dozen imperial concubines had penetrated into every aspect of the Qin Dynasty. Even in the Young Mansion, there were shadows of a number of imperial concubines.

With just this number of officials, Zhao Wen could imagine how unscrupulous these women were when he was away.

However, as long as it develops normally and there is no frame-up or other things, Zhao Wen will not pay attention to it.

He glanced in the direction of the old palace with a smile on his face.

When the First Emperor came back, Zhao Wen directly issued an order to move back into the old palace. After all, idle time was idle. Unless he was willing to build a new cabinet, the old palace was the best choice.

There are more than a dozen forces spread across all aspects of Da Qin. No matter what happens, nothing can escape the eyes of the inner study room.

This insight even surpassed that of the First Emperor.

With more than a dozen people waiting to find fault in the inner study, even if the First Emperor had a very high status, he would probably not be comfortable in his position as the chief minister of the cabinet.

From the mouths of more than a dozen imperial concubines, Zhao Wencai learned that the First Emperor had been checking the mission progress of officials all over the world once a month for more than a year, and he was simply rushing all officials forward.

For this reason alone, the three cabinet members haven't had much sleep this year, but there are also many officials from all over the world who have been working day and night.

This means that many officials in Da Qin have now broken through the first level of life. If it were before, they would have been able to force out a large number of lives.

A large number of incompetent officials were directly dismissed from their posts, and countless officials who were willing to work hard were promoted.

A large number of students from county schools directly entered the township level. Officials at almost the township level were either promoted or dismissed, and were directly replaced, so that there was no official gap in Daqin.

"The Supreme Emperor has both the courage to do things, the ability to implement them, and the perseverance to persevere. He is definitely the best candidate to be the chief assistant of Da Qin now!"

Having done so many things in one year, even if we choose from history, the current Shi Huangdi is still the best candidate. There is not even a second person who can replace him. Zhao Wen secretly sighed in his heart.

More than a dozen imperial concubines had the same respect on their faces. In the past, they had only heard that the Supreme Emperor was diligent in government affairs, but now that they have become the chief ministers of the cabinet, these women know that the rumors are not only not exaggerated, but actually suppress the Supreme Emperor's ability.

Who in the world has ever seen someone stay in the cabinet for twelve hours a day to deal with government affairs without even leaving the house? And this is not just two days, but more than a year, single-handedly pushing the world forward.

"I don't care if you gather forces. After all, in charge of the inner study, you must have your own intelligence channels. But one thing must be remembered, I am the Emperor of Great Qin, and I must fully support anything that is beneficial to Great Qin!"

The struggle for power and profit is just a trivial matter. If the imperial court really wants to be integrated, it will be the emperor himself who has to worry.

But the Great Qin world belongs to you. Only when the Great Qin world becomes stronger can you become more powerful. If these women affect the development of the Great Qin world for the sake of power, even your own imperial concubine will be directly thrown into the cold palace.

This chapter has been completed!
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