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Chapter 63 Arrangements for Jiujiang County

 Liu Bang, Xiao He, and Fan Zeng knelt on the ground respectfully, while Zhao Wen sat at the top of the hall.

If possible, Zhao Wen even wanted to lean back and talk, after all, it was the most comfortable this way, but he remembered that whenever he saw the First Emperor, he always sat upright, which was definitely worth learning.

Although these three people are the talents he values ​​the most now, a certain distance and mystery must be maintained between the superiors and their subordinates. This is something he also learned from the First Emperor.

"How many blacksmiths are there in Jiujiang County now?"

On weekdays, I go out to play with a few women outside the city, and all the farm tools I see are made of wood. This is why Zhao Wen brought back a large amount of steel this time.

The population is too small. Only by increasing productivity can we feed more people, and good agricultural tools are the top priority.

"There are only a dozen, but they are still old and weak!" Although the intelligence network established by Liu Bang is still very rudimentary, he can still understand the basic situation of Jiujiang County. Zhao Wen answered immediately as soon as he finished speaking.

"Why are there only so many?" Zhao Wen couldn't believe his ears. Chu State was also a big country, but there were only a dozen blacksmiths, and they were all old and weak. This was simply a joke.

"All the blacksmiths were brought into the Shaofu, leaving only a dozen who were too old!" After the Qin Dynasty unified the world, all the technical talents from various countries were brought back to the Shaofu. Xiao He saw that Zhao Wen did not understand.

He opened his mouth and explained.

"Why does the young master need so many blacksmiths?" Zhao Wen asked angrily.

At this time, there were not many iron mines in the country, and many soldiers still used bronze weapons. In addition, they also had to cast money. The total amount of metal that needed to be cast was probably not as much as what Zhao Wen brought back this time.

It is completely the biggest waste to have so many blacksmiths staying in Shaofu.

Liu Bang, Xiao He, and Fan Zeng bowed their heads and said nothing at the same time. This was no longer suitable for them to answer.

"Tell these dozen old blacksmiths to train their disciples with all their strength. If they teach a qualified blacksmith, I will reward them with one tael of gold!"

When Zhao Wen wanted to release a general from the Shaofu, he thought he did not have such ability, so he had no choice but to train him again.

One tael of gold is enough for a family of five to spend for a year. This reward is definitely not low. It means that Zhao Wen can bring back gold and silver from other worlds. Otherwise, even the First Emperor would not dare to reward him like this.


Although the three of them didn't know why His Highness wanted so many blacksmiths, cultivating craftsmen was not a bad thing for Jiujiang County, so they naturally wouldn't refuse.

However, Xiao He still asked: "Not only the blacksmith, but also all the other craftsmen were taken away by the Shaofu. Are they trained under the same conditions?"

"It's all the same. If you train a qualified apprentice, I will reward you with one tael of gold!"

Zhao Wen had already decided in his heart that he would ask the three surnames of Chu to help him exchange silver for gold, otherwise the reward would not be enough.

Just because the Central Plains does not produce silver, the value of silver in this era is more than ten times that of gold. The amount of silver he brought back from other worlds far exceeds the amount of gold. He will definitely bring back more in the future. How about changing it quickly?

I'm afraid the proportions will change soon.

“How long will it take for the food grown on the farm to mature?”

After Zhao Wen came to Jiujiang, he issued a reclamation order the next day. A large number of landless people from the surrounding area entered Jiujiang County. If he hadn't used treasures to loot from several surrounding counties and a dozen small countries in the south, I am afraid that Jiujiang County would have lost its land.

There has already been a food crisis.

Food was simply a top priority in ancient times, so he naturally had to pay attention to it.

"Wheat and rice can be harvested in about a month. As for pumpkins, potatoes and corn, I have never seen them before. I really don't know how long it will take to mature!"

When Liu Bang mentioned the food in the farm, excitement suddenly appeared on his face.

Not only is the yield high, but the maturity time is much shorter than that of previous grains. In his opinion, this is an out-and-out divine thing.

"That's it!" Zhao Wen gently knocked on the table in front of him and decided in his mind to find someone from the Jinyi Guards who knew about farming and send him as Liu Bang's deputy.

Wheat was not grown in this era because it was not processed after it was grown. Zhao Wen did know that he could use a stone mill to grind noodles, steam buns and roll noodles, but there was no stone mill before he traveled through time.

He knew it, but he had never seen it.

Using wheat, rice, and corn as staple foods requires more than just planting them. There are many things to do later, and you must find someone who is familiar with farming.

Moreover, we can know from Chu Yi and Chu Er that although the current Liu Bang, Xiao He, and Fan Zeng are talented and willing to use their brains, they have no experience in actually handling affairs, and many things are handled extremely recklessly.

He naturally understood that this was because he directly placed the three of them in high positions without giving them any time to grow up.

There are exactly three counties below Jiujiang County, and the three county magistrates who were replaced from Qidi do not have the ability to control a county. Zhao Wen has decided that after this exam, not only the township heads below, but also the county magistrates will also

To be replaced.

The most suitable candidates are the three in front of me. There are so many things going on in one county, and it was just when the country was founded, and there are still many historical issues left over. It is definitely enough to train people.

Jiujiang County is its own fiefdom, and officials only need to report to the court after appointing them.

With the talents of these three people, after a few years of training, they will definitely be put to great use.

But he called these three people here today not just for the blacksmith's sake.

"You make a plan. The prefect's office will provide money and food, and various places will provide manpower to renovate all the roads and rivers in Jiujiang County. But everything will be done on the basis of the people's voluntariness!"

The maturity time of modern crops is very short. After the various grains on the farm mature, the grains in Jiujiang are far from mature.

There is enough manpower, but the people are still short of food, but there will be absolutely no place to put the food in their hands. In Zhao Wen's opinion, this is the best time to build a big project.


The Prefect's Mansion is willing to provide money and food, so that the people can eat as long as they put in some effort, and His Highness will also give out money. In the eyes of the three of them, this is because His Highness wants to find a reason to benefit the people. Such a good thing will be done at once by the three of them.


"There are also orphans from various places who have no parents to support them. They can all be put into farms. After a few years, they will become a strong labor force. If there is not enough land for cultivation, they will continue to open up wasteland!"

The Jinyiwei recruited hundreds of orphans at a time and started training. Zhao Wencai knew that in the battle between Qin and Chu, although the Chu State surrendered quickly, it recruited hundreds of thousands of people at a time. Except for those who died in the battle, most of them were captured and used as coolies.

When the strong labor force in the family is gone, the family will be scattered, and naturally there will be a large number of unsupported children.

Bringing these children to the farm is equivalent to raising them by yourself, and they will naturally work hard for you in the future. Since Zhao Wen knows about such a thing, he will never let it go!

This chapter has been completed!
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