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Chapter 601: I want to give Da Qin time to develop.

If Da Qin now has 500 million adults, the number of children and infants will be more than 1.5 billion, and the entire empire is prosperous.

All it takes is time for these children and babies to grow.

Wait for this batch of beings born in Da Qin to grow up and reproduce.

It will take time, it will take hundreds of years, to cover the entire continent, and this does not even count the expansion of the continent.

What Zhao Wen can be sure of now is that if he stays in the Great Qin World to practice, his cultivation speed will be extremely fast, far faster than the speed in the Maoshan Sect's Immortal Weapon Palace, but it will seriously slow down the growth rate of the Great Qin World.

If you want the world of Da Qin to grow at the fastest speed, the best way is for you, the master of the world, to leave Da Qin.

The other one is the 100,000 Tianxing sect gods in the Goblin Continent below. As long as there is enough incense telepathy, the growth rate of the gods can be described as a straight rise.

And now is the time for this group of Heavenly Star Sect monks to make rapid progress.

In addition, these Star Sect monks had no experience when they became gods, and they were transformed into omniscient and omnipotent patron saints by the power of incense and thought.

Before they merge with heaven and earth, these gods will inevitably develop their own places of faith.

"Come over here!"

That is to say, the distance from the heaven and earth barrier is close, and the energy consumed is roughly transformed. This kind of energy can be said to be as much as possible. No matter how these Tianxing sect monks absorb it, the heaven and earth barrier can always provide it.

"A hundred years of time!" The expressions of the missing princess and palace maid suddenly changed.

"How long will Your Majesty be away for that time?" Qu Ruo heard that he was right and immediately asked slowly.

It’s not like there is a Little Qin Heaven and Earth below that is constantly devouring the nutrients of the Goblin Continent. If there were not a hundred thousand gods pouring all their strength into the small earth, the growth rate of the Goblin Continent would be even slower.

He Shibi can control the Xiao Qin Palace, and the Xiao Qin Emperor's Seal can also control the Xiao Qin Palace.

My son is the eldest son of Emperor Xiao Qin and the natural successor to the throne. However, the current chief minister of Xiao Qin is the First Emperor. Due to his status, he naturally suppresses his empress and the younger prince.

It will only take a few years to become His Majesty's imperial concubine, but they will be separated for less than a hundred years: "You must follow Your Majesty to the new world!"

Zhao Wen explained for a while and then said: "It will take up to a hundred years before Xiao Qin can truly stabilize!"

But all of that is not preceded by the fact that when I was young, Xinzhen, a small practitioner of heaven and earth spiritual energy, was cultivating in the world of Xiao Qin.

Looking at Qu Ruo, Zhao Wen had a smile on his face. If others knew it, how could I know that Qu Ruo didn't have the seal of the Little Qin Emperor in his hand?

And the Xiao Qin Palace has not yet covered the position that Xiao Qin Xiaolu does not have. Holding the seal of the emperor, as long as Qu Ruo is willing, everything in the entire Xiao Qin Xiaolu cannot change according to your wishes! The world of Xiao Qin is now lacking laws, is

It lacks the aura of heaven and earth, and it just takes time to accumulate foundation and development.

"I don't have the confidence to protect them in the new world!" Zhao Wen shook his head heavily.

The one-year period has just arrived, and the small door to the new world has not yet opened. To retreat into the new world, Zhao Wen made the worst choice at this time.

The current Xiao Qin has a very large number of officials from the Sui Dynasty, and Yang Guang hates building small projects, so he is the most suitable candidate for the current Xiao Qin's chief minister.

The barriers in the Goblin Continent below are absorbing the surrounding energy with all their strength.

Your Majesty, it is most beneficial for the Emperor himself to have the First Emperor control the cabinet.

"If I stay in Xiao Qin, there is no possibility for Xiao Qin to develop, so I must leave to provide Xiao Qin with time to develop!"

"Your Majesty!" The imperial concubine looked at Zhao Wen with a look of resignation, and the idea of ​​following her to the new world floated directly towards Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen absolutely suspected that the First Emperor was very confused about the reasons why he moved from the position of first assistant to the second assistant in the Xiaoqin cabinet, and coupled with his own departure.

Hundreds of figures took a step back at the same time, whispering extremely hesitantly.

Zhao Wen's voice rang in the ears of the emperor and the other concubines. The concubines, who were trying their best to integrate the recovered magic weapons and magic weapons into their own magic weapons, raised their heads and rushed down into the sky at the same time, flying in the direction of the sound.


"I'm afraid it will be longer when I leave that time. What they should do most is not to take advantage of my presence to improve their own cultivation realm, but to go to a new world!"

"And I also need them to keep an eye on Xiao Qin's world before I leave to prevent any trouble!"

If he leaves by himself, and his man also leaves with him, it will be okay in a short time, but if he really leaves for hundreds of years, even if Zhao Wen is confident, he will definitely think that the position of Emperor Xiao Qin will continue for such a long time.

Wait for yourself.

"I'm going to a new world later, and I'm afraid my stay there will be a little longer!"

"His Majesty has worked hard and achieved little, and is about to recuperate. Yang Guang will take over the position of Chief Assistant of Xiao Qin's Cabinet, and His Majesty will move into the position of Second Assistant in the Cabinet."

And what I need to do now is not to leave time and space for the development of Xiao Qin's world.

It must be that with the First Emperor in the position of chief minister, Xin Zhen would still be worried about the other thoughts of the princes who had not yet been entrusted.

"There is no Crown Prince in the cabinet. There is no Wang Jian in the army but four deputy commanders. There is Liu Bang in many palaces. In addition, all of your ministers in Xiao Qin are elites who have migrated from various worlds!"

He will definitely keep an eye on Xiao Qin everywhere in the world even more carefully than when he was the chief minister of the cabinet, until his prince grows up.

"After Your Majesty's departure for a hundred years, who will serve as the chief minister of the cabinet and the chief minister of the military cabinet?" Qu Ruo asked the most concerning question.

I will forget that in the next world, Guanyin Bodhisattva directly calculated the heavenly secrets and calculated that he was within the heavenly secrets.

Even if they have been staying in the Tiangang Earth Evil Formation, the current Tiangang Earth Evil Formation still has no ability to stop the weak Golden Immortal.

It means that few of the men are not pregnant yet, so even if they just follow him there, they will still not be safe.

The current energy conversion speed of the Goblin Continent above is not much higher than when the two worlds just merged, and it is not even higher than ten times.

Shimen was able to protect the monks for an hour and brought hundreds of men with him. He was simply not looking for death.

But no matter how capable Yang Guang is, my reputation will naturally be completely trusted by others, and it is said that there is no First Emperor who has ever looked down on me from the position of Second Assistant.

The strength of the world we are retreating into now is getting lower and lower. When we were young, it was just a world with masters and chaos. Like the world of Legend of the White Snake, even the spiritual system is controlled by the Jade Emperor, and all the movements of heaven and earth have retreated into the secret of heaven.

become a given.

The slower the Goblin Continent develops, the slower the growth of Xiao Qin World will naturally be.

This chapter has been completed!
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