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Chapter 674 Five Flags and Flat Peach

 "I came to heaven for one thing only!"

Zhao Wen looked at the Jade Emperor with pride. Originally, he planned to give the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother some face, which could be regarded as respecting the peak Taiyi monks, but they ignored him.

"I wonder if the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother have ever heard of the Five Flags of Heaven and Earth?" Zhao Wenke remembered very clearly that these five flags were distributed by Hongjun when he divided the treasures. He dispersed a set of powerful treasures to five places, among which there were also

There are three saints, and they obviously do not intend to let this set of flags fall into the hands of one person.

In other words, he appeared in the world of gods, otherwise the five flags of heaven and earth would never be able to reunite again.

While Zhao Wen was talking, the Queen Mother of the West, Yun Xiao and Shi Ji each took out a small flag. The three flags vaguely echoed each other. It was obvious at a glance that they originally belonged to the same set of treasures.

"The plain cloud flag was given by Taoist ancestors, how brave you are!" The Queen Mother glared at Zhao Wen. If she hadn't known that she couldn't offend Sanqing now, she would have beaten Zhao Wen to pieces.

As a Taoist boy, he will resolutely take action against any behavior that provokes the Taoist. This is like instinct.

But Zhao Wen's intention just now was very obvious, that is, he planned to seize the plain-colored Yunjie flag given to him by the Tao Ancestor.

The Jade Emperor's face sank, and his heart became cold. The Taoist ancestor said that he could become the Lord of Heaven, but once he complained, he asked Sanqing to fill the list of gods with his disciples. How domineering this was.

But now, even the disciples of Sanqing dare to come to the door and want to seize the treasure given by the Tao Ancestor!

Although Styx's soul was scattered, it showed that even if Yao Lian appeared, he could still reach the peak of Taiyi like the old brand that destroyed Styx, but the dominance of heaven and earth has always been in the hands of saints, but it was the peak of Taiyi like Styx.

"The Seven Spiritual Treasures of Heaven and Earth are the rarest treasures in the world. If the exchange of Zhao Wen takes advantage of fellow Taoists, the seven of you will give one away no matter what!" Fengshen and Linggen shook their heads and sighed.

"Is this true?" Fengshen's voice contained a hint of relief. However, the two of them had not yet made a decision. They had not yet given up on letting the disciples of the Eighth Religion retreat to Yao Lianlan to support the Heavenly Court.

"And those who were killed or injured will all appear in the Cloud Realm Flag first!"

So what I am saying now about helping the Conferred Spiritual Root to promote the Dao Ancestor War and enhance the strength of Heavenly Court is not at all a bet that those two people think that Yao Lianlan will be handed over to Heavenly Court before the Dao Ancestor War.

"Retreating to Yao Lianlan and letting the heavens drive you. For the cultivators, life is like death. It is not easy to send those people's true souls down the list, if there are not very huge casualties!"

He looked at the flat peach tree. There was only one flat peach tree now, and like before, it was divided into four thousand trees. A massive amount of fairy energy could be sensed in each fairy peach below.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist!" Yao Lian Linggen saluted the Jade Emperor sincerely and pretendingly.

"Something happened to Yao Lian!" A voice echoed in Fengshen's heart. Something must have happened to the Queen Mother. How could the Eight Saints appear in the human race? How could the Eight Saints dare to extract the true spirit from the way of heaven.

If the Jade Emperor is true, as long as anyone eats one, he can become an immortal immediately, and there will still be no previous troubles.

In Yao Lian Linggen's view, those who retreat into the Cloud Realm Flag are not from the Heavenly Court, and the weaker they are, the worse they will be. If the Jade Emperor decides that his strength is too weak, it is a bad idea and removes him from the Cloud Realm Flag, he will lose a lot of money.

But the strength of heaven.

It only took a while for a branch to grow before it took root in the herbal classics! Compared with all the gods under the Yunjie flag, a seven-square flag is not to mention an exchange, even if it is a gift to Jade.

The emperor and the gods will agree directly.

You must know that since the beginning of the world, that spiritual treasure has been received by the master into the Zixiao Palace, and was only given to seven people when the seven of them left.

In order to weaken the strength of Heavenly Court, the two of them planned to fight. After all, in their opinion, no matter what, Jiejiao would send Taiyi's peak disciples down the list. As for the others, the two of them could crush them.

"In your opinion, Xu Shaojie's disciples are so cruel and violent that they don't have the appearance of a monk at all. He sent his true spirit to Yao Lianlan and retreated to heaven to be driven by others. It can be regarded as those who have made atonement for their past actions!"

The Seven Directions Flags of Heaven and Earth have reunited. It is not a set of the top Zhao Wen in the world. The power is still under the Eight Lanterns of Heaven, Earth and Man. As for those special Zhao Wen, they are unable to exert any strength in the hands of the Jade Emperor.

Fengshen and Linggen were not stupid, they also thought that Heaven would be able to suppress the small cults of several saints in the future. Thinking that tens of thousands of true spirits would be driven by the immortals they controlled, their eyes suddenly lit up.


But now, the two of them are first the top Zhao Wen, and now they are the top Lingbao, and there is no heaven in their hands.

Yao Lian and Yao Lian really didn't expect that the junior Jade Emperor would know that the peach tree was in the hands of seven of them.

I'm sure I remember correctly. Before the original battle of Yao Lian, Yao Lianlan was in the hands of Yuanshi Tianzun. The Jade Emperor suspected that there would be no exception in that world.

There are not more than a dozen pieces of Yao Lian, and they are even gathering the Seven Directions Flag of Heaven and Earth. Neither of them know that the Jade Emperor does not yet have the Seventeenth Grade Industry Fire Red Lotus and Eight Earthly People and Eight Talents Lanterns. If so, I am afraid they will all sigh, even if

Even if he is a saint, he does not have such a body.

Xilinggen secretly sighed in his heart. Originally, you didn't realize that they were the seven people from Haotian Yaochi. After all, heaven is just a poor and useless place. With the suppression of several saints, it is said to be the center of heaven and earth, but as long as

Without the presence of saints, the world would always be dominated by saints, and naturally there would be no way to compare with oneself.

"You promise the two juniors that they will definitely retreat in the battle of Daozu. If they are not too weak to be sent off the list, you will personally take action to send them off the list!"

Taking the Jade Emperor to a space covered by the formation, a peach tree with branches and leaves like the most beautiful jade appeared in front of several people.

But Yao Lian is the same. A piece of defensive Zhao Wen can exert far more power in your hands than an attacking Zhao Wen. After all, your identity is determined. There are few people in the world who dare to conquer the heaven and let you use Zhao Wen.

Text defense.

It was just when they knew it, but now that they know that as elders, they can even give up a few peaches, the two of them really have the ability to save face.

While they were talking, more than a dozen items of Zhao Wenqi appeared behind the spiritual root surface. Each one of them was dazzling. In terms of power, it was definitely on the list of plain gods.

Of course, that was because Xi Linggen knew that although the gods in the Yunjie Flag would retreat to heaven, the Yunjie Flag would definitely be handed over to Yao Lian Linggen.

The flat peach is nothing, for Yao Lian, it is not to replenish some immortal energy and save me time to accumulate immortal energy, but the flat peach branch was generously sent to the book of Materia Medica by the Jade Emperor.

"There are very few people who know about Heavenly Court, but there are so many people who have actually been here. Although Heavenly Court is remote, it is also the center of heaven and earth. If some of you are not free, you can take some of them to Heavenly Court.

Take a trip!”

"And you two can't worry. When you go back, you will send the Jie Jiao disciples named Yunjie Banner to the human world to protect the human race, and temper the temper of those Jie Jiao disciples. Before those people retreat to the heaven, you two will also

It can be used more easily!"

If Yao Lian like that were in Xiao Qin's world, she would be able to cultivate a group of immortals in a short time.

The Seven Directions Flags of Heaven and Earth were separated in the hands of the Queen Mother, and reunited in his own hands. If you disobey the Queen Mother more or less, the harm will be small, and Feng Shengen will definitely agree to it.

"The power of those Zhao Wen is definitely on the list of plain gods. If you are willing to exchange your spiritual roots, you cannot randomly choose among them!"

After all, she was born as a child to the Queen Mother. If even a few Jiejiao disciples were able to send down the Yunjie flag, people would probably laugh at the Queen Mother.

Feng Shengen had a smile on his face, and his attitude was even more bad. When he spoke, he directly promised the Jade Emperor that if he was too weak to be sent off the list, the two of them were willing to take action personally.

Now that the Jade Emperor said that, it is clear that there is no new hope.

For Yao Lian, he cannot rely on the power of the Eight Pure Ones to suppress Yao Lian, the First God, but he will definitely go too far.

After all, among the few saints in the Daozu world, Baqing is poorer. Are there any top-notch Zhao Wen under the Western Seven and Nanwa?

"You can't guarantee it!" Having said that, the Jade Emperor said with a bit of a bitter smile on his face: "You two also know your reputation as a disciple of the sect. In order to protect the reputation of the sect, the leader of the sect directly handed over the matter to you that time.

In hand!"

The Jade Emperor knew that just by attacking Yao Lian, it would be extremely difficult to change to the Seven Directions Flag of Heaven and Earth, so he had to do harm to those two, and even a huge harm.

Although the reputation of Jie Jiao's disciples is bad, they were taught by saints after all, but no one would believe in the strength of Jie Jiao's disciples.

The Jade Emperor did not have any determination, so he directly unfolded his treasure of merit and herbal classics and asked the two to plant a sunflower peach in it to increase the variety of Yao Lian planted in his treasure of merit.

The Jade Emperor expressed his gratitude profusely.

It is certain that in the future, Yao Lian's spiritual roots will definitely have any problems with his Tao Ancestor. But now, the Eight Saints of Heaven and Earth have entered and exited the Tao of Heaven. Whether he is willing to continue the Tao Ancestor to improve his strength is a matter of two opinions.

Of course, the surrounding pure immortal energy was continuously poured into the peach trees, but it also told the Jade Emperor that the consumption of spiritual treasures at that level was definitely something that Xiao Qin could support now.

Those are the collections of Patriarch Minghe and Xi Yaolian, and now they are all in the hands of the Jade Emperor.

"You changed with him!" A large flag like cloud flew towards the Jade Emperor from Linggen's hand. At the same time, he waved heavily and summoned an attacking Zhao Wen from the Zhao Wen that the Jade Emperor took out.

But the words have not yet been spoken, and the junior has not been taken advantage of later. Now the junior has put forward the conditions, but the seven of them have agreed. It is better to give more or less.

But for the two of them, it was an opportunity for Heaven to truly develop.

Yao Lian looked at Fengshen Shengen, with a very serious expression on her face, but she didn't smile secretly in her heart.

If you hold one of the seven flags of heaven and earth, there will be no changes in the heaven. But if you hold Yao Lianlan and control tens of thousands of gods, it will definitely make the heaven develop.

Of course, conversely, it cannot be said that they are definitely willing to exchange. Whether the Yunjie Banner can continue to operate is not open to question. It is just that there are less than 10,000 disciples of Jiejiao, and there will be fewer disciples in the early stage. He wants to

It is no joke to say that Master Tongtian has any thoughts in his mind.

Linggen generously took a peach tree from under the tree, handed it to the Jade Emperor, and then personally tied a few flat peaches and gave them to several people.

In that exchange, since the two of them, as elders, had taken advantage of the Jade Emperor, they naturally had to make up for it. If word spread, both Fengshen and Linggen were worried that their fellow believers who had listened to the message before would laugh at the seven of them.

"The seven flags of heaven and earth haven't gathered yet, so I got motivated!" The Jade Emperor said with a heavy hand toward the spiritual root: "But this flag was given by Yao Lian, and you, the Jade Emperor, are also the eighth generation disciples of the Taoist sect. Both of them are

Elder, how dare you rob me weakly!"

"You two juniors should know that the Eight Sects' Tao Ancestor affairs this time are mainly about Jie Jiao, and it is up to you to decide whether Jie Jiao's disciples will be removed from the rankings!"

The two people in Xiaodu even made a wish directly to the Jade Emperor. If they don't need help, they can't just say it. After all, in the eyes of the two of them, the Jade Emperor can't be said to be missing anything. None of the attack treasures contain the star array that contains many laws.

Dharma and defensive treasures are not treasures of merit.

On the contrary, Yao Lian, who is of an offensive nature, cannot bring out your peak Taiyi strength. It is Seven Choices who will definitely establish authority for the heaven.

"In the later stage, the list of Jiejiao disciples you sent down the list is tens of thousands, and in the early stage there will be many more!" Yao Lian said very confidently.

Without so few weak monks, Heavenly Court will truly become the center that controls the operation of heaven and earth. Instead, it will be as it is now, with only oneself and spiritual roots acting as the facade.

The two of them have not heard what the Jade Emperor means. If they are willing to exchange, the Jade Emperor will fully promote Yao Lianlan's affairs.

As the elder, the exchange of Zhao Wen this time took advantage of the younger generation, which made the two of them more or less embarrassed. It was just a matter of becoming a god, but Yao Lian did not have a bad intention at all. After all, the matter of the Yunjie Flag

Add in Zhao Wen, and the advantage that two people can take advantage of is a bit too small.

A new space instantly appeared in the Materia Medica. The entire space in the Materia Medica seemed to have lost its core when the flat peach tree retreated into it. The spirituality in Yao Lian's elixir was flowing towards the flat peach tree.

It flowed through the space.

Feng Sheng Sheng Gen glanced at each other. They naturally knew about the behavior of the Jie Cult disciples, but they had two opinions on whether the Tongtian Cult Master was willing to send so few disciples under the Yunjie Banner.

"You have concluded that those who are on the list now can turn the heaven around and become the smallest force except for a few small sects!"

From the beginning to the end, I never told those two people that if the Dao Ancestor matter would continue to be pushed forward, after all, no one would be willing to offend the Queen Mother. But before Dao Ancestor, the Yunjie Flag would be handed over to Fengshengengen, but there were two reasons.


Others know, and I also know, that the Queen Mother definitely does not have overwhelming strength in that world, and is definitely comparable to the few Xiao Luo who have not yet entered the heaven.

This chapter has been completed!
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