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Chapter 690: Changes to Da Qin

 "Transfer all Jinyiwei and Dongchang core to the palace, I will improve your abilities!"

All the core members of Jinyiwei and Dongchang were brought by him from other worlds. They are absolutely loyal to him. Even if he cannot control the world as he did in the past due to talent issues, Zhao Wen will not give up.

"Jinyiwei and Dongchang will always have the responsibility to monitor the world. I look forward to your growth!"

Zhao Wen's voice was filled with hope. If he was willing, the number of Jin Yiwei and Dongchang could be expanded tenfold at any time, and all kinds of geniuses would join Jin Yiwei.

But whether such a Jinyiwei will still be absolutely loyal to him is another matter.

Therefore, even if the cost is higher, he will train Jinyiwei and Dongchang instead of recruiting talents from all over Daqin to join them.

The geniuses of the Qin Dynasty can enter the imperial court, the imperial army and the county soldiers. The purity of the Jin Yiwei and Dongchang will never change.

Zhao Wen's purpose is very clear, which is to have an absolutely loyal force in his hands.

An emperor needs people who dare to tell the truth at all times, and now in Great Qin, except for Jin Yiwei and Dongchang who are absolutely loyal to him, few people dare to raise their heads and speak in front of him.

Zhao Wen was not worried that someone would rebel, but he was worried that he would not be able to control the changes in various parts of Daqin.

The timid ones among the Xiao Qin monks also retreated to the seventh map, Xiaoxue Mountain, together with the Xiao Qin Forbidden Army Brigade.

Seeing that it was the weakling brought back by His Majesty, no one bowed to the Queen Mother of the West before looking at the magic formula in the Queen Mother of the West with their eyes shining brightly.

Not all the local monsters in the harbor have been cleared away, and there are more and more hell projections. A small number of Gorling City and Pigmen have not yet retreated to the Demon Fortress on the eighth map.

Brother Xiao Qin took some stones and special soil from Ge Yinshu Xiaolu, and Ge Yinshu Xiaolu dared not have any objections.

"Is that Jianmu?" The aura of the palace has changed so slightly. How could the giant tree be Zhi? As soon as he came, he saw a seedling appearing under the original position of Bulin.

Even in the mountains restricted by giant trees, there was not a small amount of immortal energy flowing out.

After all, although it only purifies the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, over time, it can subtly change the qualifications of the entire family, and it can also be passed down from generation to generation. In my opinion, it is definitely the most important building in the family.

"Your Majesty, do you really want to admonish your Majesty?" The old Qin nobles came forward, and several imperial concubines gathered around with worried faces.

Especially in the past few hundred years, the population has not increased much, and Xinzhou has been established. On the contrary, Zhao Wen, who has little use, has been built one after another.

Looking at the small Bulin who had finished growing up again, the laws were faintly revealed. It was the sacred tree of laws that grew up in Xiao Qin. Although all the wood laws in it were brought back by him from the world of gods, but they were all brought back from the world of gods.

Before the absorption and growth, there was no obvious increase.

Before retreating to Yin Shu once, I had already started thinking about that kind of building. I was about to build one in the same way, but was stopped by Jin Yiwei.

"No!" Chu Yi was shocked. Knowing that the news came out, if no one was satisfied, then the young man would come and his Majesty would definitely send people into the Demon Suppression Tower. But except for the very end, no one was sent to the Demon Suppression Tower.


The only one who can save lives now is the Emperor. The rest of the people, not to mention asking for mercy, even the Imperial Palace are not qualified to retreat.

"Please help me, Your Majesty!" An old Qin nobleman, with tears in his eyes, threw himself behind the First Emperor and began to cry.

Since before he ascended the throne, His Majesty's reputation has been getting lower and lower. Although the First Emperor was the Crown Prince, His Majesty might not have had much to see when he came to the throne.

Especially that time when more than a dozen big worlds merged and retreated, the small continent of Geling City became even larger. Not to mention refining some big cities, not only the small Yin Shu, but also hundreds of them could be refined.

The few who were arrested that time were the ones with the worst talents in the family. They were born with no spiritual roots of law and no foundation to become immortals. If they were sent out of the Demon Suppression Tower because of something as big as a fight, what would happen to such a young family?

There is hope.

He looked at the First Emperor with a bitter look on his face, hoping that the other party would speak and release his senior.

That was what Xiao Qin Palace had accumulated over the years. It was originally intended to be used by His Majesty during his cultivation, but now, Xiao Qin Palace instinctively feels that when the Yinshu plant grows up, there will be no major harm.

The surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth continued to flow towards the Xiao Qin Palace. When it reached the front, it was not flowing anymore, but was being sucked in weakly.

"I haven't opened the passage to the heaven and earth above yet. If you want to build a spiritual land, you can't go to the heaven and earth above to refine it. Xiao Qin has to refine the spiritual bricks and spiritual earth here!"

Before the number of monks decreases, no one will want to refine spiritual fields to grow spiritual root elixirs, or even refine large cities like Zhao Wen.

"Hahaha!" Jushu said with a small smile: "The government officials did not bring up this matter until they had done a small service for me, not because they knew that raising it directly would avoid death!"

Just looking at the refresh speed of the hell projections, I thought that if it took a long time, all the hell projections could be cleaned up, but the same thing happened to the entire Lu Basin.

The Queen Mother of the West didn't care about the predecessors of the Xiao Qin royal family in front of her, she just continued to play magic tricks.

The Xiao Qin Palace moved heavily, completely filling the hole left by Yin Shu, and a huge amount of immortal energy flowed towards the seedlings.

Even Xiao Lu from Ge Ling City is smaller than Xiao Qin Ju. What a bad thing that is.

Bolin is getting bigger and bigger, and the first large tree sapling, which is less than a foot tall, appears at the original location of Bolin.

It seems that Liu Bang was stupid because he changed the reward into a condition. If I retreated and directly offered to resign to make way for my seniors, I am afraid that Jushu would really let Dongchang directly kill him as a ring for those who came before me.

Only a few maps of Lu Baibai were still surrounded by Geling City, and all the special people were evacuated to the small mainland of Geling City.

Originally, I thought there was no hope of building my own home, so I planned to move to Zhao Wenzhong.

In a mountain range, a flaming red Yinshu branch shook heavily, and the Jianmu, which had been ruthlessly extracting nutrients from the entire world, began to absorb the nutrients at a faster speed.

Xiao Qin now has a population of nearly one trillion, and the number of prisoners in various places is definitely a large number. The Xiao Qin Palace will send all the incense telekinesis without any negative emotions and conditions to the Demon Suppression Tower.

In the Anbai Continent, there is no Hell Projection and Ge Ling City in the Rogge camp, and even the special people have all moved to the Ge Ling City Continent.

"Your Majesty, Duofu Ling voluntarily resigned and wanted to make way for the elders of the family. He has no loyalty at all. Should Dongchang kill him?" Chu Yi hesitated in his tone. Dongchang had no right to deal with the officials in heaven, but Duofu Ling did.

One of the Four Ministers still needs to report to His Majesty before the matter can be dealt with.

"Pass an order to send all the prisoners in Xiao Qin to the Demon Suppression Tower!"

Being able to shrink such a huge Bryn, but the life breath of Blin is constantly rising in the induction, which seems to be improving the life essence of Blin, such a secret method is naturally easy to observe.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Chu Yi's eyes were red with emotion. As a subordinate, he could not solve the problem for His Majesty. Instead, he asked Your Majesty to help him again and again. It was simply a shame for a minister. He secretly swore in his heart that he must find a way to improve Dongchang's reputation.


"If he comes in first, you will advise His Majesty to hand over the Demon Suppression Tower to the Ministry of Punishments, so as to create a holy place for cultivation for the people of Xiao Qin!"

"Jinyiwei and Dongchang are tolerant of surveillance. Anyone who dares to offend will be sent to the Demon Suppression Tower!"

After the ravages of Goring City, the current Rogge camp cannot be said to be desolate.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

When Jianmu grows up, it cannot penetrate the heaven and earth, and the effect of absorbing and purifying the spiritual energy of the world is far less than ten thousand times that of Bulin in the future. The two are on the same life level.

One after another, figures flew up from under the forest. The Xiao Qin Palace could accommodate hundreds of millions of people practicing in seclusion, not because they carefully found a place under the branches of the forest, which surpassed the spiritual land for cultivation in the inner world.

The other thing is that before he was appointed as the chief minister of the cabinet, he was disparaged to Xinzhou, and now that the construction of Xinzhou was ruined, he was appointed as the chief minister of the cabinet. If he really wanted to insult him, he would definitely cover it up like that.

"Your Majesty has no decree, all the prisoners will be sent to the Demon Suppression Tower!" The old Qin nobleman cried with a sad look on his face: "You know, the Demon Suppression Tower has sent many seniors back over the years, but there are no

One came out alive!"

"Refining!" He fired one magic formula after another, and the huge Jianmu tree shrank in size. Originally, the leaves could cover a small area of ​​void, but now, they have not shrunk into the heaven and earth.

Jushu is afraid that his minister is too weak, but he will definitely tolerate being loyal.

"If you retreat into the Demon Suppressing Tower, you will definitely die. You retreated back then!" The First Emperor frowned. The Demon Suppressing Tower can hone one's will and increase the power of the soul. It cannot be said to be a divine weapon.

All those materials were sourced locally from Xiaoqin. The giant trees had been gone for hundreds of years, so the area of ​​Xiaoqin had not grown much. That was definitely the most important reason.

Those who make the fewest big mistakes are the nobles and officials from various places in previous generations. Now those people have no trouble at all.

On the contrary, a small number of people stayed in the harbor because they made a living by fishing. However, the harbor was also so bare that not even a blade of grass could be seen.

In the huge stone gate nearby, there are still no figures of Ge Lingcheng and pigmen, and no fishmen are pouring in. However, the food around Rogge's camp is too expensive and scarce. Xu Shao Ge Lingcheng will wait until he can change his job.

New map.

Divine consciousness swept through the Demon Suppressing Tower, and the densely packed incense had trillions of thoughts, but there was no one among them.

However, His Majesty often leaves Xiao Qin, which makes the Demon Suppressing Tower become a place of death in the hearts of the people of Xiao Qin. He must be warned this time. Xiao Qin has no laws, how can he do such a thing.

Thinking that he was also a member of the Xiao Qin royal family, but before the new emperor ascended the throne, he had abandoned all the old Qin royal family. Now only the predecessors of the new emperor would be called the royal family, the old Qin noble's heart was filled with joy.

A large number of immortal energy was poured into the seedlings, and the seedlings, like the top green jade, began to grow slowly. In just a short time, they grew to a size of several thousand meters.

In terms of breath level alone, that seedling cannot compare with the peach tree and the ginseng fruit tree, and the giant tree is also a small joy.

"Stand up and say something!" The First Emperor had an angry look on his face. He had just returned to the capital of Qin. He didn't even go to the cabinet, but no one asked him to come. If the other party was an old Qin noble, it was the same back then.

Even the royal family, I want to kick them out directly.

He thought that the batch of immortal weapons he had refined in the past were completely improved by the telekinesis power of the incense in the Demon Suppression Tower. But before he left, because someone was able to take out the prisoners among them, except for the prisoners on death row, they would be sent away, and the others would be sent elsewhere.

"Although Jianmu's aura is extremely powerful, it has been cultivated to the limit. I never thought that my husband doesn't have such a treasure yet!"

The murlocs fight in the ocean, and the pigs and pigs will leave some usable resources wherever they pass by Goring City. This is the habit we have developed over the years in the small continent of Goring City.

And in the Xiao Qin Palace, looking at the small tree that went straight into the void behind her eyes, the Queen Mother of the West smiled.

Speaking of that, the old Qin noble begged with red eyes: "Your eldest son was arrested for fighting with others. He will be released after a few days of detention. If he is sent to the Demon Suppression Tower, he will not even be able to survive."

It’s possible that everything is gone, please help me, Your Majesty!”

But Xiao Qin is still growing, and he only doesn't have a large enough area to support a sufficient number of creatures.

Even the states in Xiaoqin offered low prices to purchase spiritual bricks and spiritual soil.

Refining a small amount of spiritual soil and spiritual bricks can improve Xiao Qin's local heritage. The giant tree will not prohibit it. I even hate that all the materials that Xiao Qin does not have are spiritual soil.

There is no news in the palace that His Majesty brought back several weaklings from the Taiyi realm that time.

But now, the entire Xiao Qin Palace only has 100 million descendants of the royal family. Those people are all practicing in Jianmu. Sensing the changes, they flew up at the slowest speed.

"Yeah!" The First Emperor nodded.

But in Rogge's camp, there are still a small number of Gelingcheng, pigmen and fishmen waiting for job transfer. Even a few monks from Xiao Qin are also guarding around the job transfer square in order to break through the limit.

"What, he said that His Majesty allows you to wait until you retreat to the small continent of Geling City to refine the spirit soil and spirit bricks?" The patriarch of a cultivating family asked in a low voice with a look of surprise on his face.

Yang Guang abused the power of the people over the years and consumed all the resources accumulated by Xiao Qin. Even many governments had to continue to support the imperial court to keep the imperial court functioning.

As the giant tree's will spread throughout the sky, one group after another of Xiao Qin monks flew through the passage of the Great Wall towards the small mainland of Geling City.

The young monks did not live to see the battle. We dare to retreat into the new world and fight for Xiao Qin, but we just take some soil and stones to refine some spiritual soil, but no monk will agree.

In the entire Anbai Continent, except for the first few maps, there are no hell monsters, but they are about to be wiped out by Xiao Qin. Now I am waiting to see if there is no fear in the future. Your Majesty called me to Beijing to serve as the head of the cabinet again. I guess it was not for Xiao Qin to recuperate.

, in this case, it is a suggestion to act in accordance with the law, so I will agree with myself.

This chapter has been completed!
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