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Chapter 702: The Greed of the Lord of the World

 Chapter 803 The Greed of the Lord of the World

"In five hundred years at most, many small worlds here will be able to advance!" Zhao Wen exclaimed as he looked at the group of small worlds that absorbed void energy faster than the Great Qin Continent.

You know, Great Qin was able to advance continuously, but because of the various resources it brought back, these small worlds had nothing except a group of monks who were eliminated by Great Qin.

But it is absolutely a miracle that a small world with nothing but a group of cultivators can still advance in such a short period of time.

"With these small worlds, our Da Qin will double or even triple our growth rate." The Queen Mother of the West opened these small worlds in order to integrate with the Da Qin continent in the future and increase the accumulation and growth rate of the Da Qin world.

Now the growth of these small worlds is exactly what I thought, so I am naturally in a very good mood.

"My husband has something on his mind that's why he came here!" Zhao Wengang's aura was obviously troubled when he came over. After being together for so many years, Queen Mother Xi could naturally tell it.

"Madam, do you think the people of Great Qin are improving quality or quantity?"

Even Zhao Wen himself is a little unsure about this.

If Da Qin wants to truly grow, it must have a group of powerful monks, preferably monks who have broken through to the Golden Immortal realm, who can understand various laws and continuously push the development height of Da Qin's world to a higher level.

This is a path that prohibits people with ordinary qualifications from practicing, retains a large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth, and cultivates strong people.

But it is also a way to give up cultivating strong people, promote cultivation for all people, absorb the void energy to the maximum extent, and increase accumulation for the Qin world.

But now, because of the promotion of heaven and earth, the qualifications of the people of Great Qin have greatly increased. Since they can bring the problem to themselves, it means that the strong people are no longer dissatisfied with the aura environment of heaven and earth in Great Qin and want a better environment for cultivation.

"What do you think of the qualifications of the people of Qin today?" Hearing the confusion in Zhao Wen's tone, Queen Mother Xi asked with a smile on her face.

"Hahaha!" Zhao Wen laughed immediately after being shocked.

"Thank you, madam, for clarifying my doubts!" ​​He bowed to Queen Mother Xi while laughing, picked up Queen Mother Xi, and disappeared into the void.

Yun Xiao and Shi Ji glanced at the world that had not yet stabilized and turned into a black hole after Queen Mother Xi left. They looked at each other, their faces turned red at the same time, and they couldn't help but speed up the opening of the small world in their hands.

A month later, Zhao Wen reappeared in the Great Qin Palace and gently raised his hand to summon Chu Yi.

"Send a message to the cabinet!"

Zhao Wen's voice was somewhat cold: "The current development direction of our Daqin is to increase the number of people, and then accumulate nutrients for the advancement of heaven and earth through the practice of all people!"

Zhao Wen said he was conveying an order to the cabinet, but his voice echoed throughout the Qin Dynasty.

"If someone wants to break through to a higher realm and enjoy the fun of overlooking the world's creatures and traveling around the world, they can go to various small worlds!"

"In our Great Qin, as long as I am still the emperor, no one can deprive ordinary people of their right to practice!"

"Cultivation for all the people gives every citizen the opportunity to change their own destiny, which will never change!"

"I am Da Qin Yongchang!"

Zhao Wen's voice became louder and louder, and the stronger he became, the more obvious he felt it, as if one thunder after another was pounding in his ears.

"Great Qin Yongchang!" All the people of Great Qin shouted with excitement.

In recent days, people have constantly suggested that only those with outstanding qualifications can practice, and all ordinary cultivators should be eliminated. This has made countless people in Great Qin extremely fearful.

Everyone knows that the number of people with excellent qualifications is extremely rare, and he definitely does not have the legendary cultivation physique.

If one's cultivation is abolished, not only will one be unable to practice, but one's lifespan will also be affected.

Ordinary people only have a life span of a few decades. How could the people of Qin who have already embarked on the path of cultivation be willing to live only a few decades?

Everyone is lucky.

Every year in Da Qin, there are people who break through to the realm of earthly immortals.

The life span of the Earth Immortal Realm is five thousand years, but all of these people were ordinary people back then.

The benefits of breaking through to the realm of earthly immortals are not only longevity, but also various preferential treatment and rewards from the court, and even the possibility of marrying the royal family.

If you are lucky enough to make a breakthrough on your own, all these good things will be yours.

The monks at the peak of the soul and the realm of earthly immortals all had bitter expressions on their faces.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth has been absorbed by a large number of ordinary people, and they are the ones who are most affected.

If Da Qin cannot break through the first level in a hundred years, he will be sent to the small world.

As for their current state, even when the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is abundant, it would be extremely difficult for them to break through in a hundred years, let alone now.

No one knows what is going on in the small world. After all, no one sent there can come back.

But just because of the name Small World, no monk wants to take the initiative to go there.

Those who are powerful enough to reach the immortal level smile bitterly and shake their heads!

In the eyes of these people, there is no difference between cultivating top geniuses and cultivating all the people. They are both adding nutrients to the world.

But by cultivating top geniuses, some people can grow up, break through the limits of heaven and earth, become immortals, and live forever.

Such universal cultivation leaves no chance for anyone. Regardless of geniuses or ordinary people, all are treated equally and cannot transcend. They can only sink in the world.

After thinking about it, Zhao Wen held the Heshi Bi and with a thought, the Goblin Continent fell downwards.

All the way down to the edge of the barrier between heaven and earth, and part of it even extending beyond the barrier, the billowing void energy rushed towards the Goblin Continent, intending to completely grind this continent into pieces.

But these void energies first impacted the bodies of hundreds of golden immortal-level creatures and hundreds of goddesses, and dispersed throughout the Goblin Continent.

Countless creatures in the Goblin Continent sensed the energy again, laughing wildly and absorbing all the energy they could with all their strength.

This part of the energy is combined with the energy of the void and is extremely violent. However, over the years, the creatures of the Goblin Continent have become stronger physically under the influence of the auras of the gods.

Even void energy can be absorbed directly, let alone this kind of combined energy that has been transformed by the Golden Immortal's body.

Part of this energy was absorbed by the Goblin Continent, and the other part flowed into the Olympus Continent.

Today's Olympus, like the Goblin Continent, also integrates thousands of worlds, and there is killing everywhere.

The huge murderous aura combined with the incoming energy surged in the sky, turning into rain of blood and falling down.

The knights of the temple looked up to the sky and roared, swallowing the falling blood rain with big mouthfuls.

There is no energy left in the world these days. After absorbing the energy contained in these blood rains, you can become stronger and fight for your gods.

In Rogge's camp, everyone stayed quietly in the room, and no one came out. This was the order of the nun in black. Countless job transferees were extremely looking forward to participating in the war and winning honor for their gods.

The nun in black looked to the sky, her eyes full of fear.

She saw that in the blood rain all over the sky, all the souls flew to the void barrier, allowing the heaven and earth to convert void energy faster.

She knew that this was the God of Creation harvesting the souls of another world.

The reason why she did not allow job transferees to join was because she had not forgotten that to the Creator God, Camp Rogge also belonged to a different world, and was no different from these dead people.

In the entire world of Da Qin, except for Da Qin, there was blood everywhere.

Zhao Wen's eyes were full of indifference.

This is not a way of life for him not to integrate with other worlds, but to allow these people to completely integrate into the world of Great Qin.

Looking towards the Great Qin Palace, a group of goddesses devoted themselves to practicing the body refining techniques they created. They had already reached the realm of true immortals. Countless auras of heaven and earth were transformed into immortal energy, nourishing the souls of these goddesses.

Now every cell in the bodies of these goddesses has been stamped with the mark of the Great Qin world.

As long as the soul continues to integrate the immortal energy transformed from the aura of the Great Qin world, sooner or later it will be completely marked with the mark of the Great Qin.

As the Lord of the World, only those creatures who are completely marked with the mark of Great Qin can be trusted by him.

Even these goddesses who have sacrificed everything for themselves are no exception, let alone some ordinary people who have just integrated into the world of Great Qin.

These are the goddesses now, and in the future they will be the Fairy of West Kunlun, Queen Mother of the West, Yunxiao and Shiji.

The Lord of the World can take away all the creatures that are completely marked with the mark of the Great Qin in a single thought. This is the Lord of the World's greatest control over the creatures in the world.

A mountain peak keeps flying into the void, and in each mountain peak, there is an immortal weapon or immortal seed shining with immortal light.

These are all items that cannot be refined in a short period of time in Da Qin. Zhao Wen believed that Da Qin would be able to refine these items in the future when all of them were left in Da Qin.

But now, Zhao Wen plans to send all these immortal weapons and immortal seeds into the void.

The existence of these immortal weapons and immortal seeds requires absorbing too much energy from the Great Qin World, which has seriously affected the growth of the Great Qin World.

When I break through the Taiyi realm in the future, or when the Great Qin world grows a level higher, refining these treasures is just a matter of thought.

For these external objects to affect the growth of heaven and earth, for him now, it is completely worth the loss.

The void energy is flowing into the Goblin Continent faster and faster. The body-refining monks who practice the sky-shielding method can absorb the void energy. The goblins who are nurtured by divine power can also absorb it, but the speed is slower.

But the number of goblins can make up for any gap.

"You still need to control it!" Zhao Wen whispered to himself.

Under the impact of such void energy, it was first buffered by the Goblin Continent, then the Olympus Continent, and finally flowed to the Daqin Continent, causing the Daqin Continent to have a lot more aura of heaven and earth.

But with trillions of people practicing cultivation, this extra bit is completely useless and disappears in the blink of an eye.

Those with strong souls can detect the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and absorb it into their bodies earlier, while those with ordinary qualifications are also unable to absorb it at all.

The role of qualifications appears everywhere, and even Zhao Wen cannot change this.

But this kind of spiritual energy that has been continuously transformed and absorbed will all be integrated into the heaven and earth after the death of this group of Qin people, increasing the accumulation of heaven and earth.

And what Da Qin lacks most now is this kind of accumulation.

However, Zhao Wen still plans to control the creatures in Goblin Continent.

In this way, it continuously absorbs void energy and strengthens its own accumulation bit by bit, and one day it will break through the limits of life.

Now all the first-level beings in the Goblin Continent have achieved breakthroughs like this.

If it is not controlled, Zhao Wen is worried that the strong ones among them will break through to the second level of life soon.

With a flash of light from the Heshi Bi, a castrated method of covering the sky has been imprinted into the minds of all the fishmen, pigmen and goblins in the Goblin Continent.

The countless goblins who were rushing towards the new fusion continent were stunned, and immediately started practicing at the fastest speed. They felt that energy was constantly flowing into all parts of their bodies, strengthening their bodies. They looked forward, and their roaring voices became louder.

a bit.

But what these goblins didn't pay attention to, or couldn't understand at all, was that this technique seemed to strengthen their bodies, but in fact it destroyed their own potential and increased their souls bit by bit.

Reincarnation in the underworld will eventually be purged until only the true spirit remains. This does not mean that goblins will be reincarnated as goblins, but they can also be reincarnated as humans or other things.

For the Lord of the World, the most obvious point in how the qualifications of the creatures in the world are reflected is the strength of the true spirit.

The cultivation from generation to generation continuously improves the strength of the soul and true spirit, which is improving the qualifications of living beings.

The qualifications of the creatures in the Great Qin world are far inferior to those in the Fengshen world. The biggest difference is the strength of souls and true spirits.

Zhao Wen is now firmly promoting Yuan Shen cultivation techniques in Da Qin. The most important thing is that Yuan Shen methods can strengthen the soul.

After dealing with the problem of the Great Qin Continent and the problem of the Goblin Continent, now only the creatures of the Olympus Continent are left.

The integration of thousands of new continents and countless new creatures, including not only elves, but also dwarves, that is, Zhao Wen threw the orcs into the Goblin Continent, otherwise it would be a standard Western fantasy world.

Zhao Wen did not interfere with the Olympus continent, not because the Olympus continent did not need him, but because the gods were more greedy than himself.

Only a powerful soul can provide a more pure power of faith.

And sufficient power of faith can enhance the gods' understanding and deduction of laws. This is the path for the growth of gods.

In the past, all the power of faith in the continent of Olympus was greedily occupied by Zeus.

But because there are so few living creatures in the entire world, even if they occupy them all, it will not increase Zeus' strength much, so the entire Olympus pantheon is filled with an aura of decadence.

But now, this continent belongs to more than a hundred goddesses and is the place of faith for these goddesses!

When a large amount of faith power crystallizes and merges into their respective laws, sensing their own power to continuously increase, all the goddesses continue to incarnate and manifest themselves, and some even take action themselves.

Compared with when they were first integrated, the number of followers of these goddesses is at least ten thousand times more now!


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