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Chapter 738: The Heavenly Sage of Great Qin

 Chapter 839 The Heavenly Sage of Great Qin

"Nine hundred and ninety thousand, still ten thousand short!"

Zhao Wen was sitting at the top of the Great Qin Palace, looking at the changing numbers on the He clan jade in his hand, feeling calm in his heart.

In the small world of Zifu, five huge trees of laws stand tall on the sky and on the ground. As the five elements change, new laws of the five elements will be incorporated into them every time they change.

This is the law of the five elements that Zhao Wen collected from various worlds. All those who are beyond the Golden Immortal are wandering in the fetal membrane of heaven and earth.

If you encounter the tree of the Law of Five Elements, you will blend into it. If you don't encounter it, you will keep wandering in it.

Originally, Zhao Wen was focused on enhancing his own foundation, only seeking breadth and not caring about the height of the law.

But now, since he is preparing to break through to the Taiyi realm, he naturally wants to integrate all the Five Elements Laws into his own small world of Zifu.

"One hundred world authority, nine hundred and ninety-seven thousand world power!"

Slowly closing his eyes, the Five Elements Law spread around his body, and the mighty immortal energy poured into Zhao Wen's whole body.

Originally, there would never be a trace of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth entering the small world of Zifu. Countless immortal energy was swept away by the Five Elements Law.

Zifu Xiao first shrank, and then expanded rapidly. In just a few breaths, it expanded hundreds of times.

The immortal energy in the entire Da Qin Palace continued to flow into Zhao Wen's body, and the Five Elements Law runes collided and merged into the Five Elements Law tree one after another.

The sky above the entire Da Qin world was filled with color, and countless smallpox continued to fall from the sky.

This is the first monk in the Great Qin world to advance to the Taiyi realm.

The world power that was still short of three thousand was instantly filled.

The core of the world flew out of Zhao Wen's hand, turned into a point of light, and covered the entire world.

Daqin's void, which had been stabilized, began to boil again.

The world of Great Qin expanded rapidly again, and countless chaotic energies around it were swept into the fetal membrane of heaven and earth, turning into void energy, filling the void of the world of Great Qin.

The smallpox that originally fell because of Zhao Wenxiu's breakthrough, due to the promotion of heaven and earth at the same time, each smallpox directly expanded a hundred times.

The huge ceiling fell and melted into the earth.

The purest spiritual energy of heaven and earth spreads out from the earth and floats everywhere.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the earth vein channels is stirring and flowing everywhere.

Countless spiritual energy entered directly from the void into the three continents within the Daqin world.

The three continents have merged with many continents over the years, and they are all different in terms of quality and thickness. It doesn't seem like much when viewed from above, but it looks extremely weird when viewed from below.

But supplemented by the vast aura of heaven and earth, the three continents grew rapidly at the same time.

This growth is not just an expansion of the continent's area, but an overall growth.

The continent seems to be breathing. With every breath, the spiritual energy accumulated in the past year will be integrated into the continent and quickly digested.

Breathing one breath after another, the world of Sanfang can be said to be completely transformed.

Such changes are not only happening in the Great Qin world, but also all the small worlds, continents, and the mountains sent by Zhao Wen in the void of Great Qin are growing rapidly.

A golden light flashed through the void, as if the sound of the opening of heaven and earth appeared in everyone's ears.

A gleaming golden crow appeared in the void, crowed, and turned into a continent burning with flames.

Just like the Kingdom of God, this continent disappeared again just after it appeared.

But over all the continents in the Great Qin world, countless people discovered that the sun's rays were exceptionally warm today.

Since Zhao Wen brought back the body of the Golden Crow, he also brought back the hibiscus tree and implanted the seeds of the sun into Da Qin.

After so many years of cultivation, with the help of heaven and earth promotion, a real sun star was born in the world of Daqin.

The sun star appeared, and the originally extremely illusory moonlight seemed to have a colder color.

"When the three flowers of essence, energy, and spirit reach perfection, and at the same time understand the original rules of cultivation to the limit, you can cultivate to the peak state of Taiyi!"

Zhao Wen has already understood countless times how to practice after breaking through to the Taiyi realm.

Nowadays, there are very few living beings in the Great Qin world, and the world has been promoted. Countless spiritual energies have fallen from the void and blended into all parts of the Great Qin world.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth, which should originally belong to all living things, was gathered in the Great Qin Imperial Palace and flowed rapidly towards the Great Qin Imperial Palace.

In the small world of Zifu, Zhao Wenquan was thrown into it, and one branch after another, he found the subsequent laws and merged them into the tree of laws.

The Taiyi realm can only understand the basic laws of the Golden Immortal realm.

Zhao Wen's small world of Zifu has all the laws of the Great Qin world, but its real foundation is the law of the Five Elements.

In the past, in order to lay a better foundation for future cultivation, many branches of laws were scattered all over the small world very casually.

But now, each branch continues to improve, and the aura of the Five Elements Law continues to expand outward from the Great Qin Palace, covering an increasingly larger area.

The core of the world turned into points of light that covered the entire void. More and more void energy from the outside world was transformed into the fetal membrane of heaven and earth. The void expanded dozens of times when it was just promoted. Even if more than 100,000 continents crazily absorbed it,

It is still filled with the converted energy.

No one noticed that at one place in the void, countless scattered light points reunited, turned into He's Bi and disappeared into the void.

The three figures of Queen Mother Xi, who had been staring at the core of the world, appeared instantly, and after careful inspection, they shook their heads slightly.

Even at the peak state of Ether Yi, it is impossible to find where the core of the world is.

But in the induction of spiritual consciousness, a strange and extremely strange feeling was born.

It was as if a familiar space appeared in my perception.

Looking at the place where the core of the world disappeared just now, an idea suddenly emerged, and Queen Mother Xi's face suddenly became happy.

Without any hesitation, he closed his eyes directly and his consciousness extended forward along the law.

A place that was extremely familiar to Queen Mother Xi suddenly appeared in her spiritual sense.

"Law Space!" Thousands of large and small law light pillars appeared in the law space, and the most dazzling ones were five laws of different colors.

Unlike the light beams of other laws that have not changed, these five laws are growing rapidly.

"My husband has such a strong foundation!"

The five rays of different colors represent the Five Elements Law, which the Queen Mother of the West will not admit wrongly.

The light beam of the light system law is very tall and goes straight into the void, but compared with the five elements law, it is not half as thick as one of the five elements.

You know, what Zhao Wen understood was not one of the five elements, but the law of the five elements.

The secrets of the laws are constantly merging, and many invisible connections have appeared among the laws of the Five Elements.

After scanning the law space, there was no law that could threaten the status of the Five Elements Law in the law space. Only then did the Queen Mother of the West make up her mind and slowly sit next to the light pillar of the water law.

With the Queen Mother of the West sitting down, the Five Elements Laws and Water Element Laws that were originally increasing rapidly increased significantly more than ten times faster than other systems.

As the pinnacle of Taiyi and practicing the laws of water, Queen Mother Xi's speed of engraving laws into the law space is naturally much faster than Zhao Wen.

Not long after Queen Mother Xi sat down, Yun Xiao and Shi Ji appeared at the same time. After looking around, surprise appeared on their faces, and they sat down next to the rules of cultivation.

Then hundreds of West Kunlun female fairies appeared in the law space one after another.

With so many people entering it and imprinting the rules, the law space that had just been opened up by the core of the world suddenly grew rapidly.

The hundreds of goddesses sent by Zhao Wen to continents that were unwilling to merge with the Great Qin world simultaneously turned their heads and glanced at the place where the core of the world disappeared, and their expressions suddenly turned cold when they looked inside each continent.

The divine magic in his hand changed. Originally, he was just releasing the magic in a leisurely manner, intending to slowly grind the world controller to death.

But now, countless accumulated faith crystals appear and are put into divine magic. With just one blow, many world controllers are suddenly wiped out.

"Under the rule of the God King, there is no need for external controllers of heaven and earth. If you are willing to reincarnate and rebuild, you can live!"

A series of cold voices reached the ears of the controllers of the continents.

When the controllers of these continents broke the barrier between heaven and earth and a large amount of void energy entered the continent, the Five Elements Law of the Great Qin world was also integrated into the continent.

The entire continent already completely belongs to the Great Qin world.

But inside the continent, the controller of heaven and earth still has absolute rights. Unless the Lord of the World comes and other monks enter the continent, the controller can mobilize the power of the entire continent and suppress the foreign monks at will.

The Great Qin world has now advanced. Although they have not entered the law space, these goddesses instinctively feel that if these controllers are allowed to enter the law space and imprint their own laws, it will be detrimental to His Majesty the God King's control of the world.

"You have already taken away the core of heaven and earth, why do you still want our lives!" A controller of heaven and earth originally thought that everything would be fine once the core of heaven and earth was taken away, but he did not expect that the woman outside the world was still attacking, and he was furious.


"No heresy should exist!"

Another divine spell appeared, and a hundred times more faith crystals than before were put into the divine spell by the goddess, falling straight towards the ruler of the continent. After a scream, the entire heaven suddenly turned into pieces and disappeared.

After taking a glance at the continent, there were only ordinary creatures practicing the method of covering the sky, and then the goddess outside the world disappeared.

Returning to their respective kingdoms of gods, they sat quietly in the temples of the kingdom of gods, and their souls entered directly in the direction they sensed.

As soon as they entered the law space, these goddesses instinctively sensed that some of the growing light pillars were the divine laws they controlled. Without any hesitation, they immediately sat around the light pillars and poured their understanding into them.

One after another, ripples of law swept across the void of Great Qin.

But now, the ripples that appear in the void are not just Zhao Wen's Five Elements Laws, but all the laws in the law space.

As the Great Qin world advanced, the void directly expanded by more than ten times, and hundreds of thousands of small, medium, and large worlds merged into the Great Qin world.

If it were in the past, the small world could be directly integrated into the foundation and accumulation of the Great Qin world, and the middle world would be a continent broken by hundreds of goddesses. As for the big world, it would be like the Angel Continent, which is fully capable of competing with Zhao Wen for the master of the world.


But now, the law space is sweeping across, and no matter the small world, the middle world, or the big world, they are all stamped with the mark of the Great Qin world under the light of the law space.

The world authority that originally dropped rapidly due to the integration of hundreds of thousands of worlds quickly rose back up as the ripples swept across.

There seems to be no change, but the foundation and accumulation of Da Qin's world have once again improved a lot after the integration of these worlds.

Hundreds of goddesses, hundreds of Western Kunlun fairies, as well as the Queen Mother of the West and Yunxiao, Shiji, and the Five Elements Law light pillars are constantly increasing.

When the Five Elements Law light beam stopped increasing in the Law Space, Zhao Wen slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at his hand, He's Bi has disappeared.

Zhao Wen could clearly sense that the core of the world emerged from the deeper space of the Great Qin world and turned into a small river.

This river has no beginning or end, yet it seems to connect everything in the world of Da Qin.

Through this river, Zhao Wen can control or even implant any of his own ideas, and gradually realize them as the world evolves.

Even if he wanted to destroy the world, it was just a thought.

This is complete control over heaven and earth.

With a gentle grab into the river, four purple auras were drawn out, and a void and real aura surrounded Zhao Wen's hands.

"The four Hongmeng Purple Qi represent 40% of the authority of the Great Qin world. I hope you will not disappoint my expectations!" Zhao Wen actually does not want to install any heavenly saints.

The appearance of the Heavenly Saints is to divide their own authority.

But he is not always in the Great Qin world on weekdays. In case of his absence, a powerful world will merge into the Great Qin world.

If the opponent has the authority of heaven and earth, he can implant his own ideas in the way of heaven, suppress all the monks in the original Great Qin world, and even let the Great Qin world directly enter Nirvana.

When he comes back, the world of Da Qin will disappear, and he will regret it in no time.

Looking at the law space, he saw that the Five Elements Law had been stamped with his own mark. He was the master of the Five Elements Law in the Great Qin world.

After helping him perfect the Five Elements Law, hundreds of goddesses, Queen Mother of the West, Yunxiao, and Shiji are now engraving other laws in the law space.

After cultivating to the peak of Taiyi, it is naturally impossible to understand only one law.

The same goes for the gods. A large number of gods were suppressed by Zhao Wen until they were driven to pieces, and many priesthoods fell to these goddesses.

For these goddesses, it is normal for one person to control several priesthoods.

While thinking about it, the four daughters, Queen Mother of the West, Yunxiao, Shiji, and Hera, appeared in the Qin Palace.

"Hongmeng Purple Qi!" Queen Mother Xi, Yun Xiao, and Shi Ji looked at Zhao Wen's hand, their eyes filled with intoxication. The treasure they had never dared to imagine countless times, even in their dreams, now appeared in front of them.

Hera didn't know it, she just instinctively felt that the thing in the hands of the God King would be of great help to her!

"There are only nine treasures that can be separated in a world at most. If they are refined into the soul, they can control the way of heaven and become a saint of heaven!"


This chapter has been completed!
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