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Chapter 87: Changes are worse than Plans

 Two county magistrates and all township heads were replaced at once, and various tasks that had been progressing slowly in Jiujiang were immediately implemented one after another.

With the support of Zhao Wen's large amount of money, the construction of brand-new county offices, county schools, township offices, township schools, and roads all began immediately.

Population statistics and field statistics, although progressing slowly, have also begun to be implemented.

However, because the new Qin Law had not yet been revised, a large number of problems were reported to Zhao Wenchu.

In the palace of the King of Chu, Zhao Wen was lying on a mat very leisurely, with various fresh seasonal fruits placed in front of him. Four concubines were waiting around him, and there was enchanting singing and dancing in front of him.

Even his four concubines would come forward to dance from time to time. Because they all began to practice martial arts, their bodies were far stronger and more flexible than ordinary dancers. Their dance moves were full of unique charm in Zhao Wen's eyes.

On the other side, Chu Yi and Chu Er were reporting to Zhao Wen what had been reported from various places with a record book.

"There are people in each township in the three counties who are blocking the land measurement and population statistics. In several townships, wealthy households even led people to destroy the township offices and county schools that were under construction. All the armed forces in the county were taken back to Shouchun. The three

The county magistrate asks His Highness to send someone to stabilize the area immediately!"

"Send the order, Zhou Bo, Han Xin, and Lu Ze each lead a thousand county troops to clear out all those who dare to disrupt the government in the three counties!"

These three people plus Zhang Han are the four handsome talents that he can cultivate. Now that he has the opportunity, Zhao Wen will naturally let these people train first.

After finishing speaking, fearing that the three of them would not understand what he meant, Zhao Wen said in a more serious tone: "Tell the three of them that anyone who disrupts the government will be killed without mercy!"

Zhao Wen was not the first emperor, but he was so merciful that he did not kill the nobles of the six countries, leaving a hidden danger for the death of the second generation of Qin Dynasty.

For Zhao Wen, he will not be stingy with those who follow him, but he will never mind wielding a butcher's knife to clear out all the thorns on the way forward.


After Chu Yi bowed respectfully, he immediately headed towards the county army camp as quickly as possible.

Chu Er continued to report: "There are letters from all over the country, and it will take at least five years to complete the population and land statistics!"

"What's their reason?" Zhao Wen's voice was filled with murderous intent. In five years, I'm afraid many of the people counted five years ago would have died. After all, the average life span in this era is only so long.

He even felt that these Chu officials, seeing that the First Emperor did not massacre surrendered ministers, thought that they would be equally merciful, so they dared to delay their decrees like this.

"There are not enough bamboo slips, and there are also a lack of scholars who can use Qin inscriptions on bamboo slips!"

Chu Er secretly glanced at Zhao Wen and said softly: "A county magistrate has written a letter stating that the number of people in a family who need to record their names, ages, addresses, and previous meritorious service experience, plus property and land, is a person who is skilled in carving.

, it will also take several days to carve the whole family on the bamboo slips!"

"This is just carving, and the production of bamboo slips also takes time, so he mentioned sending all the scholars who are currently studying in Shouchun to speed up statistics!"

Looking at Chu Er, Zhao Wen couldn't help but smile bitterly.

There was someone in the Jinyi Guard who knew how to make paper, but he was forbidden by himself. But now, he really felt the difficulty of having no paper to record.

The reason for not making paper was because the First Emperor needed to read a large number of memorials every day. The weight of the bamboo slips could tire him to death, and he did not want to change the fate of the First Emperor.

It hasn't been long since the time traveled, and there is no relationship between the two parties. If it were someone else, Zhao Wen might have ascended to the throne by now.

But the First Emperor was different from others after all. Such a figure could not fail to shine with his original glory in the history of this world just because of his own appearance. We were also willing to give him time to realize his ambitions.

And even though he expressed his ambition to be the emperor, even if he wanted to establish his eldest son Fusu, the First Emperor was willing to give him a chance to express himself, and even granted him a county.

Such an emperor is worth waiting for!

So he planned to endure it for a while and wait until the death of the First Emperor to stand on the front desk.

But now, Zhao Wen could no longer bear the slowness of recording on the bamboo slips.

Just counting the population will take several years and a lot of manpower. Later, the township schools, county schools, county schools, and academies under construction will also need a large number of books. In this way, all bamboo slips will be used, and these books will be engraved.

After it comes out, it will take a few more years.

If he can continue to endure this situation, Zhao Wen feels that he is the biggest fool in history.

The First Emperor can figure out a solution later. Maybe after using paper, he will have more memorials to read, but now, paper must be made.

"Call Jin Yiwei to select a few people who make paper, recruit more apprentices, and set up the Palace Papermaking Department, directly under Liu Bang, the general manager, not only statistics, but also various schools behind it, we must make it in the shortest possible time.

Enough paper to use!”

"In addition, we are setting up a foundry department to cast movable printing types for me!"

As he spoke, Zhao Wen looked at Chu Er and said, "I remember the Ming Dynasty had thirteen divisions or something. Now we have enough manpower. If you see what is needed, organize them all for me to save you trouble in the future!"


After Chu Er agreed respectfully, he looked at Zhao Wen and said hesitantly: "Your Highness, please forgive me, papermaking takes several months from material selection to paper production, and there are too few skilled craftsmen nowadays, so statistics will definitely not be provided in a short time.

And the paper used by various universities!”

If this matter is left to Jin Yiwei, Chu Er will naturally not say much, but if it is managed by the palace, and Liu Bang, the general manager, has always only been concerned with external affairs and does not care about matters within the palace, the responsibility will still fall on himself and Chu Yi. If he doesn't say anything now

It was clear, but when His Highness asked about the delay, he couldn't explain clearly.

"Establish it first and train skilled craftsmen as soon as possible!"

This was because he had not considered it in advance, so Zhao Wen would not vent his anger on others. Looking at the singing and dancing that had stopped after he became angry and the four concubines standing far away, Zhao Wen also smiled bitterly.

Originally, he really didn't want to enter the biochemical world. After all, the perfect enhancement of the T virus was really useless to him now, and he had always believed in the conservation of energy. The power he obtained inexplicably must have hidden dangers that he didn't know about.

But now, even for the paper that Jiujiang County needs now, he has to change the world again.

"Only by cultivating one's own strength can people rest assured. The worst thing is to get a biochemical virus that can be perfectly strengthened and leave it alone without using it!"

Zhao Wen secretly decided in his heart!

This chapter has been completed!
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