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Chapter 780: The Lord of the Galaxy is invincible in the place of training

Chapter 881 The Lord of the Galaxy is invincible in the place of experience

"Please come out and fight me, Lord of the Galaxy!"

A roar like a tiger's roar echoed throughout the Yanji Continent, reaching straight into Zhao Wen's ears. He could sense it with just his breath. This was an invincible and immortal king.

"This fool who is crazy about being famous must be from the tiger-monster lineage of your demon clan!" A mechanical clan universe overlord looked at the demon clan universe overlord with sarcasm in his voice.

How strong is Zhao Wen? Since the emergence of the Five Elements Realm, the masters of the universe of all races have concluded that he is absolutely invincible at the same level, and that he is invincible in a crushing manner.

Now this tiger tribe wears armor and treasures, and dares to challenge the Galaxy Lord. This is simply a gift of treasures.

The combination of the Five Elements Domain and the Law of Thunder has nothing to do with what kind of treasure you carry. Even if you take the treasure against the Galaxy Lord, only one of you will die, let alone a heavy treasure.

"Junior of the Tiger Clan, get out of the Yanji Continent, or I will kill you!" The demon cosmic overlord looked coldly at the Tiger Clan Immortal and shouted.

"Senior Wolf Clan, don't worry. Since I dare to challenge you, I am confident that I can win!" The confidence on the face of the Invincible Immortal King of the Tiger Clan was about to fly out, and he waved to the Lord of the Wolf Clan Universe.

"Lord Galaxy, do you think you can hide forever? If you don't come out, I will clean up all the human teams in Yanji Continent!" The immortal voice of the Tiger Clan was somewhat wanton and domineering.

"Your self-confidence is nothing more than a valuable treasure on your body. This valuable treasure is vulnerable to the Lord of the Galaxy. Why don't you get out of here!" The wolf cosmic overlord felt like he was going crazy.

If the Tiger Clan wasn't too powerful and couldn't afford to offend him, he would have wanted to shoot this idiot to death right now.

Your tiger clan has the Lord of the Universe, the Lord of the Galaxy, or the disciple of the Lord of Chaos City!

Even the younger members of your clan can receive a valuable treasure. Isn’t it natural that the disciples of the Lord of the Universe possess several treasures?

In particular, the Lord of Chaos City is famous for his numerous treasures. Every disciple has a treasure to protect him. Zhao Wen cannot be the exception!

"Shut up. Since I dare to come, I have my confidence!" Wudi, the king of the tiger clan, roared at the overlord of the wolf clan's universe.

The Lord of the Galaxy is most famous for the Five Elements Domain. Since he is here, he naturally has treasures to deal with the Five Elements Domain. However, a wolf cosmic overlord has been chattering outside, as if he is the only smart one in the world.

"Hahaha, since you are bent on fighting, I will fight with you!" A loud laugh appeared on the Yanji Continent, and with the sound, a young man wearing a black robe jumped onto the mainland.

"Disciple pays homage to the teacher!" As soon as he appeared, Zhao Wen bowed to the location where the Lord of Chaos City had appeared. No matter whether he was present or not, the courtesy must be indispensable.

Mountain Guest cannot appear in public. If something happens, he needs the teacher of Chaos City Lord to protect him.

Although the Lord of Chaos City has left, the speed of a Lord of the Universe is naturally not something that an Immortal can perceive.

Seeing Zhao Wen's bow, which confirmed that Zhao Wen was the disciple of the Lord of Chaos City, several cosmic overlords naturally stepped back.

Unless there is a very strong backing behind him, no one would dare to bully a strong disciple, at least some of them would never dare.

"Come and fight, let me see what treasure gives you the confidence to appear in front of me!"

Zhao Wen looked at the tiger clan's invincible king with curiosity in his voice. His domain of the Five Elements Law had already spread throughout the world, and this killing also made everyone aware of the power of the Five Elements Domain.

Now there are still people who dare to challenge him. Zhao Wen himself would not believe it if he said that he had no trump card.

"Hahaha, you are invincible in the Five Elements Domain, let me break your Five Elements Domain!" When the Tiger Clan Immortal saw Zhao Wen actually coming out, his eyes suddenly lit up, he laughed wildly and rushed straight towards Zhao Wen.

"Take my move in the quicksand field!" Countless flying sand appeared out of thin air, completely covering Zhao Wen. Even within tens of thousands of miles around him, there was no breath, and he was completely isolated by the quicksand field.

"The Domain Treasure, this is an attack equivalent to that of a universe overlord. The Galaxy Lord has failed this time!" an immortal exclaimed in the distance.

"Yes, the Galaxy Lord himself is only an immortal feudal lord. What is truly powerful is the Five Elements Domain. Now that a stronger domain has appeared, the Five Elements Domain will be completely suppressed. Unless the Lord of Chaos City takes action, there will be no chance for the Galaxy Lord to survive this time!


There was a bit of regret in his voice. Those who can understand the Five Elements Law are the top geniuses in the universe. It would be too aggrieved for such a genius to be suppressed by such a trick.

"Chaos, you just said that the Immortal battlefield will never allow anyone above immortality to enter!" Several figures appeared instantly, coincidentally appearing around the Lord of Chaos City, and each of them looked at Zhao Wen of Yanji Continent with a sneer on their faces.

But in one field, he actually dared to think that he was invincible.

Not to mention the treasure-level realm, if we were not afraid of offending the human race too much, we could even bring out the cosmic treasure-level realm this time.

The most powerful thing in the universe is always your own body. As for the others, they are just foreign objects. The Galaxy Lord thinks that if the lord is immortal and has a domain, he will be invincible. He uses all his resources to improve tens of thousands of women with ordinary qualifications. This is him

Biggest mistake.

"Today you will die!" Tiger King's expression was filled with condescending contempt. He was a unique genius in the universe, but he was completely suppressed by a precious treasure.

If Chaos City Lord hadn't been watching from outside the continent, he would have been able to take this unique genius in the universe as his soul slave.

"What kind of genius is just an ant in front of Chongbao!" An proud voice sounded over the entire Yanji Continent.

"I'm going to save the Galaxy Lord!" A group of human immortals roared with sadness on their faces.

"It's useless. Many masters of the universe don't have such a valuable domain treasure. If you encounter such a treasure, unless the master of the universe takes action, no one can save the Galaxy Lord!" An immortal shouted with despair on his face.

"Chaos, immortals and above cannot enter the training ground. This is what you just said!" The Lord of Sirius looked at the Lord of Chaos City and laughed sarcastically.

He alone is by no means the opponent of the Lord of Chaos City, but now, there are three Lords of the Universe here, and the place of experience is for all races in the universe to compete together. If Chaos City dares to take action, all races in the universe will be offended.

As long as one person breaks the rules, there will definitely be a second one in the future, and all of this will be recorded on the Lord of Chaos City.

As for the Galaxy Lord, he is just an immortal. If he can grow to be the Lord of the Universe, he will be a bit of a threat. But now, as the tiger clan junior said, he is nothing more than an ant.

"Don't worry, I won't take action!" The Lord of Chaos City looked coldly at the several Lords of the Universe who looked proud, with an extremely indifferent expression.

If it were other immortals who fell into the realm's treasures, he would be worried, but he has never worried about Zhao Wen.

Even he couldn't tell what level of treasure the Materia Medica Classic was, but as for the Tiangang Disha Formation, he was certain that it had definitely reached the level of a heavy treasure.

A heavy treasure-level star formation is only more powerful than the realm heavy treasure. Now it seems that Zhao Wen is trapped in the realm, but it could be that the demon clan has sent a heavy treasure into the hands of the human race.

"I believe that the Lord of Chaos City will definitely keep his promise!" the Lord of the Zerg Universe said with cold irony on his face.

In the realm of heavy treasures, the consciousness was completely suppressed. When I looked around, I saw a gray sky with no difference between up, down, left, and right. Pieces of divine sand were shrouding Zhao Wen one after another. Each grain of divine sand contained an extremely dangerous aura.


Zhao Wen can be sure that every grain of divine sand is equivalent to an ordinary immortal's full-strength shot. If it is covered like this, let alone the immortal realm of the feudal lord, even the Venerable of the Universe may only be able to do so in this precious treasure field.

Able to protect oneself.

I scanned the magic weapons on my body and found that Jin Gangzhuo had not yet been upgraded to a heavy treasure and could not put the heavy treasures into it. The purple, gold and red gourds, and the yin and yang gas bottles were magic weapons of cause and effect, but in this world, the law of cause and effect was not revealed. It would be a big mistake to take it out.


Not to mention the Materia Medica, a circle of universe overlords are surrounding him. Taking out the Materia Medica is a treasure that can be said to have reached the limit of this world, unless he leaves this world immediately.

Otherwise, what awaits him is that all the masters of the universe will come to seize the treasure. I am afraid that even the human race will not be able to resist the temptation of a powerful treasure.

Zhao Wen did not expect that just printing the classics on herbal medicine and spreading them throughout the universe would have such a huge power of faith.

After entering the virtual universe from the Materia Medica Classics, the power of faith several times equivalent to the Great Qin world poured into the Materia Medica Classics every day.

The herbal classics, which were originally transforming very slowly, are now changing at an astonishing speed, which means that Zhao Wen currently has too few materials around him. If there were more materials, the herbal classics would be able to move to the next level.

Don't talk about anything else, just talk about the body of the Lord of the Universe sent by the Lord of Chaos City. I'm afraid when he sent it, he never thought that it could be absorbed by the herbal classics in a short time.

But now, looking at the core of the Materia Medica, the original terrifying aura on the extremely huge corpse has completely disappeared, and energy like a torrent surges towards each small planting world.

Combined with the endless power of faith, it is constantly integrated into various parts of the herbal classics to enhance this treasure.

"There is only the Tiangang Earthly Evil Formation!" Zhao Wen secretly laughed in his heart. With so many treasures in his hands, he never expected that the only one he could use in the end was the Tiangang Earthly Evil Formation.

"Why does the star formation have such great power!" a universe master said angrily.

In just a few words, a huge formation suddenly spread out, completely covering the entire Yanji Continent. One hundred and eight galaxies could even be clearly seen in the formation, constantly changing.

Every time there is a change, the Chongbao Domain will shrink by a circle. In just a few moments, the originally huge Chongbao Domain will only have a little space left around it.

Zhao Wen struck out with a palm, and the five-colored light directly covered it. The frightened Tiger Clan Immortal disappeared into the Five Elements Realm without even struggling.

Also disappearing at the same time was the powerful treasure of the Chongtreasure Domain.

"Is there anyone else who wants to fight me?" Zhao Wen asked in a very soft voice: "I never have too many treasures. No matter who it is, as long as they want to challenge me, they can come up now!"

As he spoke, Zhao Wen had completely put away the Five Elements Domain, and the Tiangang Earth Evil Formation was surrounding it. The Universe Overlords and Masters of the Universe around the Yanji Continent could even see tens of thousands of women cultivating at the core of the formation.

It was as if he didn't feel any changes in the outside world at all.

"This is the galaxy lord's star formation. I didn't expect it to be so powerful!" A human immortal exclaimed.

Many humans looked around, and some of the more impatient ones began to shout provocatively: "There were many heroes just now. Why don't you go up and give it a try? If you are lucky, you can get several valuable treasures!"

All the alien immortals looked embarrassed, but none of them flew into the sky.

But what we see now is a heavy treasure field and a heavy treasure formation. No one believes that a strong man like Galaxy Lord will not have other heavy treasures on his body.

Not to mention anything else, he just killed millions of cultivators of all races, and many of them had valuable treasures on their bodies.

Everyone looked at Zhao Wen with gleaming eyes. After a rough calculation, Zhao Wen already had dozens of valuable treasures on him, and he had never returned to the human safe zone. Obviously, these valuable treasures were still on him.

As long as it is captured, dozens of valuable treasures can be obtained. However, after thinking about the method Zhao Wen used to easily capture the domain of valuable treasures just now, no one dares to step forward to test it without knowing whether there are other methods.

The Tiangang Disha Formation gently unfolded, completely covering the Yanji Continent. Countless cultivators of all races who were practicing in the Yanji Continent seemed to see a huge starry sky appear.

The cosmic overlords and masters of the universe on the periphery of the Yanji Continent can enter the Tiangang Disha Formation with just a thought, but they all look at each other, but no one dares to enter.

Seeing Zhao Wenzai's crazy provocation, several universe masters looked at each other, shook their heads slightly, and turned around to leave.

Although several cosmic overlords were still around, they completely ignored Zhao Wen's provocation and started transmitting spiritual messages to each other.

"It shouldn't have reached the treasure level, but it's very close!" A mechanical universe overlord said with great certainty.

"When preaching in Chaos City, each listener must send a planet's materials as a ticket. The resources sent by millions of listeners are all integrated into it. There is also the support of a teacher like the Lord of Chaos City. It is not surprising to be promoted to a heavy treasure.

!" The Zerg universe overlord analyzed it calmly.

"I didn't expect to send a domain treasure, but I didn't even try to find out what the treasure was on the Galaxy Lord. Do I need to send the Universe Lord to test it?" The demon clan overlord of the universe had the ugliest expression on his face. The one he was testing just now was his demon clan.


"There is no need to test the immortal level. Unless it is outside the training place, otherwise the Galaxy Lord is already invincible in the training place!"


This chapter has been completed!
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