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Chapter 857: Great Qin Conferred God

"Now that all the powerful Taoists have entered the list of gods, what are your plans?"

After all the immortal kings and true immortals entered the list of gods, Zhao Wen looked at Taishang Laojun, and his voice and attitude were obviously much gentler.

In the world of Journey to the West, he became a disciple of Xuandu and practiced the Nine-turn Golden Pill method. Xuandu was a disciple of Taishang Laojun. He believed that it was the accumulation of world after world that made the Great Qin world what it is today.

Lord Zhao Wen.

Every step of this is something he has experienced before, and he can face it calmly.

Xuandu was a disciple of Taishang Laojun. If he really wanted to say it, he wanted to call the person in front of him his master, but he didn't dare to let Zhao Wen call him that.

"Back then, my strength was low and I traveled to various worlds to learn skills. Xuanyang Mountain Xuandu was my master when I traveled!"

"Xuan is my disciple!" Taishang Laojun looked at Zhao Wen, his expression instantly became solemn, majestic and domineering, and his aura of looking down on everyone like the law of heaven swept through the space.

That is to say, there are no monks with low strength here, otherwise even the Golden Immortal would probably be completely subdued by such a powerful aura.

"I know!" Zhao Wen nodded firmly and confirmed.

"I also deceived the Seven-Star Sword and the Purple Gold and Red Gourd from the Golden Horn and Silver Horn, and I defrauded the Gold and Steel Diamond from the Green Ox. These treasures showed great power during my travels!"

Now that he is the master of the world and Taishang Laojun is in his Star Tower, Zhao Wen really doesn't mind telling him about how he cheated him out of a few treasures.

After thinking about it carefully, I have been using the Tiangang Disha Formation on weekdays. Although the other treasures are powerful, they are really useless in my own hands, which is too much of a waste.

However, top-level treasures can be used, but cannot be lived without. Zhao Wen will never give them to others for use.

"I just want to ask, after entering the list of gods, can I come out of it in the future?"

Mr. Zhao Wen's aura slowly weakened. Seeing that the man in front of him didn't mind telling him that he had deceived Jinjiao, Yinjiao and Qingniu, he knew that he didn't care.

The most important thing is that Taishang Laojun knows that when the two worlds merged, all the aliens were eliminated, and the Golden Horn, Silver Horn and Green Ox were all aliens, and no one survived.

Not even the boy who gave him the treasure was left behind, let alone his master, whom he had never met.

So all he wanted from Zhao Wen was a word, even if it was just perfunctory, he had to have an answer first before he could speak in the future.

The Master of the Conferred Gods List knows very well that as long as you don’t use the power of incense to improve your cultivation and reshape your body, you can still get out of it.

"Old gentleman, you should have noticed that my strength has improved very quickly. When I joined Xuandu's sect, I was only in the realm of Heavenly Immortal, but now I have reached the peak of Taiyi. It won't be long before I can break through Daluo."

, and even break through to a higher realm!”

Speaking of this, Zhao Wen's expression was relaxed and comfortable: "In the final analysis, the Conferred Gods List is just an immortal weapon. When one day, the Conferred Gods List is not as good as a wave of my hand to me, then naturally the gods on the list will be free.


Zhao Wen definitely did not deceive Taishang Laojun about this. In fact, this is what he thought.

There is definitely a limit to the gods that can be controlled by the Conferred Gods List, which is closely related to the world. Now the strongest can control the peak of Taiyi. In the future, after the Daqin world is promoted, it may be able to control the gods of the Daluo realm like the Conferred Gods World.

But Zhao Wen never believed that the list of gods could control the immortal cultivators above the Da Luo realm.

When he can control everything with a single thought, the gods on the list of gods are of no use to him.

Anyway, the Great Qin world will always cultivate some strong men to increase the activity of the laws of heaven and earth and improve the application of the laws. In this case, why can't they cultivate these who are more familiar to him!

The immortals and Buddhas in the world of Journey to the West are exactly the same as those in my memory, and they all sound much more comfortable, and are always more pleasing to the eye than some completely unfamiliar monks.

As the true spirit of Taishang Laojun was put into the list of gods, all the cultivators imprisoned in the Star Tower were cleared.

With a gentle wave of his hand, the Star Tower was suppressed again into the Tiangang Disha Formation. The Tiangang Disha Formation was operating at full strength, but in an instant, half of the energy in the void was sucked in by the Tiangang Disha Formation.

After the energy entering the Tiangang Earth Evil Formation was transformed, it was poured into the Great Qin Heaven and Earth.

Since the whole people promoted the method of covering the sky, the older generation of cultivators have either ascended or died. Now there are no older generation of cultivators in Da Qin. For the people of Da Qin today, spiritual rain only exists in history.

"His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven has appeared!"

Sensing the spiritual rain falling from the sky, it turned into the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and squeezed into the body. The first discoverer screamed crazily.

Turning around, they glanced regretfully at the spiritual rain that had already fallen into the earth due to lack of reaction. All the people of Great Qin simultaneously put on their training postures and began to practice with all their strength.

In this kind of spiritual rain, one day of practice can be compared to one year of practice. No one is willing to miss this opportunity.

Historically, spiritual rain did not fall for a long time. No one knows how long His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven will rain spiritual rain this time. The best thing to do is to seize the time and do your best to improve your cultivation and get the benefits first.

Vast waves of incense poured into the Great Qin Palace one after another, and were swept away by the list of gods.

Tens of thousands of gods in the list of gods shine brightly at the same time.

"I conferred the title of Taishang Laojun as the Taoist Ancestor, taking charge of all Taoist affairs in the Qin world, and being responsible for establishing Taoist temples in various continents and preaching the Taoism to the Qin Dynasty!"

"Consecrate Tathagata as the Buddha, take charge of all Buddhist affairs in the Qin world, and be responsible for establishing Buddhist temples in various continents and spreading Buddhism to the world!"

The Taoist sect and the Buddhist Taoist sect were originally established by these two people. No matter whether they sealed the gods or not, others could not shake the two sects of Buddhism and Taoism. Zhao Wen still knew this, so he sealed them directly.

By the way, let everyone know that these two are also on their own list of gods.

The expressions of all the strong Buddhists and Taoists in the world of Journey to the West changed at the same time, and they looked at Zhao Wen with a hint of respect.

"Confess Zhang Bairen as the Ziwei Emperor, take charge of the Dutian Star God, and suppress all the powerful people from other worlds who have merged with the Great Qin world!"

"Feng Yingzheng as the Immortal Emperor, commanding all the spirits of heaven and earth, and in charge of heavenly soldiers and generals!"

The Supreme Emperor stepped forward to take over the throne of God, and Ying Zheng, who came from the Qin Dynasty world in the underworld, slowly disappeared like a phantom.

There can only be one Yingzheng in heaven and earth. When the Supreme Emperor is named the Emperor of Heaven, the other will naturally collapse.

It’s not like Zhao Wen never thought about changing his name to let the other one stay, but he gave up the idea in the end. The world is too big and there are too many powerful people. If he wants to stay, he must be sealed as a righteous god, and he must be a righteous god.

Great Emperor.

All the Zhengshen Emperors have the peak strength of Taiyi, and it takes too many resources to improve.

Even Zhao Wen himself is only at the peak of Taiyi.

Now that the underworld of the Qin Empire is fully operational, Zhao Wen naturally does not want to waste the power of incense in this way.

One after another, the gods were sealed, and the gods one after another stepped forward and bowed to Zhao Wen before retreating.

The star gods in the sky are constantly sealed, and every time a god appears, a star will shine brightly in the sky.

What is different from other worlds is that this time Zhao Wen only canonizes the righteous gods in the Taiyi realm, and the auxiliary gods below Taiyi are chosen by each righteous god.

He only needs to clearly define the division of responsibilities and arrange things directly.

If he really had to do everything by himself, he would be too exhausted to take control of all the continents in the Qin world.

One by one, the golden immortals on the list of gods naturally flew behind the righteous god they were optimistic about, bowed to Zhao Wen, then turned and left.

Behind the Jade Emperor, it was very natural that some strong men from both Buddhism and Taoism appeared. Obviously, the Jade Emperor, who seemed to be suppressed by Buddhism and Taoism, did not do nothing.

The Supreme Being and Tathagata ran to the Jade Emperor in response to the immortal Buddha behind them. Their expressions on their faces did not change at all. At the same time, they bowed to Zhao Wen and left.

After all the gods left, Zhao Wen moved towards the core of the world and consumed the power of the world. At the core of all continents, a huge palace rose directly from the ground.

In the palace, Zhao Wen, the Heavenly Emperor, sat at the top, with Taoist Buddha, several Heavenly Emperors, and all the righteous gods standing on the left and right.

As for the auxiliary gods, they all stand outside the palace.

All the gods on the list of gods can be found in this palace.

To build such a palace, Zhao Wen could have refined it easily without wasting the power of the world.

But Zhao Wen plans to build a temple that can accommodate all gods.

In the future, new gods will appear, and their figures will also appear in this palace.

Unless you refine it yourself every time you become a god, it would be better to consume the power of the world and connect it with the way of heaven, so that it can be automatically updated.

Having said that, with the current growth rate of the Great Qin world, Zhao Wen is not short of this world power, so he might as well save himself some time.

The establishment of this temple also has another function. Everyone will know at a glance that the Emperor of Heaven in the Great Qin world is themselves. At the same time, they will also know who surrenders to themselves as the Emperor of Heaven.

If you want to build temples everywhere, the one who can find phantoms when you enter is naturally the righteous god of heaven and earth.

This temple alone can bring endless incense power to me.

Compared with the harvest, the contribution of this world's power is simply nothing.

"The greater the number of strong men, the faster the consumption of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. It's a pity that today's Great Qin cannot afford to support so many strong men who are refining their bodies!"

The spiritual rain below continues to fall into the world of Daqin, and the aura of realm breakthroughs continues throughout the continent. With each realm breakthrough, the consumption of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will increase tenfold and a hundredfold.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth that was originally able to accumulate due to the spiritual rain fell, but after continuous breakthroughs, it once again became unable to make ends meet.

From the perspective of the Lord of the World, the speed of refining void energy between heaven and earth has greatly increased, which is a good thing.

But any strong person can tell at a glance that the people of Great Qin have reached their limit and there is no possibility of improvement anymore.

As more and more people break through, the transformation speed of the Tiangang Disha Formation becomes faster and faster.

Just one Great Qin world consumes void energy that is equivalent to the consumption of all other continents in the Great Qin world combined.

The speed at which the world's fetal membrane transforms the energy of chaos has increased a little.

The more energy is consumed, the faster the world grows. This is an iron rule for the growth of the world.

But now, the Great Qin world is consuming void energy at an unprecedented rate.

Zhao Wen slowly closed his eyes and completely devoted his mind to the ocean of Da Qin's laws.

He will give Da Qin Tiandi ten years to improve and accumulate.

The Great Qin world is the main world of the Great Qin world, so it naturally has to keep a distance from other worlds.

In the past ten years, the Tiangang Earth Evil Formation has been operating at full capacity, and the void energy it has been able to convert and absorb is far more than the total void energy absorbed by Da Qin Heaven and Earth before. It is countless times more.

For Yifangtiandi, this is the most important accumulation.

In these ten years, unless a world like Fengshen merges in, the main world of Da Qin will never be able to shake even a bit.

As long as the Great Qin world is stable, the Great Qin world will not be in chaos. Even if all other continents are destroyed, I will have the confidence to start over again after I return.

In the Great Qin Palace, each of the imperial concubines also devoted themselves wholeheartedly to understanding the laws.

Since Zhao Wen broke through the Taiyi realm, just standing in front of Zhao Wen requires all his concentration.

The imperial concubine in the Golden Immortal realm faced Zhao Wen just like an ordinary person facing a god.

This is not the first time such a situation has occurred.

The last time it appeared was when Zhao Wen broke through to the Golden Immortal realm.

It's just that this time the gap has become even greater.

All the imperial concubines know that if their own strength cannot be improved, let alone being with His Majesty, even standing in front of His Majesty, there is no possibility.

No one wants something like this to happen to them, so making every effort to improve their understanding of the law has become the top priority in the Great Qin Palace.

When the ten years were up, Zhao Wen slowly opened his eyes and waved gently, and the Tiangang Earth Evil Formation turned into a jade plaque and appeared on Zhao Wen's waist.

The herbal classics disappeared directly into Zhao Wen's body.

All the Immortal Kings who were originally suppressed in it have disappeared, and there are more than a dozen more Mountain God Lands with Immortal Kings and True Immortals in the list of gods.

The five-element and five-square flag, the purple gold and red gourd, the seven-star sword, the gold and steel carving, and the yin and yang two gas bottles disappeared one after another. After the original spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the Great Qin Continent was continuously broken through, the spiritual rain had long since disappeared.

Now that so many immortal weapons have disappeared, they have begun to plummet!

However, in recent years, everyone has become accustomed to the decline in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. People who know that their qualifications are not good enough and cannot break through to a higher realm have also accepted their fate. After looking up at the top, they devoted themselves to other matters in hand.

Zhao Wen's figure slowly flew upward, getting higher and higher until it completely disappeared.

In the Great Qin Palace below, all the imperial concubines prostrated themselves on the ground, their eyes filled with determination.

All the princesses know that His Majesty has entered a new world, and this is their best opportunity.

You must make a breakthrough in your own cultivation before His Majesty comes back, so that you can truly stand by His Majesty's side! ()

This chapter has been completed!
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