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Chapter 885 Let the three Xiantian clans form an alliance with the Wu clan

"If we form an alliance with the Witch Clan, our Qilin Clan will be in great trouble in the future!"

The ancestral Qilin has a deep voice, the Dragon Clan rules the world, the Phoenix Clan occupies the sky, and the Qilin Clan’s territory is the earth.

The Wu Clan and the Qilin Clan are both races that want to survive on land, and they will inevitably compete with each other in the future.

But as long as you think about the twelve ancestral witches of the Wu clan, you will know that when the two clans are fighting, the Qilin clan has no chance of gaining the upper hand.

But the biggest threat is the Chaos Demon God. If they want to deal with the remaining Chaos Demon God in Pangu Kaitian, the Qilin Clan must advance and retreat together with the Wu Clan.

No, not only the Qilin clan, but also the three Xiantian clans must advance and retreat together with the Qilin clan.

But as far as he knew, the power of the Wu Clan was growing day by day in these days, and they were constantly killing members of the surrounding Dragon Clan. Even the Dragon Clan's Daluo had been devoured several times.

This was to be caught and eaten alive. For this reason, the Dragon Clan tried to unite the three Xiantian Clan to deal with the Witch Clan several times.

"Senior actually didn't notice a problem. The number of the Wu Clan is too small. The stronger the strength, the harder it is to give birth to offspring. Senior, do you think the number of the Wu Clan will be comparable to that of the Dragon Clan in the future?"

Zhao Wenke remembered that the Witch Clan competed with the Monster Clan, but they were always outnumbered by the Monster Clan. In addition, they valued bloodline too much and never accepted foreign races. The entire prehistoric world was dominated by Monster Clan except for the Witch Clan.

Later, after intermarriage with the human race, their numbers increased, but their strength declined even faster.

Such a race can occupy one place, but it is impossible to rule the ancient world.

"We, the Qilin tribe, will join forces with the three Xiantian tribes and the Wu tribe to look for traces of the Chaos Demon God. The Great Desolate World is the world opened up by the Great God Pangu for the creatures of the prehistoric times. The Chaos Demon God should be killed!"

Zu Qilin didn't even need to think about it. One look at the current reproduction rate of his Qilin tribe and he knew that the biggest problem was the number of races that relied entirely on blood.

The Qilin Clan will still accept land races after all, but the Wu Clan and other primitive creatures are two completely different systems.

Maybe the Wu Clan can gain the upper hand in a short period of time, but Zu Qilin is confident that as long as everything goes well, the Wu Clan can be completely suppressed.

"But you must convince the Wu Clan to stop killing the subordinate races of my three innate tribes, otherwise even if we are willing, the subordinate races will not be willing to unite with the Wu Clan!"

It can be said that there is a mass killing around the Wu Clan these days. If it is not stopped, the three Xiantian clans will be ready to go to war with the Wu Clan.

"Senior, in the prehistoric world, the strong are respected. In fact, the subordinate races are not as important as you think. To cultivate their bodies, the Witch Clan must have food. To stop them from killing means not allowing them to improve. Do you think this is possible?


"No way!" Zu Qilin smiled bitterly. He had no way to deal with barbarians like the Wu Clan.

There are no major problems around the entire Wu Clan, and they even deliberately maintain the surrounding environment and earth veins to ensure the movement of the world, just like a hermit, always staying there.

But as long as the other races in the prehistoric era came close, none of them could come out alive, and they all became food for the Wu clan.

The three Xiantian clans have actually tried to get close to the Wu clan, but the envoys they sent made no sound after entering. Now that I think about it, they must have been turned into food by the Wu clan.

In the entire prehistoric era, Zhao Wen is probably the only one who can enter the place where the Wu Clan lives and contact the Wu Clan.

"Senior, I can contact the Witch Clan, but are you sure that the Dragon Clan and Phoenix Clan are willing to join?"

The trouble with the Quasi-Saint Peak is to hold the Quasi-Saint Peak with the innate treasure. This involves risking one's life. Not to mention the ordinary clansmen, even the clan leaders of the three innate clans may die on the spot.

The Qilin clan has always been wise, and it is not surprising that they can agree to Zhao Wen, but the Dragon and Phoenix clans have always been arrogant, and they are not sure whether they will agree to Zhao Wen.

"I'll do my best!" Zu Qilin nodded lightly. No one knows how many remaining Chaos Demon Gods there are. They only know that their strength is definitely not low, at least at the quasi-sage level, and may even be the quasi-sage peak.

In addition, with the help of the innate treasure, it is naturally difficult to convince the other two tribes, but in order for the descendants of the three tribes to survive safely in the wilderness, this matter is imperative.

"Senior Wu Clan is here, Zhao Wen from the Sanqing Sect is here to pay his respects!"

Outside the Wu Clan's sphere of influence, in order to show respect for the Wu Clan, Zhao Wen stopped directly at the edge of the Wu Clan's sphere of influence and bowed inwards.

"Hahaha, you are a junior descendant of Pangu. We are all part of the same family. Come in, why don't we greet you!" A rough voice sounded, and Zhao Wen felt the surrounding space change. When he appeared, he was already in front of a main hall.


The twelve ancestral witches all stood in front of the hall, looking at themselves with gentle eyes. Obviously, the witch clan was still willing to get close to Pangu Sanqing, and they were a little more courteous to himself, a disciple of the Sanqing.

Of course, Zhao Wen also noticed that the Wu clan did not intend to let him enter Pangu Palace.

It is said that all the Wu Clan were born from the Pangu Palace, and it is the most important treasure of the Wu Clan. However, this fact also made Zhao Wen know that there was a gap in the courtesy he received.

After bowing to the Twelve Ancestral Witches, Zhao Wen told the Twelve Ancestral Witches what he had told Zu Qilin.

"You said that there are still remnants of the Chaos Demon God in the ancient world, and the black-clothed quasi-sage is the remnant of the Chaos Demon God?" Jiang, the Space Ancestral Witch Emperor, who was as red as red fire and had six legs and four wings, asked urgently with a solemn expression.

"Yes, and these chaos demon consciousnesses were born very early, and many treasures in the prehistoric world were taken away by them. My master Tongtian encountered two three-legged golden crows on the Sun Star, and the chaos clock transformed from Pangu's ax in the opponent's arms was connected to his mind!


"According to what Jinwu said, he fell into his arms from the sky when he was still unconscious. It was obvious that someone had planned it."

"The four swords in the hands of the quasi-sage in black are connected to the minds of the twelve seniors. They should be the killing weapons left by the great god Pangu for the twelve seniors. They were stolen by the quasi-sage in black!"

"Thieves deserve to die!"

"This thief deserves to be killed!"

The twelve ancestral witches were all furious and wished they could immediately find a black-clothed quasi-sage for a fight.

"What the Wu Clan should do now is to unite with the three innate tribes to prevent the three innate tribes from joining the other side's camp!"

Zhao Wen looked at the Twelve Ancestral Witches and said solemnly: "The Wu Clan and the Three Innate Tribes all have huge development potential. As long as they don't kill each other, there will always be a day when they surpass each other. But if the three Innate Tribes are allowed to join the other side's camp!"

Speaking of this, Zhao Wen paused for a moment and said with certainty: "When the twelve seniors are entangled, it will be the day when the Wu clan will be exterminated!"

The expressions of the twelve ancestral witches froze at the same time. Apart from the twelve ancestral witches, there was no other great person in the witch clan, and the strongest ones were only in the Taiyi realm.

Each of the three Xiantian clans has thousands of people. As long as the Twelve Ancestral Witches cannot escape, the current witch clan will never be a match for the three Xiantian clans.

"The three innate tribes are just food!" Looking at Zhao Wen, Di Jiang said very naturally.

Let the Witch Clan unite with food, and grab the comrades around you to eat during the battle. The Witch Clan really can't do such a thing.

"What does the alliance with the three innate tribes have to do with the subordinate races?" Zhao Wen asked curiously.

Neither the Witch Clan nor the three Xiantian Clan can regard the subordinate races as the same kind, let alone have the same status.

There are twelve quasi-sages in the Wu Clan. It is impossible for the Three Xiantian Tribes to care about how many subordinate races they eat. It is not impossible to even catch the subordinate races in person in order to please the Wu Clan. Zhao Wen can be sure that the Three Xiantian Tribes will definitely do this.


"Hahaha!" The Twelve Ancestral Witches laughed wildly, obviously not thinking about it from this perspective.

"Even if you secretly capture a few of the Xiantian Tribe and eat them, as long as they are not seen, do they still dare to come to your door?"

Zhao Wen asked directly.

In the ancient world, strength was the most important thing, and the Wu Clan was obviously more powerful, and they had allies like Pangu and Sanqing outside.

Although no one knows how much Pangu Sanqing is willing to help the Wu clan.

But the three Xiantian tribes will definitely not understand this.

With two innate treasures, one for attack and one for defense, as long as you break through the Quasi-Saint, you can fight against the pinnacle of Quasi-Saint.

It can be said that there is only a thin line between Pangu Sanqing and the quasi-sage. Who should underestimate it!

"I will discuss the alliance with the three Xiantian clans right now!" Di Jiang was obviously the boss of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, and he planned to come directly to him.


Zhao Wen hurriedly stopped him: "Even if we want to form an alliance, my Pangu descendants are more powerful. Naturally, they come to beg us to form an alliance. How can they come to us on their own!"

Zhao Wen looked at the Twelve Ancestral Witches with a smile on his face: "They came to us and begged us to form an alliance, so that we could put forward conditions, such as eating several subordinate races, who should be the leader, everything

All the initiative is in the hands of my Pangu descendants!"

"That's right!" The twelve ancestral witches nodded at the same time.

Zhao Wen gently raised his hand and crushed the jade talisman that Zu Qilin gave him to send a message to him. He turned around and looked around. There were bones everywhere.

To the witch clan, this is trash thrown away randomly, but to the herbal classics, this is energy.

During this time, the Wu Clan has eaten several Daluo. The remains of Daluo given to the Golden Immortal can be used to directly refine spiritual treasures and send them into herbal books to produce a crop of spiritual fruits. There is absolutely no such thing as

any problem.

Especially the remaining bones of several dragons, which are ten thousand feet long. To be torn into two pieces and thrown somewhere is simply the biggest waste.

"Let me clean up the surroundings!" Zhao Wen had a look of disgust on his face, and the book of herbal medicine flashed and covered the area around Pangu Temple.

Just in an instant, the green light disappeared, and all the remaining bones around it disappeared. The area around Pangu Hall that originally looked a bit messy suddenly became much smoother, and even the atmosphere suddenly became fresher.

Hou Tu looked curiously at Zhao Wen's Materia Medica. Lingbao and the others had also obtained some from food, but this was the first time they had seen something like the Materia Medica that could be grown.

However, Zhao Wen was a junior, so she was too embarrassed to ask for permission to come over and investigate carefully.

"These are plants and fairy seeds that I have collected from various places, as well as many innate spiritual roots. When they grow up in the future, they may not be able to become a top spiritual treasure!"

Zhao Wen raised his hand and handed over the herbal book.

The Witch Clan couldn't use the spirit treasure, they were just curious and wanted to take a look at it, and he still knew this.

Gently feeling the spiritual roots in the herbal classics, Hou Tu said with some regret: "It's a pity that all the spiritual roots found by the Witch Clan were eaten alive. Otherwise, if they were planted, they could improve this treasure of yours!"

Zhao Wen smiled awkwardly, but did not agree.

Although the Wu clan is small in number, there are still hundreds of thousands of them.

The daily food for so many Wu clan is by no means a small amount.

That is to say, once you are strong, you don't need to eat every day. Otherwise, the three Xiantian tribes would rather hang out with the Chaos Demon God than form an alliance with the Witch Clan.

"Do you really think that after our witch clan forms an alliance with the three innate clans, we can fight against the Chaos Demon God?"

In the distance, Di Jiang had a gloomy face. Ever since he knew that there were still remnants of the Chaos Demon God in the ancient world, Di Jiang's face had been gloomy.

Only after fighting in person can one know how powerful the Quasi-Saint peak is.

The current Wu clan plus the three Xiantian clans fought against the black-clothed quasi-sage who appeared that day. Di Jiang didn't think his side had any chance of winning, let alone that there were more than one Chaos Demon God.

"This is not because we want to fight against them, but these Chaos Demon Gods will never let go of the descendants of Pangu. Even if it is to protect themselves, we can only fight them desperately!" Zhao Wen explained.

In the original prehistoric world, the Wu clan was almost completely wiped out. After the Battle of the Gods, Pangu and the Three Purities were restricted by the three red pills. It can be said that they were completely defeated.

Instead of doing this, it is better to work hard. If you lose one, you can try your luck to see if you can get the innate treasure.

This is a mutual benefit!

"My witch clan and the Chaos Demon God are at odds with each other!" A big man with flames in his eyes roared, and the other ancestral witches were eager to fight at the same time. Apparently they all understood that it was not that they wanted to cause trouble for others, but that they simply couldn't let them go.


"As long as you think about the spiritual treasures that accompany the master and uncle, they were robbed before the consciousness was born. The treasures left by the great god Pangu for the twelve seniors, I am afraid that there is only one Pangu temple. You can imagine that these Chaos Demon Gods have been around for a long time.

They have been plotting against me for a long time!"

In the ancient times, the strong ones connected with the way of heaven and could control the general trend of heaven and earth. After one layout after another formed a torrent, anyone who dared to resist was against the general trend of heaven and earth, and heaven and earth would be punished together!

No matter Pangu Sanqing or the Wu Clan, they can only deal with all this passively.

The only advantage now is that in order to plot against the three innate clans, these Chaos Demon Gods have messed up Tianji. In addition, God Junta died, and the Wu clan left the world early. Even if Tianji is restored, it will be in chaos.

"Here are these gadgets for you!" Hou Tu handed the herbal book back and grabbed it into the Pangu Palace. Hundreds of spiritual treasures were taken out directly.

"It's useless for me, the Witch Clan, to stay here. Seeing as you have raised so much food in the formation, I think you should be able to use it!"

Glancing at the Tiangang Disha Formation hanging on Zhao Wen's waist, the smell of food made several ancestral wizards salivate.

It's just that Zhao Wen is a junior after all, so he is too embarrassed to snatch it from his hands, so he can only endure it forcefully.

In the East China Sea Dragon Palace, Zu Feng, Zu Qilin and Zu Long were sitting quietly in the main hall at the same time. The sound of a broken jade talisman sounded, and they opened their eyes at the same time!

This chapter has been completed!
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